Happy Sunday!
I haven't read much this week (owing to the Great Gaudy Book Hangover), but it has been quite a week in other ways.
My cooker (hob and oven) had packed it in over the holidays and I have been trying to arrange to get this fixed over the last week ... but with busy work commitments, I took some time to get this arranged. Yesterday, finally, was the day. It's still not fixed, but it is now working enough to last me until the new appliance gets delivered. Yay!
All of this, of course, had to be celebrated, and what better to do this than to make some soup!?
The recipe can be found here ... but I had to leave out the spinach as I forgot to pick some up.
In other news, I really needed the soup today. I've been on a little outing earlier and got soaked through with freezing rain and chilled to bones by that ever-present North Sea wind.
But it was worth it to see the seal colony that has made its home just north of the city.
They are so cute, and so impressive. They are completely wild but you would not really know it when they swim up right to the other end to the river mouth (the one that is safe for visitors and seals, and unlikely to distress the colony while hauled out on the other bank). Seriously, they came right up to the edge of the water! They are such nosy buggers! And so cute. Have I mentioned this already?
I hope you all had a great day.