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text 2021-06-11 08:05
FREE E-BOOK - COLD-BLOODED – The Mattie Saunders Series – Book 2


COLD-BLOODED – The Mattie Saunders Series – Book 2

June 11-15

Download your copy now at





The Reptile Refuge where Liz volunteers has been closed by police while they investigate a suspicious death that took place on the premises. Desperately needing a home for her reptiles, she reaches out to an old friend from high school, Mattie Saunders, and asks if it's possible to temporarily board them at Saunders Bird Sanctuary? 

Mattie knows she should be more concerned with the circumstances but sees it as an opportunity to reconnect with her friend, as well as help some animals in distress. It's only after two members of the RCMP drug squad confront Mattie in a coffee shop and suggest that Liz's involvement at the refuge was more than looking after its inhabitants.

The refuge's owner, Leborg Kovacevic, used the facility as a front for his drug trafficking business, and not only Liz was Kovacevic's partner but also his partner-in-crime. Breaking the law isn’t the only risk Mattie’s taking, her life might also be in danger considering the company she keeps.

Too late she finds out Liz has something in common with the pythons, geckos, and iguanas she's seeking shelter for.
They're all cold-blooded.






#reptiles #ExoticPets #DrugAddiction #Homelessness #RockandRoll #friendship #loyalty #relationships #parrots #conservation #petrescue #snakes #Lizards #iguanas #pythons

#romance #adventure #action #murder #dysfunctionalfamilies

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review 2020-01-07 18:52
Awesome Military Romance
Red Blooded: Trey, Jack, Jimmy (Red Hot ... Red Blooded: Trey, Jack, Jimmy (Red Hot & Blue Book 1) - Cat Johnson

Red Blooded is a collection of 3 books by Cat Johnson.  Ms. Johnson has delivered a trio of well-written books.  The stories are all packed with drama, humor, steamy sex, action and suspense.  I loved all 3 of these books and can't wait to get my hands on my next book by Cat Johnson.  While these 3 books are connected, they're also standalones, so there's no cliff-hangers involved.  

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text 2019-02-20 07:10
Book Tour - Cold-Blooded


As the toughest son with the fewest morals, Manō Alana promised his mother that he’d protect his siblings. Since her death, he’s embraced his role as the family heavy, but killing is the one part of his job he hates. And the awful nightmares driving him to commit violence aren’t doing him any favors—nor is the sinister, ancient magic calling to him from under the slopes of a dormant volcano.


A shakeup in power between rival drug lords reveals a half brother Manō didn’t know he had, complicating the Alana family’s plans to take over the marijuana trade on Maui. Not only that, but one wrong move could turn the sexy cop he’s involved with against the family.

When a crime the Alanas fought hard to bury is exposed, their whole cartel is in danger. Now Manō’s blood has him trapped between two clans: the siblings he’s loved since they were kids, and the ruthless, shadowy kin he just learned he has.


Manō can either succumb to the darkness threatening to drag him under or tap in to its power and embrace his role as a cold-blooded killer.




About the Book:


Cold-Blooded by Kendall Grey

Series: Ohana Book Two

Genre: Adult, Supernatural Suspense

Publisher: Howling Mad Press

Publication Date: February 19, 2019


Purchase Your Copy Today!


Also Available On:





What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

A trip to Australia several years ago sparked the backdrop for my Just Breathe urban fantasy series. I was part of a whale research team and learned a ton about whales during my time there. Many of my experiences in Hervey Bay, Queensland became actual scenes in the Just Breathe books.

I also own property on Maui and go there at least once a year. Early visits fueled my ‘Ohana supernatural suspense series and gave me lots of ideas for not only portraying the setting of those books but also Hawaiian culture.

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Both. Writing can be exhilarating or debilitating, depending on the book. When I write comedy, I usually have loads of fun. Heavier stories can be hard on the soul, though.

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

Yes! I have two pseudonyms—Seven Slade (check out COMING OUT, a friends-to-lovers romance with a twist) and Kendall Day (FALLING FOR MR. SLATER is an enemies-to-lovers teacher romance).

