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review 2016-06-11 23:29
Neverland Evermore - Sarah J. Pepper Neverland Evermore - Sarah J. Pepper

I love new takes (especially twisted ones ;-) on traditional fantasy and fairy tales.  Neverland Evermore fits the bill (both a new take AND twisted).

In Sarah J. Pepper's take on the Peter Pan story, Neverland is actually a place of evil and Peter Pan, a kind of devil.  Tinkerbell (known as Miss Bell) escapes (or is banished) from this dreadful place and finds comfort in the arms of "her captain".

neverland evermore book review

There is implied sex in this book, although nothing graphic.  Honestly, I was relieved, as picturing Tinkerbell and Captain Hook together is a little like thinking of a chihuahua with a Great Dane.  How do you work out the logistics of something like that?  Fortunately, Neverland Evermore's Miss Bell is simply a very petite magical woman, not a tiny firefly-like creature.

The story alternates between past and present, between the perspectives of Miss Bell and Captain Hook.  Wendy, Michael and John all have their roles also, but don't expect the polite English children from the original story!!

I enjoyed all the twists and turns in the story.  Wondering what character or part of the story would be turned on its ear is part of the fun of reading this book.

I highly recommend Neverland Evermore for teenage or adult fans of fantasy and fairytales, who don't mind the irreverent treatment.  This book is NOT FOR CHILDREN!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Source: teressamorris.com/2016/06/11/neverland-evermore-book-review
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text 2015-07-17 12:00
Fairy Tale Confessions Collection ~ Cover Reveal




Fairy Tale Confessions Collection 
Published by: Amber Leaf Publishing
Publication date: October 1st 2015
Genres: Fairy Tales


Fourteen bestselling authors twist up your favorite tales. Will your favorite have a happily-every-after?

Get ready to meet some sexy, not-so-valiant princes, punk-rock princesses, villains turned heroes, and truly vile monsters, causing  havoc within our favorite happily-ever-afters.

Read about Dancing Princesses getting their groove on in a disco club, a seriously sexy Rumpelstiltskin, and one alluring Puss-in-Boots, plus many, many more captivating characters in these fourteen all new short-stories.

In association with RT 2016 come meet the twisted fairy tale girls: M. Clarke, Amy Daws, L.P. Dover, Elizabeth Montgomery, Shannon Morton, Brynn Myers, Wendy Owens, Sarah J. Pepper, Cameo Renae, Kellie Sheridan, Jessica Sorensen, Kristen Strassel, Tish Thawer, and K.R. Wilburn. If you’ll be in Vegas for RT 2016, join hosts, Sarah J. Pepper and Tish Thawer at the Fairy Tale Costume Party where you could see a traditional Snow-White, or a completely gothed-out Belle roaming the scene, win dinner with Prince Charming, and snag gift baskets from all the participating authors.

Source: www.xpressobooktours.com
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review 2014-07-21 15:30
Surprised Me!
Death of the Mad Hatter - Sarah J. Pepper

My Initial Reaction... 
Death of a Mad Hatter surprised me! I'm not a big Wonderland fan, but I was told that I just HAD to read it and I'm really glad I did. The characters were fantastic and Wonderland had just enough to entertain without overwhelming those of us who aren't die hard Wonderland fans. 

The Characters... 
I can't express how much I loved Alice Mae, sometimes called Al so that she would be a girl with a boy's name. See there's this prophecy and part of it had to be fulfilled by a girl with a boy's name and ta-da, Alice Mae gets renamed. She's a really great character - very multifaceted. When I first met her I thought, "man, this girl's nuts" but I quickly grew to like her quirky personality. Quirky's the word too - see that cover? That's Alice Mae - you see some weirdness and some fierceness all bundled up in that picture and it totally nails her. The story is told only half from her point of view, but I loved getting to see how she got into her current situation and the marvelous way that she's so conflicted and confused about things. And with that prophecy you totally understand why... I'd be messed up too. 

