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url SPOILER ALERT! 2018-05-15 20:14
Applying Quantum Physics Consciousness within the worlds of Philosophy
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma: Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Applying Quantum Physics Consciousness within the worlds of Philosophy

In our search for  or Good-ness, , Bliss, throughout human history, we came across the Mother of them all – the mystical, magical, occult, scientific Philosophy.

Philosophy was known as the Mother of all Sciences. It was at the very top of the scientific hierarchy. You may not practice it unless you have achieved enough knowledgeand experience so you can call your-self Wise.

spiral hands divine consciousness spiritual evolution article alchemy of love



Claiming Philosophy or Philosophy Around the World

How many times have you heard a quote of a famous ancient philosopher contributed to a contemporary political figure? A quote of a saint, being used within a contemporary power machine? Too many...


Because our s are embodied within this space and time;and our memory short, we tent to forget how many generations embodied this fight for goodness within our beautiful planet Gaia.


Read more - http://artof4elements.com/entry/216/philosophy-mother-of-all-sciences-applied

Source: artof4elements.com/entry/216/philosophy-mother-of-all-sciences-applied
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url 2017-11-09 10:40
17th century witch hunts in Europe
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Witch Hunts in Europe

How religious fanatics declared War against Women 300 years ago

Remembering the Horror of the 17th Century Witch Burning Times


While writing Ama my Historical Fiction Book, set in the 17th century China my research took me into this most interesting of times in Europe, the time of the Witch Hunts, when men of reason seamed to be prosecuted and singled out for their sanity.


Malleus Maleficarum

“the  Witches' Hammer became the bestseller, the hit among different classes, and was passed from hand to hand, read aloud in Churches, and on the village squares, stored in special places, with the Bible, consulted in the dark corridors of the torture chambers. The best Hunters would know it by heart, reciting it as a deepest wisdom against poor women. Printed, reprinted and translated into German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese, it outsold all other books except the Bible!” (quote from Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantovič Nuit)

Witch Hunts in Europe


Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/202/witch-hunts-in-europe
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review 2017-07-15 00:40
My fifty-eighth podcast is up!
Hannibal - Patrick N Hunt

My fifty-eighth podcast is up on the New Books Network website! In it, I interview Patrick Hunt about his new biography of the Carthaginian general Hannibal (which I reviewed here). Enjoy!

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url 2017-03-14 08:23
Peppa Pig books banned in China
Books Of Opposites (Peppa Pig) - Liz Catchpole
Peppa Pig The Tooth Fairy - Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig and the Lost Christmas List - Candlewick Press,Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig: Let's Go On A Treasure Hunt - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Susie George
Peppa Pig: Let's Make A Snowman! - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Sadie Chesterfield
Peppa Pig and Her Best Friend - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Gail Herman
Lost Glasses (Peppa Pig) - Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig School Bus Trip - Neville Astley,Mark Baker

Why would grown men in the Chinese government feel threatened by Peppa Pig?


If anyone say the Chinese government is fine, don't believe this person. How could a government be fine while feeling threatened by children books about pink pigs. 



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review 2015-05-07 20:24
Booknote: The China Collectors
The China Collectors: America's Century-Long Hunt for Asian Art Treasures - Karl E. Meyer,Shareen Blair Brysac

The topic was interesting, but this writing in this book was a bit dry at times; the result is that the book was a slow read for me. Once you get past the first chapter, which lays out a lot of basic historical background, things do get a bit more interesting.


Just click the link to read the rest of the review.

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