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review 2018-09-24 07:50
As guardians of the Earth, it's our job to protect the unsuspecting human populace from things that hunt them. Those creatures that go bump in the night? We eat them.
Gone Hunting - Cecy Robson



Thanks to Kim @ caffeinated PR Services for sending me an e-ARC copy.


Aric and his friends Liam, Gemini and Koda are Weres, who go hunting for Elk in the Mount Elbert area but come upon a young golden tigress who appears to be lost. Aric is attracted by a strange magic to this tigress who changes into a young girl whose name is Celia Wird. She is also the reason dark magic forces gather wherever she goes. "They" want to kill her for some weird (pun intended) reason. She only escapes them because of a white (good) witch's intervention spell, but her spell didn't work correctly. The magic messes with the ley lines and Celia ends up in the past!

Unfortunately, my mind can't wrap itself around the idea


But still, I am delighted to have found this epic fantasy/paranormal. Is it also a romance? Idk but I've been hoping for something good to come along and Weird Girls looks promising. Gone Hunting is not just about boy things, but girl things, Celia and her sisters. Witches and Weres. I love strong female characters. I'm also glad to be able to read this series starting from the beginning. If you are familiar with Weird Girls you probably have already seen or read the other 8 (?) novels. Cecy Robson is a new-to-me author and I am thankful for this introduction to The Weird Girls.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/2539707663
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review 2018-04-25 01:01
If you enjoy books about cemeteries (and I do, honestly!), you’ll love "Chicago Eternal" by Larry Broutman. The book is a beautiful coffee-table-style volume on heavy paper stock with photographs—mostly in color—of impressive monuments in the city’s finest historic graveyards. The visuals are accompanied by well-researched information on the individuals and families represented.

Some of the city’s permanent “residents” are well known. Famous names include Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, Oscar F. Mayer of meat-packing fame, and Cyrus Hall McCormick, inventor of a reaper that revolutionized agriculture in the 1800s. Others are not celebrated but passed away as young children or have an especially striking gravestone.

The book even comes with 3-D paper glasses that add to the fun. So sit back and enjoy!
Diana Schneidman (Amazon review)


Source: www.amazon.com/Chicago-Eternal-Larry-Broutman/dp/1893121747/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524614162&sr=8-1&keywords=Chicago+Eternal
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quote 2017-03-02 21:03
Tolerance was bullshit. Fuck tolerance. Madison was tolerant, except for when it wasn't. Madison was tolerant unless you strayed so much as a mile outside in any direction or invited people from the outside in. Chad Perry was from Kenosha it turned out, and then it didn't work, did it?

Poppy wasn't something to be tolerated, like when you got a cold. And yes it was annoying, and no you weren't going to die, so buy some tissues and a book about zombies and go to bed for a few days.

Head colds should be tolerated. Children should be celebrated.
This Is How It Always Is: A Novel - Laurie Frankel

This is how it always is / Laurie Frankel

Track 15 (punctuation guessed)

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quote 2017-01-28 07:35
"Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the present." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.
1984 - George Orwell,Erich Fromm

Scary how fiction can sometimes apply to current events, isn't it? With all of the "alternative facts" stuff going through the media, social media included, right now, this quote stuck out to me as being unbelievably relevant. Those in control of the government in the book are seeking to control what is perceived as true through careful control of the past, the present, and the future.


Yes, for the record, I am reading this because many are reading this. I am also reading it because I haven't before and always meant to do so. I think it's an important book, and now is probably a pretty critical time to read and understand anything involving mass control over what we, the general public and perceived plebeians, understand to be true.


Reading is very, very important, whether you want to admit it or not. It allows for the challenging of one's thoughts and opinions, opens the mind up to different ideas, and feeds the brain to keep it from falling into complacency and disuse. Empathy grows with the reading of fiction, as does how we understand the world. Politics have always and will always play a significant role in fiction.


Read as much as you can.

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quote 2016-08-14 00:58
"Never invite a death omen to a murder party"
Once Broken Faith: An October Daye Novel - Seanan McGuire

Once Broken Faith / Seanan McGuire

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