To cap off 2015's Short Story Month, I feel compelled to tell you about what I think is some great news.
On June 9th, two of my all-time favorite short story collections will finally be released in eBook format. Both are by the inimitable Jeffrey Ford.
The Fantasy Writer's Assistant and Other Stories
The Empire of Ice Cream
If you love finely-crafted short fiction and appreciate works of fantasy that contain none of the stereotypical elements that spring to mind when you hear that word, then you should grab these collections.
If you're not an eBook person, and you're interested, then I highly recommend that you hunt down the gorgeous Golden Gryphon hardcover editions of these two books.
You can pre-order the eBooks now, if you're of a mind to.
The Fantasy Writer's Assistant and Other Stories
Note: The author and I are not buddies. I get nothing out of recommending these books (aside from the joy in making other readers happy).