This forgotten classic from Germany was a best-selling novel in 1905 and translated into many languages.
It was also widely read for nearly three decades – until the story of a fallen girl from a bourgeois family who sees no other way to survive but prostitution was pushed into the abyss of oblivion because it didn’t fit into the ideal and virtuous image of Germans that Nazi propaganda created. Mute films made of it had the same fate although the 1929 film of G. W. Pabst starring Louise Brooks is much appreciated by enthusiasts like the editor of the again available English edition of the book.
Please click here to read the full review on my main book blog Edith’s Miscellany!
When we keep a diary, we practice the self-remembering. We remember only if our attention is alive, only if we are awake. That is why we do not remember what we’ve done only a week ago, how did we spend our days…
‘If we do not respect our Earth, the World of Emotions & Mental development will suffer. We all need Rhythm in our food consumption, sleep patterns, cleanliness & exercise regime. This Routine does not come naturally and it is learned and exercised from very young age.’ Nuit
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