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I tried writing what everyone else writes, but it’s not for me. I’d rather make art than house payments (just ask Letty Dillinger, the heroine of my Hard Rock Harlots series). If I can’t write what I want, I don’t enjoy it. No point in being miserable, so I write original stories from my heart and hope the right readers will find them.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

I took most of the money I made from STRINGS and put it toward my condo on Maui. Best investment ever! But nowadays, a good investment for me is paying a solid editor and quality cover designer for every novel. Bad editing and bad covers will ruin a book.

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

THE PRICE YOU PAY by Aidan Truhen. It’s effing brilliant and so, so funny!

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

Whales, of course! Whales have been my spirit animals since 2006 when I met my first one off the coast of Massachusetts. I wrote an entire series based on them (INHALE, EXHALE, and JUST BREATHE).

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Currently, three. They’re all written and have been through first-round edits, but for various reasons, I haven’t gotten back to finishing and publishing them. Maybe one day.

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

My research is always extensive. I don’t often do a ton of research before writing, but I’ll stop to look things up while I’m writing. I’m a firm believer in fact-checking every little detail I’m not sure about.

What did you edit out of this book?

I had to cut several thousand words from COLD-BLOODED on the advice of my betas and editor, and it broke my heart. There’s one scene that provides the answers to all the mysteries in the ‘Ohana series (as well as a connection to my Just Breathe series and its upcoming spin-off books). Readers said it slowed the pace too much. While I understand that, it was painful to delete it. I wanted to yell, “The entire book is unpacked here, and you’re not seeing it! UGH!” But they were right. The scene slowed the pace too much, so I worked around it. Maybe I’ll published that deleted scene someday.

If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?

Ideally, I’d be a marine naturalist on whale watch boats.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

YES! All the time. In fact, pretty much every book I’ve published is connected in some way to the others. Sometimes it’s the characters; sometimes the worlds overlap. I love finding ways to connect my stories, even if readers don’t notice. It makes me feel like I’m welcoming a new member to the Kendall Grey ‘Ohana. Ha!

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

Dealing with my own emotions around writing. I’m very hard on myself and have paper-thin skin. The tiniest bit of criticism hurts. When I get edits or beta feedback, I have to read through everything and step away from it for a few days so I can come back later and look at it more objectively. I try not to read reviews. Those can be brutal. It’s best to avoid reading other people’s opinions of my work.

Does your family support your career as a writer?

My husband is by far my biggest supporter. My kids pretty much ignore anything to do with my book stuff. Ha! My parents have both passed away, but my dad was around during my first release, and even though he didn’t read the story, he was very supportive. My sister and a couple aunts are also amazing. The rest of the family … I don’t think most of them view what I do as valuable or an actual job, even though this has been my full-time job since 2008. I don’t talk about my work around friends or family much. They’re just not interested.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

Absolutely. I struggle with depression, and that puts a dent in my writing mojo from time to time. When I’m feeling down for long stretches, I can’t write. Thankfully, it’s been a while since I had a depressive episode, so writing has been much easier this last year. But yes, writer’s block is very real for me.




About Kendall Grey:


A whale warrior, indie freedom fighter, and vodka martini aficionado, KENDALL GREY is calm like an F-bomb*. She writes about fierce women and the men who love them. Her aliases include Kendall Day (FALLING FOR MR. SLATER) and Seven Slade (COMING OUT).


Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, with three mischievous Demonlings, a dashing geek in cyber armor, a long-haired miniature Dachshund that thinks she’s a cat, and an Aussie shepherd mix whose ice-blue eyes will steal your heart and hold it for ransom.


*Detonation manual not included.


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review 2018-11-05 13:27
Good Story and Good Characters
Bewitched, Blooded and Bewildered - Robyn Bachar