The other half is told from the point of view of Ryley - the boy with a girl's name. And yep, that's significant too. And yes, because of a prophecy. Prophecies play a big part in Death of the Mad Hatter, but in a marvelous, you want to figure out what's going to happen way, not in a man that prophecy is annoying way (you've read those books too, right? not just me?). Anyway, Ryley was an okay character. He was well-written, but seriously got on my nerves. He's so all over the place with his feelings and the way he acted toward several of the girls - including Alice Mae - really annoyed me because it was just WRONG. Sometimes the reasons worked for me, but most the time it made him just not very likeable (for me). And yet, I found myself totally swept away with his and Alice Mae's relationship - I WANTED them together, I liked them as a couple and I liked him better when he wasn't fighting his feelings for her. 

The Story... 
I think for any fairy tale retelling you're looking for the ways that the author took the original story and made it their own. In a fairy tale retelling I expect: 
1. References to the original the make me go, "Oh! I recognize that!" and maybe get a little giddy
2. Details that a die-hard fan of the original will appreciate, but won't bog down someone who just vaguely knows the story
3. Inventive reinterpretation through a totally original story and characters

Let me start with #3 - because with a retelling it seems that's the hardest to achieve. Death of the Mad Hatter totally did that for me. With the exception of some really key, gotta have 'em elements, this was totally original. You did not go into this story knowing what to expect. I didn't know what to expect ever quite frankly - I was always guessing. 

#2 - I honestly can't say for sure on this one because I'm not a die hard fan, and yet I feel like some elements were familiar and yet I didn't have a clue what they referred to. So I'm guessing those are the elements a die-hard would get giddy over. But I can say, I was never ever bogged down. I never felt like not knowing Wonderland really well was a handicap, because this world worked on it's own without any necessary love for or knowledge of Wonderland. 

#1 - It totally had the Mad Hatter (duh!), Red Queen, Playing Cards, White Rabbit, etc. It was all there and yet they were fresh and new. 

Concluding Sentiments... 
So yeah - I loved this retelling and definitely recommend it. I also have to say - without spoiling - that I loved this ending. It was a really good fit for Wonderland. And I'll leave it at that!

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review 2014-06-03 00:00
Death of the Mad Hatter
Death of the Mad Hatter - Sarah J. Pepper,Deb Lebakken,Heather Banta,Emily DeHaan I was really surprised at how much I really enjoyed this book, it was funny, quirky and completely nuts.

Alice Mae was just such a fun character, and I loved her differences and how she just shrugged things of while trying to live in two worlds. She was also a frustrating character and I can totally understand Ryley wanting to strangle her at times, but then that's what added to her mystery and who she really was and finally became.

Ryley was likable but typical male a little dense. He took for ever to get things and when he finally did wake up I was like stupid boy.

The world created was well thought out and even though not much time was spent in wonderland it's self I still enjoyed it. I do believe it could have been a darker book especially with the Joker being a sadistic creature.
I likes the touch about the candys and why they were needed.

I just loved this book so much. A modern updated alice in wonderland.
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review 2013-12-14 22:11
Death of the Mad Hatter by Sarah J. Pepper Review/Interview
Death of the Mad Hatter - Sarah J. Pepper

Title: Death of the Mad Hatter
Author:  Sarah J. Pepper
Source: Review Copy
Rating: 5 Stars


The Jack prophesied: If the king loses his head, then the Queen with a Bleeding Heart would rule the Red Court until Time ceased to move forward. When a second carried on for infinity, every creature in Wonderland would tip their Hat to the misfit girl with a Boy’s name (or was it a boy with a Girl’s name?) who’d end the Reign of Terror. However, it all hinged on the One-Eyed Hare being able to convince an uninspirable Heir that the impossible was indeed possible—like stopping time—and that Love was worth a Beheading.

Heads would Roll…
Hearts would Break…
In the end, would it matter who Reigned?


