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text 2019-06-04 03:52
BEA 2019, Pt 2- This & That

A few things about some of the actual author events and stuff.


Banner- Sulwe


Actress Lupita N’yongo has a children’s book coming out in October.  Both she & the illustrator, Vashti Harrison, did an autograph session- no interactions, no photos (they made you put your phone away before you got up to the booth even though anyone just passing by, or deliberately hanging around, took plenty of their own pictures)… and the publisher neglected to mention they weren’t giving out the book- they just signed a promo sketch for it.  Waited almost 45 minutes in line for that crap.  Pfft!  I knew some of the security people posted around the booth and immediately handed mine off to one of them.


Before all the madness happened, the bold, strong sister Karine Jean-Pierre made an appearance signing her new memoir.  So close to greatness!


Karine 1


I managed to acquire a Chuck Wendig ARC!


Me Holding Chuck Wendig Book

These two lovely ladies were on hand signing their new book as well!


Author- Maika & Maritza Moulite


Got to meet & talk with former Obama cabinet member & political commentator Richard Stengel about his new book.  We agreed more than we disagreed.


Author- Richard Stengel


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text 2019-06-04 03:44
BEA 2019, Pt 3- The Loot

Got some good stuff at this year's BEA.  My summer is fully booked. 


A Heart so Fierce & Broken 
American Dirt
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine...
How to be an AntiRacist
Imaginary Friend
Information Wars
Lalani of the Distant Sea
Little Weirds
Me & White Supremacy
Motherhood so White
Moving Forward
Oblivion or Glory
Princess of the Hither Isles
Secret Service
Serpent & Dove
Sophia, Princess among Beasts
The Dreaming Tree
The Flight Girls
The Nanny
The Passengers
The Science of Game of Thrones
The Storm Crow
The Water Dancer
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
A ASWanderers
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