Seriously the most insipid characters I have read in a romance novel in some time. I loathed the heroine who just needed to get any type of life, hated her sister in law who was a nasty piece of work to her husband, and thought the hero was lame. There's also a women's only league that the heroine starts and I ended up disliking every damn woman that popped up in this book after that.
"Fix Her Up" follows former baseball star and now wash-up Travis Ford as he tries to get his life together after being booted from the majors. His best friend's little sister, Georgette (Georgie) Castle has had a crush on Travis since she was a kid and now that he's back she's determined to get him back on his feet again. When Travis is offered a new job opportunity that entails showing the world that he's changed into someone whose settled down, he does some fake relationship nonsense with Georgie. Blah blah blah romance and cringe inducing love scenes commence.
So I thought Georgie was exhausting. She's a virgin (of course) who is just focused on Travis because of a crush. I didn't see what she saw in him since he acted like an ass for a good portion of this book and then they started the stupid fake dating thing and I just said good lord. If I can see why a hero wants to be with you, but not you with him, it's not working. Also, Georgie is a literal clown as her job and.....look I kept flashing to Pennywise and laughing (not in a good way).

Georgie's whole thing is to have her family to stop discounting her, but she does continue to act like a child (at least to me) and her fake mess with Travis didn't help matters.
BTW please read Sam (AMNReader)'s review because it's hilarious and it's spot on with the nonsense regarding Travis and his nickname (Two Bats). I can't add anything more to it beyond the paternalistic nonsense that Travis had going with Georgie was creepy as hell.
The secondary characters were blah. Georgie's sister in law was a jerk. Constantly punishing her husband Stephen if he didn't do exactly what she wanted when she wanted it. And he's literally begging her to have children the whole book. I just could not. They are going to end up divorced or he's going to write into Dear Prudence one day asking why doesn't his wife seem to like him and plays games like she's a teenager.
Speaking of Stephen again, why in the world didn't we see more of him with Travis? He is whipped by his wife and seems to have no personality beyond making her happy.
The writing was uninspired. Back to Sam's review again, she's right the dirty talk was embarrassing to read. I think there was a sentence that was like, you are about to meet your God (his penis) and I shrieked and I kid you laughed so hard I started to cry last night. If I had time I would have posted screenshots from the paperback but didn't want to inflict this on other people. There is also the fact that a couple of times Travis refers to Georgie as "little sister" during sex or thinks it (I can't remember and refuse to look this up again) and I shuddered each and every time. Also I hate hate hate being called "baby girl" so the fact that was another name that Travis had for Georgie made me roll my eyes.
The flow was off for me after the first couple of chapters. Until we get to the fake dating thing you don't know where Bailey is going and how she's going to get the two characters to realize they are in love. Of course there's a misunderstanding that was beyond dumb and I just struggled read until the end.
There's other stuff but I just want to put this review and bad book behind me.