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My Thoughts
An enchanting tale that will have you thinking about it long after you turn the last page.
This story has everything intrigue, adventure, romance, and life lessons that you will carry with you forever. While this story has elements of the old “Alice in Wonderland” it is far different with a theme all its own. The story deals with many different issues that we all face in life, but especially forgiveness. I really liked how the story showed that you must work hard for your happily ever after and that even though things don't always turn out the way you planned, love is always worth it.
Alice Mae is no wilting violet. She is strong, determined, and most definitely a fighter. I loved her spirit and seeing how she was able to grow as a person throughout the story. She is by no means perfect and makes mistakes, but she tries her best to make things right.
Ryley is no prince charming, but he loves with all his heart. He is an interesting and complicated character that I loved figuring out. The romance was also nicely done and not too over the top. What I liked most about Ryley and Alice is that they saw each others faults and still loved each other.
This is an moving and provocative story that you won't want to miss!
What inspired you to write Death of the Mad Hatter?
My inspiration actually came from my cover artist. Josh Wilcoxon, a photographer by trade, has a knack at shooting fantasy characters but putting his own personal twist on them. He did a trial shoot for Alice in Wonderland, and I was “stalking” his website and simply fell in love with his artwork.
Do you have a favorite character from the original Alice in Wonderland?
The Mad Hatter. I loved just how completely bonkers he was and yet was still as happy as a clam. He wasn’t afraid of letting people see just how nuts he was… and everyone is all a little insane.
“Have I gone mad?
“I’m afraid so, but let me tell you something, the best people usually are.” 
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
What are some of your favorite books/authors?
I’m so incredibly in love with the Sookie Stackhouse Series. Eric Northman? Yes please!
How did you get in to writing? Honestly, I didn’t want to shovel the driveway. (Yep, not lying) I had just finished a few authors I was following and it was in the middle of winter. We just got blasted by an unrelenting blizzard. The snow drifts were over my head. And, I’d already destroyed three shovels and an ice pick, so I wasn’t going to go out again until the sun came out and melted everything away…. Huh, funny how my life would have turned out differently if I would have bought a snow blower.
Did you listen to music while you wrote the book and if so, who were some of the artists?
Oh absolutely! My music changes depending on my mood. Often my books change too depending on the radio. I can listen to Eminem one minute and then Missy Higgins and then to Kesha.
How long did it take to write Death of the Mad Hatter? Last year five of my novels were published. (no, I didn’t have much of a life) so I decided that I would take things slower for 2014. Death of the Mad Hatter will be my second novel of the year, taking me six months to write. My shortest novel took eight whole days to write and my longest ten months. But, without books I’d be the crazy lady in the corner talking to herself. At least as a writer, I can giggle and blame it on my book boyfriend. (Does that sound any better?) J
Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
I take my high blood pressure pills to fuel my coffee addiction.
Did any of your characters give you a difficult time while writing this book?
Oh my characters always misbehave! I have this wonderfully great, epically genius idea for a story line and then my characters will get bored or insist the story take a different direction. When I’m writing, I have little to no clue how the story will unfold.
Is there any character in particular that you enjoyed writing about the most?
Alice Mae. (Named after my grandmother, btw) She’s a little cooky and difficult. I kept wanting her to be a “nice girl” but she insisted on getting her hands dirty. Thus, Alice Mae in Death of the Mad Hatter is much like Wednesday in the Adam’s Family.
Are there any other projects you are working on that you would like to tell us about?
I’m currently working on the final novel of the Fate Trilogy. (think classical mythology with a modern twist)  The first took books are out: Forgotten, #1, and Twisted Games #2. But, I created a bit of a mess for my main goddess to fix, so I’ve been second-guessing my series title. Trilogy? I hope to get everything solved so my publisher doesn’t get mad at me, lol. 
Source: curseofthebibliophile.blogspot.com/2013/12/death-of-mad-hatter-by-sarah-j-pepper.html#more
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