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text 2014-08-13 04:59
Favorite Book Podcasts

I thought about calling this post "best podcasts about books," but it felt presumptuous, since I'm pretty sure there are hundreds out there I haven't experienced yet. But for anyone looking for a good 'cast about books, I thought I would share a few of my faves.


Bookriot Podcast


Bookriot probably has a pretty substantial following from the types who would hang out at booklikes, so maybe you've heard of this one. A weekly show hosted by the editors of Bookriot.com (Rebecca Schinsky and Jeff O'Neal), they cover up-to-date news in books and publishing, say, things like Amazon vs. Hachette, with a winning combination of serious thought and humor. They are dedicated to maintaining a diversity of different voices in the bookish world, inviting lots of other Bookriot contributors and ordinary readers into the conversation, and obviously love what they do. 


Overdue Podcast


Man, is this one fun! Hosts Andrew Cunningham and Craig Getting tackle the books we've been meaning to read. Alternating each week, one will read a book and discuss it with the other (who sometimes has but often has not read it, too). Their conversations are irreverent and off-the-wall, but still show an obvious love for literature.  Bookriot actually introduced me to these guys, so if I didn't already owe them for their own great podcast, I would definitely be indebted for this one.


Sword and Laser


THE sci-fi and fantasy podcast. Hosted by Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt, S&L is a world unto itself, containing a podcast, reading group (on their site and Goodreads), and video show under one umbrella. They find some of the best SFF, classic and new, discuss publishing and writing, make the geeky convention circuit, and land interviews with some truly awesome authors (Samuel R. Delany! Chuck Wendig! Marie Brennan!). Not that they need my promotion, but everyone even remotely interested in genre fiction should check them out, like, now.


Dear Book Nerd


Part of the Bookriot network of shows (I owe them A LOT), Dear Book Nerd is like Dear Abby...for nerds. Book nerds. Reading maven Rita Meade and a revolving door of guest hosts bring the everyday travails of the bookishly inclined to the masses, reading letters submitted by listeners and giving advice to solve our reading "problems." How do you get over a book? How do you rediscover your love of reading when you've been burned by bad books? What do you do when an author takes offense at your published review? She and her guests explore these questions and many, many more in a fun, funny and genuinely empathetic way.




Another Bookriot-related 'cast (co-hosted by Rebecca Schinsky). I haven't listened to this one enough to give it a full endorsement, but I trust Rebecca enough from the BR podcast to assume this one is pretty awesome, too.


Books on the Nightstand


I've fallen a bit behind on this one (honestly, with this many great podcasts to listen to about books, it's harder and harder to find time to actually read the books). But if you're looking for reviews of new books and insider information from the publishing world- hosts Michael Kindness and Ann Kingman work in the industry- then this is for you.

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video 2014-04-04 23:19
Sword and Laser - Author Spotlight: Chuck Wendig


Sword and Laser is a book club/podcast/video show that I highly recommend to anyone that loves Science Fiction and Fantasy. Yesterday's show was spotlighting the author, Chuck Wendig. I have heard things, here and there, about him... but I haven't gotten around to reading any of his books. I have visited his website a few times (after Google searching for writer's advice) and I do remember that I found his blogging style entertaining.


I woke up this afternoon to find that his book, The Blue Blazes, is one of today's Kindle Daily Deals. I just can't resist these $1.99 deals! I'm pretty sure I'm going to love this... dark fantasy, copious amounts of foul language, criminal and supernatural underworlds... perfect! I'm going to try to fit this read in at the end of the month, here's to hoping that I won't be disappointed.

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review 2013-06-28 19:41
The Magicians - Lev Grossman

One part Harry Potter, one part Chronicles of Narnia, one part Catcher in the Rye, and one part something new, The Magicians by Lev Grossman is a fast, fun, fantasy fiction for adults. The book had really good pacing and never dragged, but it feels like Grossman sacrificed depth in the name of pace. There isn't as much world building escapism as in books like Harry Potter and there are a lot of really cool ideas in this book, which doesn't get explored much. It has good, realistic characters (except Alice. Alice was perfect and cripplingly shy, but that just makes you want her more), and really good pacing, but it was a tad predictable. 3/5

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