OHHMGEE!! I don't even know where to start with this. Duality WRECKED me. This story was brutal. Completely devastating. The Enertia Trials have never been sunshine and rainbows, by any means, but this book was especially savage. And I loved every page of it, even when it destroyed me.

Duality picked up pretty much right where Encender left off. Our group of ragtag anti-heroes separated by wicked circumstance and fighting tooth and nail to get back to each other. The thing I really loved was that each person was going through so much externally and internally, it had kept me glued to the pages throughout the whole thing.
Reggie...oh gawd Reggie. My heart ached for her. Things were so dark for Reggie, but one thing that I felt never truly wavered, was her incredible strength and her deep seeded hope that the future could hold some light.

You could really tell just how much has happened in the two previous books because it all hung like a weight around Nate's shoulders in this one. I could feel the burden he carried. Constantly keeping it together and relentlessly moving forward in pursuit of the only thing left that truly mattered to him, Reggie. While he's always been the cool-headed guy taking charge, you started to see the cracks in this tough exterior. The pressure seemed to be breaking through in waves. It ended up making him more of a wild card than we've previously seen. And it amped up the anxiety big time. I kept trying to prepare myself for him to completely lose his shit all together.

Ransley...holy hell. I LOVE Ransley. She is the ultimate wild card, and I adore that about her. It's her unfathomable amount of passion that drives her and while it can definitely back fire (LITERALLY), it always comes from her heart. She isn't someone that gets close to people easily, but she is someone that would fight to the end of the Earth for you once you do break past the prickly exterior. As horrific as Reggie's struggles were, my heart freaking SHATTERED for Ransley. I just can't. I still can't even process what happened with her. I worry for her, I really do, maybe more than anyone else right now. I also have to say how absolutely PERFECT her ability is for her. This wild, ferocious, all consuming, and utterly beautiful thing. This girl is on fire!!!

All I can say is thank goodness for Roy. I feel like he was a solid anchor through this tale. He really stepped up and tried to hold things together while all hell was breaking loose around him. He was the yin to Ransely's yang, there's no arguing that. Which ultimately left Ransley questioning their relationship even more. I also think Roy has one of the COOLEST abilities I have EVER heard of. I love the idea of corporeal fission...imagine how much you could accomplish with that ability?! All the books you could read!!!

Okay, so besides the AMAZING line-up of characters, this story was a pulse-pounding, anxiety inducing, heart-breaking roller-coaster ride that you won't want to end. It is EVERYTHING I want in a dystopian book especially. It is vicious, ruthless and so utterly raw, it will scrape against your nerve endings and you'll keep wanting more. I can't recommend this series enough! Each new addition has topped the last, even when I thought there was no way that was even possible! Be forewarned though, this book will gut you. It will tear you apart and turn you into a bloodthirsty animal by the end. I can't wait to see what happens next, for so many reasons, but especially after that heart-wrenching ending!

I also want to get personal and even more fan-girly for a quick moment. A million squees and thanks to J. Kowallis for so many things, the beautiful paperback copy of this book for review (which totally floored me to see my quote on the cover!), the super sweet shout out in the Acknowledgments, and more than anything, for being such a kind, cool, and totally bad-ass story teller that weaves these deliciously addictive tales that I can't get enough of! Thank you, a million times, thank you!