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review 2016-04-08 09:08
Few thoughts about "Justice Buried" by Hilary Thompson
Justice Buried (Starbright) - Hilary Thompson

I had high expectations with this book, however I was very disappointed. It was like every other young adult book these days: love triangle, angsty teenagers, two people who would change the world (of course they are in their teens), etc. Sometimes I can look past that, but also it was absolutely boring and looked like nothing happened through out all book.
The only unique thing was, that this book was based on belief in zodiacs and their influence to people life.
Am I going to read another book in this series ? Maybe...

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review 2014-09-04 14:34
Review: The Forsaken
The Forsaken - Lisa M. Stasse

Not anywhere near as good as The Hunger Games and the ending was a bit too happily ever after, with lots of love and feelings floating around for my taste but other wise not bad.

The main character was a bit iffy, but the rest where pretty great. Even the depraved insane's one's where well written.


The Island was great and somewhat original - the suffering, frozen section, the way the drones behaved and the wall, was i believe unique and really interesting. The rest was pretty much a take off from 4 or 5 different books that i have read in the past, which isnt always a bad thing when its done so well it out shines the original, unfortunately that was not the case in this instance. So i cant give this book more than 3 stars, it was good and i did enjoy it, but it wasnt great. plus Alenna had the worst habit of repeating herself, making promises and breaking them and worst of all INSTA-LOVE. I fucking hate insta-love.

Especially between teenagers, being an official adult these days and having studied a bit on teenagers insane emotions, i think the reason i hate it so is because while at the time it can be fierce and incredibly strong their emotions also tend to be fleeting, and while they have this epic strong love now, give it a few years, even a year or two and their unlikely to still be just as in-love. typically when one goes from an action packed life threatening life style to a chillaxed one - of course this isnt always the case and my last example apply's to adults as well. this just seems to be the common out come.

anyways i think i've gotten a bit off track, lol.


Will i be reading the next book?

Probably not, I've read many better versions of this book, but hey you never know.


Who would i recommend to?

Young teenagers new to this genre, whom have yet to read 'The hunger games, Divergent, Outpost or Legend' series.



Love the cover though.

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review 2014-07-25 01:42
World After by Susan Ee
World After - Susan Ee

Oh no. I have to wait until mid 2015 for the next one. Oh no.................

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review 2014-03-08 15:05
Unravel Me - Tahereh Mafi

This is actually a reaction review.

You could see my transition of emotions through-out the series. Catface.

It may contain spoilers. It's a freaking reaction review, what do you expect?


My first thought on this book: Ah, the strike-throughs are slowly diminishing. I remember back in Shatter Me, I would compare them to each other and see if there's a match. So I could be saying, "Oh that is totally computerized or something."


One thing I could say about this is Warner, I don't hate you anymore. Starting when you showed her your gift and made a crater with your hands. Now through-out the waiting for the publication for the 3rd installment, I could proudly wave my fist in Team Warner.

The puppy encounter in Destroy Me was in Unravel me and that part, I was so hooked. Couldn't take my mind off of it. Juliette's reaction towards her new light on Warner. That was cute. And him telling her his real name? That's even cute-r! (And the reason why some of the supplies are suddenly missing was a cool realization, that I can tell).


Hah! But that Chapter 62, though! Super smileyface.


But I was sad at the first part. I could feel Adam slowly drifting away from Juliette, who should stop crying about a lot of things. I mean, come on wake up and smell the cheese! People are cautious around you because you're so closed. I mean, yeah I get it, it's hard to break down your walls since you've been building them ever since your life started. I can't help feeling this way, it's ridiculous, I know! Hahah! But I am loving her progress of opening up to people.


And Kenji! My man! You are seriously on my favorite people list! You are epic. Mind-blowing. Cool and awesome.That performance, that act, that witty charm that you have. I may be more in love with you than Warner!

He appears that he knows nothing but flip the switch on that. I knew he would be one of the badass characters in the future. I just knew it. It's quite a sad back story when he learned about his powers.


Really.. That chapter. Hahah! One of the best chapters I have ever read!


"I want this up. I want this down."


BAM! I am practically fanning myself. The book was almost on fire and my hands are suffering from a second-degree burn.


He hits me with surprise yet again!


This book is a new change of pace for me. I am treasuring every encounters on this one. Very much.


Part 4 of this reaction review is Fracture Me.

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review 2014-03-08 14:39
Destroy Me - Tahereh Mafi

This is actually a reaction review.

You could see my transition of emotions through-out the series. Catface.

It may contain spoilers. It's a freaking reaction review, what do you expect?




I don't even know what to think about you anymore! You just slapped me in the face, kissed me ever so sweetly but passionately, then slapped me in the face and left me wanting more!

I was confused. At the back of my Shatter Me book, there was a Warner point of view special and I was like "Warner? I would think it would be Adam first because he's the partner of Juliette but.. Warner? Ms. Tahereh Mafi, you make me so confused." And I would imagine her to be "Oh *evil laugh* just wait and see what I have in store for you."


At first, I was so biased, so deep in hate with him. He would say that he and Juliette have so much in common and my reaction would be "NO." like the No Cat meme. Well, until his father arrived.


Right there, I could see a little boy being run over-ed by his father's authority. His concern for his mother. His reactions and feelings towards Juliette that I saw under a new light. But the thing that halts me in my tracks on my road to hatred are the things he does with reason but he keeps behind a facade.


Shooting Fletcher because he beats his wife and eventually killing the unborn child. Him wanting to go to her room for it was the last time he saw her. His overcompensating his crimes by little everyday things, like organizing and being a freak in cleanliness.


Then that puppy happened.

That dog shattered my hatred-ness towards him. And his dimples. And him laughing? Oh my God, I practically died! I actually made an involuntarily squeal and my friend, who was sitting beside me, was like "What the hell?"

Then Juliette came up and suddenly disappeared and my realization kicked in. Oh my God, that's probably going to happen on Unravel Me, oh my God...

And for a second there, I actually thought he was going to kick the puppy away. Then he said he was going to play with it, my mind said, "What are you, 10? Like James? Because that super CUTE!! AWWWW~!"


This short novella made me scream for more when the pdf form I was reading told me that it was the last page. But it compensated with the Warner files. Now that was really interesting.


Part 3 of this reaction review is Unravel Me.

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