Catherine/Cat had never intended to join Team Evil. But because of her bond with necromancer vampire Councilman Zachary Harrison she was going into a necromancer gathering to fight on the side of Zachary and her husband Lex- who was cat’s soulmate-was definitely not happy about the bond or being there.  Zachs and cat’s spirits were stuck together by magical duct tape . If Zach died so did Cat. There were several angry vampires who wanted Zach’s seat on the council. Also Zach was one of the few magicians with the power, money, and chutzpah needed to fight the growing Hunter problem. Without Zach they may all end up dissected on some government slab. Cat’s special talent was being able to smell necromancer magic by scent. Some at the beings at the meeting were minions like Cat or apprentices in vampire training. The official term for her predicament with Zach was blooded. Faust was a shadowspawn faerie and as Titania she should never talk to him -Cat was faerie and a witch- because his family had been kicked out of faerie but as Zach’s minion she talked to faust all the time. Zach had been challenged by Sir  Rousseau and his fore sorcerer which meant Cat had to fight also. Zach had got his eat on the council when Cat and Lex had killed the previous councilwoman Laura Barrel.Cat had been working on self defense skills the last few weeks - having a former guardian for a husband worked wonders in that department. And Cat had been undergoing some super secret magic spells with her cousin Portia. Then Zach said he needed blood before going into the fight and Cat gave him her wrist. Zach also told cat they had lost another sorcerer and two shapeshifters. The sorcerer was a member of the Salerno family which meant now meant the hunters were attacking sorcerers with family. That meant anyone could be be next. The hunters were part of team Force Prometheus who also had demons helping them. The Task force had thousands of magicians names and were working their way through the list. Faust got cats sword and brought orange flames to life along the blade  as magic crackled around the weapon. Cat loved faerie magic as she didn’t have to spout spells to use it. Zach was challenged again after he and Cat won by Gregori Petrovich and that fight would be be in a month at the next full moon. Then Faust went and got cat’s hat and the tarot cards had been changed from Justice and The moon to the devil and The ten Of Swords and Cat knew the message behind them. She would have to pick two different cards to put in the band of her top hat or get a new tarot deck. Lex had giver up his job as a guardian to be Cats Oberon and now he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself. The Titania and oberon gig did keep them occupied but it wasn’t the same as Lex was used to kicking butt for higher powers nit undoing imp mischief and settling squabbles between faerie -blooded magicians. Mac was cats only magician contact . Mac had been kidnapped to be used as leverage against Cat but Mac had been declared dead . he could not go back to business as usual so he was in training to become a vampires librarian. Mac told her to come to him as they had some news. Cat found out there may be a way to break the bind with Zach but she would have to go to the Shadowland in Hell. She would need a guide.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a quick easy read.  I loved Lex and Cat together and how they interacted together. I laughed out loud while reading this. I loved it when Cat kept telling Zach to go catch in fire. I do advise you to read the first book in this series as it will make things run smoother while reading this book. I didn’t really find much to criticize in this book except the way it ended. To me it was just so abrupt and I didn’t expect it. I would have liked this to be a little longer and more eased into the ending. I loved the adventure in this book. I also loved seeing the growth Cat was doing with working on her self defense and faerie magic. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-10-06 03:00
Minotaur: Blooded
Minotaur: Blooded (The Bestial Tribe) - Naomi Lucas

My reviews are honest & they contain spoilers. For more, visit:

Minotaur: Blooded is the book 1 of Naomi Lucas’s dark fantasy series The Bestial Tribe. From the title of the story, you should get an idea of what the book may or may not consist of. For me it was more about the blurb. It told me I should check it out. :P I was also in the mood for some... uh, dark and sexy fantasy-type stories. I got a lot more than what I had bargained for.

Minotaur: blooded is my first book by the author. Her other series looks to be sci-fi romance and I have no interest in aliens, much like I have none in vampires and werewolf (or any other shifter romances). I gave some of those a go by various authors at one point or the other, but never could finish any of them. I won’t explain why because this review is about Naomi Lucas’s book so I’ll just get right into it.

When you talk about fantasy/paranormal romances, I’m more of a girl who prefers stories about ghosts and haunting. I’ve read stories about incubus and Fae (fairies) and enjoyed those too. Mythologies are also a subject I’ve always been intrigued about. In the past, I’ve read romances that were rewritten or based on one mythology or the other. It was one of the reasons why I wanted to check out this book. Also, Minotaur, as a whole, isn’t a mythological character (or creature?) that I’m vastly knowledgeable about. I mean, I know what it is...sort of. Mmm. Okay so I did try to google after I read the book and the pictures I saw didn’t help. They’re kinda scary. It should be a challenge in itself to make a hero out of a Minotaur (or part Minotaur here) IMO but the author here tried just that. Whether she succeeded or not is a matter of complete personal opinion.

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