Big Boned
by Meg Cabot
Book 3 of Heather Wells series
Big Boned was not as fun or as well outlined as the previous book in the Heather Wells series, but still enjoyable, just the same. One thing I can be sure of, these books have become fun to read--coupled with them being easy reads, as well as how readily Heather has grown on me, I find myself liking the series more than I thought I would have.
This book was entertaining with some good humor, even in spite of some of the tackier humor. But, as I'd stated somewhere before, I found Heather can be quite charming and very easy to relate with.
While Cooper doesn't ever seem to have much of a presence in any of the books, I still find that I love his every single appearance, no matter in what capacity. There's a little bit more romance in this book than the previous two, even if part of it is due to Heather's rebound guy, Tad Tocco.
The murder mystery wasn't entirely hard to predict and actually seemed a little forced, honestly. But the bit of investigating that Heather does was fun to follow nonetheless.
There is a specific scene I keep mentioning to anyone in my real life who cares--a scene I found quite relatable and interesting:
Heather is questioning one of her students about what she might know about the murder. And while the two are talking, they find themselves digging into the little apple crumble dish that said student's mother specifically told them not to touch. They continue to talk and spoon more apple crumble into their mouths. And it's just the most natural, banal, daily activity. Afterwards, Heather leans back in her chair and pops open the button of her jeans.
And I'm thinking: "Ha! I totally do that too after overindulging in good food!"
It was just such a "That is SO me!" moment that I loved it!
Some Final Thoughts:
This series and Heather are definitely growing on me and I'm finding it very highly enjoyable. I also like the new addition of Gavin and Jamie in the series. Oh, and Tom. Tom's pretty awesome when he's not being annoying.
2016 Reading Challenges:
• Goodreads Reading Challenge
• BookLikes Reading Challenge
• Bookish Resolutions Challenge
Look, I know Slag hates everything, but he especially hates this story.
And because I'm an idiot, adding that I buddy read this with Cam. I was so sure I'd remember, it was the first thing I forgot. -_- Sorry, Cam!
Because the cray-cray starts with the dedication: "Dedicated to Ke$ha, because she was born with a tail, is crazy, and likes to steal bicycles. I promise to write one with unicorns for you too, baby! Oh, and I hope rehab is going well."
I mean, I just don't know where to start. Because this sounds like erotica written specifically for Ke$ha, but being published for all our entertainment. And does anyone else think that rehab thought was kinda an afterthought?
I pretty much knew this was gonna be nuts after reading that. And don't get me wrong, I really love Ke$ha's music, but I'm not sure she's actually a role model or anything... Or someone I'd be comfortable calling 'baby' since that's kinda weird all by itself.
Come see the actual story review - if you dare...