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text 2019-10-27 09:24
Measures Taken by the Church to Strengthen Its Children's Ministry

Children are like a wet cement, you can mould them like the way you want. The line is 100% true. Childern's mind are like a clean slate you have the freedom to write whatever you want. When we talk about Childern's Ministry, it is all about motivating children to love god and its existence. Children are future of tomorrow. They are those who take the custom and culture ahead. This is the rule of society. Members of the childern's ministry know the fact well. So, here are some measures taken by churches in Flour Bluff and all over the world to strengthen children's ministry.


Selecting the Best Members for the Ministry


When members are selected for children's ministry who can impart knowledge, the church committee follows precautions. The committee don't offer anyone to work with children. A friendly and cooperative member is selected by the team who is capable of running the ministry successfully.


Providing Special Training


Having only willingness to serve the ministry is not enough for the church members. They need special training. Once the church enlist capable members for training, it arranges training to them. Older strategies are not followed to train them. In fact, the training strategies are mixture of older and new strategies to provide proper training.





Maintaining Security Protocols


While selecting members for the the aim is to select the member who has successfully passed the background check. The church committee including the pastor aims to appoint the member who has neat and clean background. Safety of children is the top most priority of the church.


Upgrading Facilities


When the church starts children's ministry, it upgrades its facilities to provide the best care to children. The teaching area is well furnished with comfortable furniture, the ambience is soothing and calm. The wall colour is painted in light colour to bring the vibe of energy.  Clutters are removed. There might be a garden area where children can connect with nature and understand the role of Jesus in building the church.


Teaching the Value of Bible

Children are encouraged to understand the importance of God through Biblical knowledge. The deeper meaning of Bible is taught in a simple manner with illustrations. Doubts and myths related to the Bible are cleared by the mentor. An environment is created where children learn the God is omnipresent. They  learn how to talk to Jesus and find solutions according to the Bible's rules.

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text 2019-06-04 03:44
BEA 2019, Pt 3- The Loot

Got some good stuff at this year's BEA.  My summer is fully booked. 


A Heart so Fierce & Broken 
American Dirt
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine...
How to be an AntiRacist
Imaginary Friend
Information Wars
Lalani of the Distant Sea
Little Weirds
Me & White Supremacy
Motherhood so White
Moving Forward
Oblivion or Glory
Princess of the Hither Isles
Secret Service
Serpent & Dove
Sophia, Princess among Beasts
The Dreaming Tree
The Flight Girls
The Nanny
The Passengers
The Science of Game of Thrones
The Storm Crow
The Water Dancer
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
A ASWanderers
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review 2018-04-06 15:28
The Secret to Southern Charm (The Peachtree Bluff Series Book 2) - Kristy Woodson Harvey

I am hooked on Kristy Woodson Harvey’s southern charm.     While reading I was actually hearing the characters with southern accents, picturing them in their houses with wraparound porches, and drinking sweet tea.


The Secret to Southern Charm is the second book in The Peachtree Bluff Series.    I think that the books are better read in order.   Book two starts off exactly where book one ended.    The storyline continues with Ansley, Caroline, Sloane, and Emerson all back in Georgia together.   


We learn about Sloane’s life as a military wife and the fears she had when she was first married.    I saw Sloane’s strength when dealing with her husband’s MIA status, while she needed a little push to get out of her own head and back into the real world I could see her figuring out how to put one foot in front of the other getting back to living.    She took care of her children, she painted again, and she found out what was missing of herself even before the MIA.  


While this is mostly Sloane’s story the spotlight is shared with the rest of her family.   I loved catching up with Ansley and her long ago love Jack, seeing Emerson and Mark being together, and watching Caroline figure out if James is who she is meant to be with.     These are storylines that are not quite done.   There is more in store for each of these characters. 


I am excited for more of Peachtree Bluff series and the amazing Southern Charm.  

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review 2018-01-29 21:31
I loved this book as much as the first one!
Every Dog Has His Day (A Bluff Point Romance) - Jenn McKinlay
I loved this book as much as I did the first one in the series--and that's saying something! This story had adorable kids, a dog, a cat (named Chaos) and a couple that don't think there's anyway they can have a future together. Zach is pretty much set in his bacherlor ways and Jessie is still getting over a REALLY bad marriage and just trying to get through every day with her daughters. There is just too much cuteness in this book to even be able to describe it. Every Dog Has His Day is just the perfect mix of heat, sweet, hearts learning to love and animals that contribute so much to the life of their owners (temporary or not). This really is a must read series if you like Jill Shalvis, Kristan Higgins or Susan Mallery. It is just stupendous! It made me very happy, which is all I require out of a good read.


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review 2017-12-29 22:38
Every Dog Has His Day by Jenn McKinlay
Every Dog Has His Day (A Bluff Point Romance) - Jenn McKinlay

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

So I liked this one quite a bit. This group of friend in Bluff Point, Maine are starting to feel like old friends already. I was pulled into this romance from the very start and enjoyed it until the very end. This book had the perfect combination of cute animals, darling kids, and a couple destined to be together. 

Zach doesn't know what to expect when he finds two adorable little girls at his door. They need his help because their kitten, Chaos, is currently sitting on the roof of Zach's house. Being the nice guy he is, he jumps into help right away saving the kitten and landing in a big pile of snow. I thought the set up of this story was great but things got even better when Zach decided to make sure his neighbor and her two girls are okay during the blizzard that hit the area.

I thought the characters in this book were wonderful. At the start of the series, Jessie seemed like the bad guy but things have changed as the series has progressed. Once I got the chance to spend a few moments in her head during this story, I completely changed my opinion of her. She really is a great character and has had a lot of things in her life go horribly wrong. Zach was such a good guy. He really was perfect with Jessie's girls and worked hard to be what they needed him to be. 

I loved Zach and Jessie as a couple. They had so much fun together from the very start and the chemistry between them was amazing. Zach's relationship with both of her girls was equally well done. I really liked how both Jessie and Zach keep their focus on the girls and their best interest. It really did feel like this group of people belonged with each other. It was really refreshing to see the kids play such an important role in the book but don't worry there are plenty of steamy moments to balance everything out.

The book was really good but I did have couple of issues. I thought that some of the interactions with the larger group were a bit immature. I thought it was rather odd that a grown woman would go into another room during a situation to ask her friends for advice in a group chat. This group of friends didn't hesitate to share some pretty personal details. I kept thinking that if Zach and Jessie would just be that open with each other it would solve a lot of problems. The other issue I had concerned a situation with the girls' grandfather. He was really a difficult man and I thought that his complete change of heart seemed a bit unrealistic. These were really very minor issues that didn't lessen my enjoyment of the book.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary romance. This is the third book in the series but it could easily be read as a stand alone. Readers of the series will enjoy spending time with characters featured in the earlier books. I can't wait to read more from this talented author very soon.

I received an advanced reader edition of this book from Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley.

Initial Thoughts
This was good. I liked Zach and Jessie a lot and thought that they worked very well together. The kids were adorable and such an important part of the story. The dog and cat were pretty cute as well.

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