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text 2020-06-10 04:46
Reading progress update: I've read 23 out of 416 pages.
A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas


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text 2020-05-02 08:34
Reading progress update: I've read 67 out of 356 pages.
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo


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review 2020-02-18 15:15
Another #5StarReview from Jaye Frances for The Kure by @jayefrancesnews
The Kure - Jaye Frances

Jaye Frances can write some fabulous stories that go places I never thought I would be…and I love it!


The Kure

Amazon / Goodreads


Due to mature content, this book is best suited for a Mature YA/New-Adult or Adult reader.


John looked at the sign, Lucius D Harwell.


He approached the doctor’s door and knew he had to go in…now. Before anyone saw him, “So”, the doctor said, “Are you ready?”


When he saw the bucket full of the slithering slime he remembered the woman he had brought in a while back. It hadn’t ended so well for her.


What would become of him? There had to be another way. He couldn’t bring himself to let the doctor begin. He had heard stories whispers, quickly hushed when someone approached. The doctor tried to talk him into beginning but he thought it couldn’t hurt to hypothetically discuss other options. The doctor tried to explain that it wasn’t like an elixir or ointment, couldn’t be found in a battle or jar – more like a potion, it was witchcraft. It went against church and state, but John couldn’t help himself.


Three conditions would let the doctor begin his recommended treatment, after he told him he would have to “cast away his good name and denounce all things holey and pure”. He would never speak of the books or what was contained in the pages. He agreed. The doctor retrieved the book and John watched him place it on the desk.


He saw only one word, KURE. The doctor gave him one more chance to change his mind, but he placed his hand on the cover of the book and felt an evil. As the book turned its pages on its own volition the doctor began reading.


How did Jaye Frances go there? It makes me wonder how her mind works.


Jaye France’s books have taken me on some wild journeys I never could have imagined, and I always breathe a sigh of relief, for leaving with my sanity, when the story is told.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos5 Stars





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Source: www.fundinmental.com/kure-by-jaye-frances
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review 2019-12-09 19:11
Walk On The Dark Side with The Psycho Collection by B R Paulson @bonnierpaulson
Psycho Inside Me - Bonnie R. Paulson



Action from the getgo.


The sheriff’s son, Deegan, helps the preacher’s daughter cover up the death of bad boy Bobby. They were friends, but this changed their relationship, brought them closer.

Her instinct was to take his ring for a trophy, but Deegan had a better idea. A tattoo.

The death changed her and now she is on the run. She is fueled by nightmares of Bobby, but determined not to be caught.


Are monster born or raised? That age old question, what creates a monster? I am always curious about what drives people to do some of the most heinous acts to others.

Justice doesn’t always come to the rescue and sometimes taking the matter into your own hand is the only answer. I do believe the world has a lot more grey, than black and white.


I didn’t see the direction Bonnie R Paulson was going to take with Psycho Inside me, but I do love the Bonnie and Clyde vigilante aspect. I can always relate to a vigilante and I guess that says something about me. LOL She is a badass psycho and I love her…and her boyfriend too. I feel her need to take down the bullies and pedophiles that prey on children. They do deserve the worst that can be heaped on them…and her name is Cassie.


She trained. She is only a young teenager, but she becomes a predator, created by those whotreated her as prey. I love how she is changing from her 13 year old innocent ways, forcing herself to become a calculating weapon of justice. Fine by me is she wipes out the perverts. You may feel the same way after reading about the degenerates.


The world is dark, with rays of sun shining through when the clouds lift in her mind.

How will this end? Will she be killed in one of the attacks? I want it to end well for her, regardless of what she has done. I love a characters that can win me over so completely.


Molestation and sexual assault are difficult subjects to face and talk about, but Bonnie R Paulsonwants you to know…YOU ARE NOT ALONE..you can survive.


Psycho Inside Me by Bonnie R Paulson….BLEW MY MIND.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Psycho Inside Me by Bonnie R Paulson.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos5 Stars






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Source: www.fundinmental.com/walk-on-the-dark-side-with-the-psycho-collection-by-b-r-paulson-bonnierpaulson
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review 2019-12-03 17:29
Humor & Romance The Sheriff Meets His Match by Jacquie Biggar @jacqbiggar
The Sheriff Meets His Match: A Wounded Hearts Novella - Jacquie Biggar

The Sheriff Meets His Match came to me back on October 21, 2016. I think I received a copy for following her newsletter, but I put it on my review list, read it, and promptly forgot about it.


I loved the cover and it sounded like a fun read. Plus, being a novella, it would be a quick one. I am happy to be marking this off my review list and sharing it with you.

The Sheriff Meets His Match (Wounded Hearts #4)

Amazon / Goodreads



I was smiling from the getgo. I love a hunky, needy character like Sheriff Jack, who isn’t taking himself too seriously. I feel the humor and fun will be coming in waves and it all starts when he pulls over his sexy new secretary, Laurel Thomas, for driving like a crazy person on the snow covered road…and the mystery begins.


I love when I can relate to the little things, like using my credit card to scrape the ice off my windshield. I left the cold for Florida and Laurel Thomas left Florida for the cold. lol


The descriptive writing made the scenes easy to visualize the car sliding, fishtailing on the slippery snow covered road, the deputy knocking his hat against his leg to clean it of snow, her sexy legs as she slides out of the car, the Charlie Brown Christmas tree…you get the drift.


He comes to her rescue, only to nearly bowl her over, banging her head, with his gun drawn. Even in danger, there is humor.


“Men. You can’t live with them, and you can’t shoot ’em. It’s a felony.”


A snowball flew…I found myself snorting, laughing through it all. I love the little details that make the story feel real.


It’s obvious, the story is a romance, so we will have plenty of that. It’s the journey that makes The Sheriff Meets His Match so much fun. There is danger, but I got so caught up in the characters themselves, that their personalities and antics is what I remember most.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Sheriff Meets His Match by Jacquie Biggar.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos4 Stars
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Source: www.fundinmental.com/the-sheriff-meets-his-match-jackqui-biggar
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