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Discussion: Feature Requests
posts: 15 views: 20525 last post: 5 years ago
created by: BookLikes
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Reply to post #71 (show post):

I hadn't really thought about that! My import was completed yesterday. I'm not that worried about the books that didn't have covers, since I've fixed them (assuming they have a cover yet, since some of them aren't out yet). It's the covers with the white space or the one's that are for completely different books that are bothering me now.
I didn't see this mentioned, apologies if I missed it somewhere. I'd love to have Blockquotes as an option when writing reviews. It's a feature I've tended to use a lot.
Reply to post #74 (show post):

do you mean spoilers? if so, then there is an option on the editor on the farther left - a small box with "SP" written on it. you highlight the text then press on this button.
Reply to post #30 (show post):

I agree. I think it might also be useful to have a shortcut to post the link to a review/post in addition to, or as a replacement of, the reblog-thing. Then it would be easy to post the link to the post you want to share, and you could add a title and any notes you wanted as to WHY you're sharing the post.
I'd like to request that the entire book blurb be included in the pop-up or full book page. I'd like to read the synopsis in full without having to go to amazon. Thanks!
Here's something that occurs to me just going through this one thread: It would be helpful if, when we are replying to a given post, the reply function would automatically let us include snippets of the post we are actually responding to in our own posts (and, yes, links as well, as others have mentioned). E.g., I now see responses whose title ("reply to post #[xyz]) indicates that they are replies to posts several pages back -- and for those responses to fully make sense to me, I would actually have to circle back all those pages to the original post (which I don't always have time, nor frankly the inclination, to do).

Appeal to my fellow BookLikes users: Can we, as long as an automatic function including parts of the post we're responding to does not (yet? :) ) exist, agree to at least copy and paste those portions of other people's posts that we're chiefly referring to into our responses -- especially if we're not responding immediately, but only several hours or days later, and the conversation has moved on considerably in the interim?
Reply to post #77 (show post):

oh yeah! :)
#78 - Appeal to my fellow BookLikes users: Can we, as long as an automatic function including parts of the post we're responding to does not (yet? :) ) exist, agree to at least copy and paste those portions of other people's posts that we're chiefly referring to into our responses -- especially if we're not responding immediately, but only several hours or days later, and the conversation has moved on considerably in the interim?

I agree, it will make it so much easier to follow
Thanks alot for the groups!

Please consider adding functionality which allows searching our booklists by multiple shelves; as well as Boolean searches. Multiple shelf searching is one of the primary ways I use Goodreads and I would LOVE to be able to do that here! :)
I'm pretty sure that this was mentioned earlier (but going back to all the other posts is cumbersome) - Is there a way for when I get a notification about a comment in a thread that the link take me to that comment? It would also be nice if we could break up discussions with different subjects - that way we won't have to wade through things that may not interest us. I also agree with the suggestion above to be able to copy parts of the post we are replying to. It just gets confusing otherwise. (and it would be a timesaver).
Reply to post #83 (show post):

+1! I have noticed that if the thread is more than one page long, the link will take me to the correct page.

I haven't seen this yet, but someone might have suggested and I didn't notice. Is there anyway to make the notifications less . . . messy, for lack of a better word? I had 10 of them this morning and all but one were for this thread, so I had to click see more notifications and figure out which one's I'd already clicked. This goes with the above post very well, since you could only have one notification per thread and the link could take you to the first unread comment and you could scroll down and get caught up (without having 10+ notification). Did that make any sense at all?
Reply to post #84 (show post):

Agree with post 83.
Also I am getting a lot of notifications for comments on "post" - This could be 1 post or many different posts. Is there a way to differentiate those - ie "comment on post by member name" or comment on post title by member name" ?

This way I could see to which post a comment has been added to.
Reply to post #85 (show post):

Oops. That should have said agree with post 84.

On that note - can we have a way to edit our comments after we've posted. You can only delete or reply or like/unlike.
Reply to post #86 (show post):

+1 Also agree with editing posts. It's been mentioned before, but I think the idea has gotten a little lost with all the other suggestions.

It's okay when you say what you wanted to say, but it would be nice to edit, since if you remember something you wanted to say you have to double post instead of just editing a new post.
One more request related to groups: it would be nice to be able to subscribe and unsubscribe to threads in groups and have new posts to the ones subscribed to show up in a feed. It would be even better if these show up in a separate feed from the regular one but I'd be happy with it either way.
Need help?