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url 2015-12-23 20:10
My 2015 Reading in Review: Part 1

Since I don't expect to finish anything significant before the end of the year, I went ahead and tallied up my 2015 reading stats. Actually, I became a little obsessed with transforming my reading into numbers, color-coded spreadsheets, and graphs. Once I had amassed all this info, I then decided to try something new: transform all that data into a pretty infographic. On the downside, I don't have a premium subscription to the particular service I use, so I can't download the PDF version to share (which really sucks). I did, however, publish it on their community page and you can check it out via the link if you like.


This is my first infographic design, so I kept it as simple as possible (definitely tell me what you think, but please be gentle...). I'm hoping to tackle a more complex version when I break down my Read Harder Challenge progress for my final 2015 update.


 EDIT: I did finally figure out how to work around the system and export a so-so image. Sharing in a separate post.

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url 2015-09-30 20:47
Ships of the Imperial Radch Trilogy infographic

I like that there are ship silhouettes, although I have issues with this infographic. 1) Are those ship silhouettes drawn to scale? 2) What about all the ancillaries that would have been in storage? and 3) Really? That's it? I'm greedy, I want a meatier infographic.


You know how I said I was going to have to exercise some self-control and save book 3 for after my conference presentation? I'm not sure I have that kind of willpower. This is why I rarely keep up with series anymore. I hate waiting for next volumes.

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url 2015-03-03 17:14
Bibliothèque Précieuse

* Vous allez acquérir plus de 800 Ebooks des plus grands auteurs à succès de toute l’histoire de la littérature


* Vous êtes le propriétaire à vie de ces Ebooks, vous en faites ce que vous voulez. Sachez que le marché des ebooks est en pleine expansion mondiale sur le Net


* Vous pouvez les imprimer, les distribuer, les vendre, par unité, ou groupés par  thèmes, auteurs, genres, ils sont déjà classés pour vous


* Ces Ebooks sont une opportunité formidable pour tout le monde :


* Pour vous les étudiants qui auront accès à tous les grands auteurs classiques, philosophiques, antiques, poétiques…


* Pour vous, les parents, qui disposerez des grands auteurs de contes et fables pour les enfants.


* Pour vous les amateurs de littérature, de philo, de poésie, d’histoire…


* Pour vous qui cherchez des Ebooks à vendre sur le Net



bibliothèque précieuse

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url 2015-02-25 23:40
Infographic: A Map of the Literary Genres (from Electric Literature)
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url 2014-09-12 16:30
How Long Will It Take to Read?

Link to an infographic that takes word count and average reading speed to show how long it will take to read many popular and classic books (from Electric Literature, via Personal Creations).

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