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review 2021-01-18 10:41
Review: Fighting Dirty (Ice Kings #5) by: Stacey Lynn
Fighting Dirty - Stacey Lynn




Fighting Dirty by Stacey Lynn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fighting Dirty is a slippery ride to smooth sailing. Klaus and Jillian were a work in progress that took more than a few detours in finding their hearts. Lynn stirs up temptation that is both heartwarming and addictive. So much so that your heart refuses to walk away until the last page has been devoured.

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review 2021-01-06 03:41
In the Penalty Box - Lynn Rush,Kelly Anne Blount

Willow just wants to work on her skating, what she has left of it.  The career adjusting injury has made her life something she never thought she would see.  Now she has been given a chance for something different. Does she have the guts?


Brodie is attracted to the amazing girl he does not want to like.  It seems mutual, but teenage attraction is never that simple.  When his teammates taunt him into hanging out with the good looking skater, he may get more than he bargained for.


This story was cute and charming, in a teen snarky kind of way.  I am not sure if I liked it at first, but I loved the honesty between the characters.  I was fully vested by the third chapter and I couldn't wait to read the end.  I give this a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This early copy was given in exchange for an honest review by its publishers and Netgalley.

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review 2020-11-03 07:47
Nobody Knows (SWAT Generation 2.0 #11) by: Lani Lynn Vale
Nobody Knows (SWAT Generation 2.0 #11) - Lani Lynn Vale




Nobody Knows by Lani Lynn Vale

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

She had me at hello. I was so determined that Nobody Knows was not the book for me until it came time to say goodbye. Turns out Malachi and Sierra put the moves on my emotions so quickly, I never saw it coming. Every tear I cried, every smile I found, every reveal that I discovered made the experience one of the best I've had. Vale stole my heart right out of my chest without my ever having known. My heart may never recover from falling in love so rapidly. My favorite of the series.

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review 2020-08-26 08:54
Evil Archaeology by Heather Lynn
Evil Archaeology: Demons, Possessions, and Sinister Relics - Heather Lynn Rigaud

TITLE:  Evil Archaeology: Demons, Possessions, and Sinister Relics


AUTHOR:  Heather Lynn




FORMAT:  Paperback


ISBN-13:  9781938875199



"Demons, jinn, possession, sinister artifacts, and gruesome archaeological discoveries haunt the pages of the new book by Dr. Heather Lynn. Evil Archaeology investigates the archaeological record for artifacts and evidence of evil entities, revealing how demons from the ancient world may be dwelling among us. It also looks at the history and lore behind real relics, believed to be haunted, and includes historical accounts of demonic possession, as far back as the accounts of King Solomon invoking demons to help him build his famed Temple. Is there really a prehistoric fertility goddess figure that has been known to bring death to the families of anyone who holds it? Are there real vampire graveyards? Can the archaeological record prove the existence of demons and malevolent entities? Some tantalizing questions Evil Archaeology addresses include: •What is the origin of demons? •What role did Sumerian demons play in the development of civilization? •Are curses real? Can material objects contain evil? What about places? •What can we do to protect ourselves, according to historical records? •Was Jesus an exorcist? If this sounds all too disturbing, try not to worry. Evil Archaeology also includes ways to protect yourself and loved ones against malevolent forces, as well as practical advice from experienced exorcists and demonologists."




For a book titled "Evil Archaeology", it contains minimal information about archaeology or archaeological find, but does include a hodge-podge of stories about demons, pagan-deities, demonic possessions, and relics.  Some of the stories were interesting, like the Mesopotamian Toilet Demon and hypotheses about the reasons for trepannation and the creation of "gods/demons" by humans to deal with stressful situations like civilization.  But after a while the run-on collection of summaries about ancient/pagan deities, demonic possession anecdotes, summaries of gruesome archaeological find, fictional scenes and references to films and the like just got tedious.  The organization of the book was somewhat erratic and the author wasn't clear about her overarching hypothesis (if she had one).  At the end I couldn't determine if she was trying to find evidence that demons and gods were created by humans or if they actually exist or if she was just listing a bunch of things she found interesting.  I'm so happy I didn't impulse buy this at the bookshop and borrowed a library copy instead. This was a particularly disappointing read.

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text SPOILER ALERT! 2020-08-25 13:25
Reading progress update: I've read 55 out of 288 pages.
Evil Archaeology: Demons, Possessions, and Sinister Relics - Heather Lynn Rigaud

"Many passages in the Babylonian Talmud warn against "Shed Bet ha-Kis,", the "toilet demon".  

The Mesopotamians had a toilet demon.  Who knew?!!

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