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review 2016-12-15 01:49
So many
Take a Chance Anthology: A Collection of Gay Romance for New Adults - Sherri Jordan-Asble,Jamie Deacon,Lynn Michaels (GLBT)

The exciting thing about reading an Anthology is the fact that there are so many books to read and enjoy!  This collection is from a dozen authors and offers a range of reads.  From sincere first loves - to hot shapeshifters to swoon over.


I found many stories within that I enjoyed.  Even one, that I wish had been longer, since the book was so compelling!  This collection has something for everyone.  Available right now for preorder, this is a book full of stories that give you pause, as well as the feels.  I give this anthology a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given in exchange for an honest review only.

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review 2016-06-27 08:23
Out of Order (Eric Gober)
Out of Order - Eric Gober

2.5 stars

I wasn't as impressed as the other reviewers. I thought the story was disjointed. I love short stories, but this one was one of the forgettable, didn't make a lot of sense, out of order ones *shrugs*.

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review 2015-03-09 00:00
Out of Order
Out of Order - Eric Gober This is a sweet little tale of serendipity. Trent and Rob were friends in college. They both had other things happening back then that kept them apart and caused them to loose touch. Now by chance they happen to run across each other in a totally different city and get caught up in an earthquake. The reader gets glimpses of the past and present, everything leading them to where they end up.
If you're looking for a short story to make you smile, this might be it. :)

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

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review 2014-09-09 01:27
ARC Review: First Time For Everything (anthology)
First Time for Everything - John Goode,Allison Wonderland,Emery C. Walters,Andrea Speed,S.R. Silcox,Caitlin Ricci,Eric Renner,Jo Ramsey,Emily Moreton,Nicole McCormick,Ella Lyons,Renee Hirsch,Nick Hasse,Charli Green,Kevay Gray,Eric Gober,S.A. Garcia,J. Leigh Bailey

A wonderful collection of shorts about young LGBTQ men and women, who experience a first in some way, be it a first kiss or a first date or a first relationship. It's about finding yourself, being who you are and realizing your potential.

Some hit me harder than others, some ranged around three stars and some were outstanding, but all were carefully crafted to bring across a specific point, a lesson learned, or a moment that meant everything. 

Some that stood out for me were Dear Cody by Eric Renner, Midnight in the Maze by J. Leigh Bailey, the super cute Just Right by John Goode, Kissing Scars by Jo Ramsey - these hit me the hardest.

I remember feeling inadequate as a teenager (and still do sometimes even in my middle age), and I can only imagine that it's not any easier for kids today, especially not when you throw in that some of them don't feel like their peers, that they fear coming out, that they feel different. 

Some of the stories touched on harder subjects, like rejection and pain, and some made me laugh and smile because they were super cute. The biggest point the book makes though is that teenagers, no matter their sexuality or their gender, are really much the same across the board - insecure to some degree, wanting to belong, wanting to meet that first special someone, dealing with school and pack mentalities, dealing with bullies and having friends at their backs - and thus this is a book that is suitable for all teenagers, including the het ones, that they may learn that their not-so-het peers are really no different at all.

Well worth the time spent. Give this a try.


** I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Harmony Ink Press. A positive review was not promised in return. **

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