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review 2020-04-03 12:01
Release Blitz - Easy Reunion


EASY REUNION by Tracey Jerald

Release Date: March 30, 2020

Cover Design: Amy Queau - QDesign

Genre: Contemporary Romance





It’s always harder to forgive yourself...

Against her better judgment, Kelsey Kennedy flies in for her high school reunion. Since her classmates are as cruel to her as when she last saw them on graduation day, she has no difficulty bailing on the event for the hotel bar. Only it’s there she comes face-to-face with the most painful part of her past.

And he doesn’t recognize her.

Taking full advantage of her anonymity, Kelsey gives herself one night with Rierson Perrault, the boy from her childhood dreams. Being no one's fool, she makes sure she’s gone the next morning before he can ask any questions.

Ry didn’t realize the woman he spent the night with was Kelsey. But when he puts it together, he’s sick at heart. He’s lost his chance to reconcile with her; the only reason he went to the reunion to begin with. Kicking himself for not figuring it out sooner, he returns home embittered.

When Kelsey and Ry meet again in the heart of New Orleans, will another fifteen years need to pass before they find the right words to say? Or will they finally listen to each other's hearts so their easy reunion can begin? 









Easy ReunionEasy Reunion by Tracey Jerald
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

High School Reunion's can be fun or they can be devastating. Kelsey has returned to the scene of the crime as it were. Those around her in high school were cruel to the point of physical violence. She only came back because her best friend in the world thinks it will help her move on and let go.

Rierson AKA "Ry" was always the best looking in school. He was the only defender of her honor. Until the Graduation Day when he didn't. The biggest reason she never returned until now. When they see one another its explosive. In a different way.

Such an amazingly sweet, yet very hot story. The touchy subject of bullying is handled so well it moved me to tears. I was impressed with the dark subject matter, that I ended up loving the book anyway. The characters are so easy to fall for, and reading their reunion and eventual HEA makes it all worthwhile.

***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews 





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Tracey Jerald knew she was meant to be a writer when she would re-write the ending of books in her head on her bike when she was a young girl growing up in southern Connecticut. It wasn’t long before she was typing alternate endings and extended epilogues “just for fun”.

After college in Florida, where she obtained a degree in Criminal Justice swearing she saw things she’ll never quite believe and never quite forget, Tracey traded the world of law and order for IT.

Her work for a world-wide internet startup transferred her to Northern Virginia where she met her husband in what many call their own happily ever after. They have one son.

When she’s not busy with her family or writing, Tracey can be found in her home in north Florida drinking coffee, reading, training for a runDisney event, or feeding her addiction to HGTV.




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review 2020-03-29 09:52
Easy Reunion: A Boudreaux Universe Novel - Tracey Jerald

High School Reunion's can be fun or they can be devastating.  Kelsey has returned to the scene of the crime as it were.  Those around her in high school were cruel to the point of physical violence.  She only came back because her best friend in the world thinks it will help her move on and let go.


Rierson AKA "Ry" was always the best looking in school.  He was the only defender of her honor.  Until the Graduation Day when he didn't.  The biggest reason she never returned until now.  When they see one another its explosive.  In a different way.


Such an amazingly sweet, yet very hot story.  The touchy subject of bullying is handled so well it moved me to tears.  I was impressed with the dark subject matter, that I ended up loving the book anyway.  The characters are so easy to fall for, and reading their reunion and eventual HEA makes it all worthwhile.  I give this read a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2019-11-27 20:10
The Reunion, Animorphs #30
The Reunion (Animorphs No 30) - K. A. Applegate

Marco is still haunted by the memory of his mother's body drowning in that undersea Yeerk facility. In 'The Escape' The Animorphs invaded the lab and destroyed it, and Visser One, who has been Controlling Marco's mother's body for years, got in the way.


It turns out things have not gone well for Visser One since that confrontation and the loss of the planet Leera. She has been demoted to a sub-visser (though everyone in this book still calls her Visser One) and is on the run. Marco runs into her by accident downtown and hatches a plan that could eliminate her and Visser Three in one go. 


The problem is can Marco eliminate Visser One without killing his own mother? This is another dark one, but the writer shied away from the worst of it in my opinion. It'll be interesting to see how this effects the next few books, and the end game, of course.




Next: 'The Conspiracy'


Previous: 'Elfangor's Secret'

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review 2019-10-21 18:43
The Class Reunion by Sean McDonough
The Class Reunion - Sean McDonough


The Class Reunion is a slasher story about a group of former classmates who decide to meet up at their old school during a major snowstorm to drink some booze and catch up. Ummm, that’s probably not the best idea but add in a crazed killer and you have a recipe for some romancing and some slashing fun!

There’s a not too big cast here when the story begins and that’s fine by me. I don’t like keeping track of too many bodies when most of them are just going to get picked off quickly anyway, haha. Vickie is very reluctantly dragged to this impromptu reunion by her best friend Bridget who has fallen in love with one of the bullies who made their lives miserable as young-uns. The only way Vickie is getting through this is with booze and lots of it because most of these people are just as impulsive, insulting and rude as they were back when they were all schoolmates. And some of them deserved to get their faces ripped off, if you ask me.

The character development is done very well and I loved that. It’s a slasher, yeah, but the newly budding relationships are given time too and the people you love to hate are very well described. I always love it when a book takes a little time to delve into the minds and thoughts of its characters before it murders them. I’m not going to say who makes it out alive or tell you too much about the creepy oddball of a murderer who I kept imagining as a deranged Vincent Price in full out Dr. Phibes mode for some reason, just know it’s a good time if you enjoy this kind of story – and how could you not?!

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review 2019-09-29 11:24
4 Star Wild Reunion
Wild Reunion - Liza Street


She’s had her heart broken one too many times by her high school sweetheart, Will Jaynes. When he returns to Huntwood after being MIA for four years, Eleanor can’t decide whether to avoid him or kiss him, or even better, kick his behind. Four years ago, everything was ripped away from Will, his parents, his territory and even Eleanor but when danger returns to the Dark Pines territory, he must fight for his pride’s place or lose everything and this time there will be no coming back.


This ‘Dark Pines Pride’ story is delightful, charming and quite suspenseful. The characters are strong, vivid and a little quirky and the chemistry between Will and Eleanor sizzles with lots heat but the romance emotionally turbulent due to the past and the fact that Eleanor has no idea that Will is a mountain lion shifter. The story is fast paced and full of suspense and while it could have benefited from a being a bit longer, readers can’t help but enjoy the final book in the series.



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