Terrifying and Dark and Intense Read
Wow ! What a conclusion this was to this terrifying and ugly tale and another read that kept your heart pounding and had you on the seat of your pants the entire time never knowing what would happen next.
I honestly loved Natalie as she was fierce and protective and determined and one not taking her captivity lying down.She was strong and beautiful and smart and always watching and listening and calculating.From the moment we met her we new she was destined to be a force to be reckoned with.
Noah although a Patriarch you new he was different from the rest of them in the sense that he loved his community and its people but, not the way the system worked and the unfairness of it all and the brutality of it and that is why he always desired change and new he needed a queen to make that happen.
This story is emotional and it has a lot of moving parts and as the story unfolds those secrets started coming to life.I have to say we never saw things playing out they way the did and we just loved that.The chemistry between Natalie and Noah just burned hotter.We loved them as a couple.These two burned brightly!
Overall a terrifying tale that makes you heart sick and sad but, one so intriguing it kept you glued to the pages the entire time.Book one left us with one heck of a cliffhanger and I am so glad that I was able to start book two right after putting part one down as I dove right in with eagerness and new that this was yet another tale that I would not be putting down until its very conclusion.
Overall this was another amazing read and the story well written and sometimes reading something out of your comfort zone is just what you need to shake things up a bit and this story did just that.One thing about this story is that it all felt so real and that you were with its characters in that very place and time along with the good guys and the villains as well.Noah and Natalie took us for one heck of a ride that is for sure but, we loved getting to know them both so different but, yet the same in so many ways.Noah and Natalie will be a couple not easily forgotten.