'Gummy Bears & Grenades' is a brief interlude from the danger that is the life of the members of THIRDS...or it's suppose to be.
It's time for Dex's bachelor party and what a party it's going to be. I'm totally a THIRDS addict so of course reading this one was a no brainer. I dove into this one without hesitation and I loved if from start to finish. It was fun and funny and just so Dex.
As Dex and Sloane's big day draws closer the inevitable pre-wedding events are happening and this one is all about 'the bachelor party'...specifically Dex's, which explains why Sloane is being left behind or even worse being left to have an evening of bonding with his soon to be father-in-law, Tony and doesn't that end up being it's own adventure. Seriously, when someone tells you 'don't play air hockey with the man' it's probably wise to heed their advice...but after one stop to give his fiancee a very steamy surprise and a few drinks...like enough for even a Therian to get a good buzz, Sloane decides that a game or 12 of air hockey couldn't possibly be all that bad of an idea...lol!!! foolish man.
Meanwhile Dex is out with Ash, Cael, Hudson, Seb, Calvin & Hobbs and the rest of the gang dancing, eating booze soaked gummy bears and wearing gummy bear suits, having encounters with Wolf, avoiding hired thugs and just generally having a good time.
I enjoyed everything about this story and basically smiled and laughed from start to finish. It was Dex and the members of THIRDS at their rowdy, raucous best and I loved seeing them all cut loose and yet, the still managed to save the day.
While the blurb says that you don't need to read this before reading the next book in the THIRDS series, I would definitely advise having read the THIRDS series before reading this one. This story's way more fun when you understand all the dynamics of the relationships and events that have led this this occasion.
'Gummy Bears & Grenades' is a wonderful warm up for whats coming next and soon...next month, in the lives of the members of THIRDS as they transition to the next phase of their story.
An ARC of 'Gummy Bears & Grenades' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.