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review 2016-02-19 09:34
Bayou Moon - Ilona Andrews

What a fantastic book! I absolutely adored the characters, especially Cerise's nutty family! seeing them from William's POV was hilarious. And Cerise and William themselves were wonderful characters, it was an exciting experience reading from their POV.
I enjoyed this book even more than the 3rd one (I read the series out of order) William and Cerise always intrigued me in the 3rd book and i had hopped to get to know them better, Bayou Moon was greater than anything I could have expected!!


The Mire made this book, thinking of people living in the squalor and mud, hiding in the weeds and swamps while picking each other off with guns, swords, knifes and their own special brand of magic was awesome, then turn around and add a wolf and a whole band of magically-mutated weirdo's and you have a hilarious, action packed adventure.
The back story was well provided over a slow period of time, giving us just enough tidbits to know where the characters stand in relation to each other but keeping enough secret to shock and surprise us when certain things when revealed.


Overall I'm very impressed with the book, the only reason I rated Bayou Moon 4 stars instead of 5 was because some lines from here have been repeated (or similar enough) in IA other series, Kate Daniels. I probably wouldn't have noticed but I have only just finished binge re-reading the series. Also Cerise is vaguely similar to Kate while William also has similar traits to Curran

Cerise & Kate both using a sword, having a twisted family thinking it was strange, once they took someone under their wing they'd do anything for them, etc etc. William & Curran both being Alpha male, knowing best over the female, expect having to save her etc, but least Will was surprised and impressed with Cerise skill with a sword - of course there where a lot of differences as well, but these were just things that stood out to me

(spoiler show)

 which slightly bothered me while reading. I know, I know written by the same person, but there two different characters, I don't like them reminding me so much of one another. Either way fan-fucking-tastic book. Glad I finally read it.
I'll definitely be re-reading this book again


P.S. Terrible cover, I had to hide it while reading in public, didn't want people to think i was reading sappy romance :P

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review 2014-09-08 16:42
NICOLE'S REVIEW: Feuds by Avery Hastings
Feuds - Avery Hastings

Davis is a ballerina. Genetically enhanced since birth like all Priors are, she's smarter, stronger and basically just better than the Imperfects. Or Imps as they're called. She's about to qualify for the Olympiads and nothing will stop her from becoming a renowned ballerina like her mother. Until she meets Cole. Unbeknownst to her, Cole has another reason for bumping into her one night at a party - to sabotage her father's campaign through Davis. They never expected to fall for each other. Never expected to unveil secrets that the government is desperate to hide.


I have a bone to pick with this book. Truthfully. It has a gorgeous cover which I love love love but's basically a romance in a dystopian setting. Oh sure, there's a deadly virus sweeping through the Priors and Cole's attempted sabotage of Davis' reputation but it really just focuses on the romance. It's not the swoon-worthy kind of romance too, it's instant love. Th kind where a connection between them is forged through subtle glances and the mystery surrounding Cole's persona and the fact that he's major eye candy. Sometimes I'm okay with instant love. Sometimes. This is not one of them. 


It doesn't help that Davis was a damsel in distress kind of heroine. She has zero self preservation skills. When Davis and Cole first met he was a major creeper. I mean if a guy just so happens to put his had on my bare back at a party I'd run screaming for the other side of the room or maybe just hide behind my friends. Don't get drawn in by a pretty face and a grin. Seriously. Davis' friendships also seem superficial. I couldn't get a feel for the connection between her and the best friend. 


And you know, I might have forgiven the insta-love if the focus of the story wasn't on that. I didn't want to read about Davis wondering about Cole. Didn't want to see her swoon, or look forward to when they were gonna bump into each other. People are dying Davis, people you know. You should be scared.


And if that wasn't enough, the world building for Feuds was just...shoddy. There wasn't enough back story. Not enough details on their society. Like why the divide? Priors and Imps? Technology? Barely there. I want the details, the little things that come together to give me an image of what their society is like. It's supposed to be futuristic but the thing is, aside from the social divide? There's nothing here that really screams that. Aside from genetically modified human beings who are immune to all kinds of sicknesses. 


Half baked world building and forgettable characters? Not my thing. And while I do like my fair share of romance I expected this book to lean towards the sci-fi side more. My mistake. Looking for sci-fi that's actually science-y and believable? Try Insignia by SJ Kincaid or Proxy by Alex London. 


Source: thetwinsread.blogspot.com/2014/09/nicoles-review-feuds-by-avery-hastings.html
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url 2013-12-10 21:40

   writes about the literary feuds and controversies of 2013 in The New Yorker's Page-Turner blog. The noted contentions include: 


Claire Messud and likeability

Rachel Kushner and “mansplaining” 

Women writers and only children

Jonathan Franzen vs. the modern world

The Booker Prize and American vs. British literary awards

Harper Lee vs. the Monroe County Heritage Museum

The battle over Gore Vidal’s estate

Buzzfeed Books and negative criticism

Deborah Solomon vs. the Rockwell Family



Page-Turner - Criticism, contention, and conversation about books that matter.

Source: jaylia3.booklikes.com/post/725610/literary-feuds-of-2013
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review 2013-03-20 00:00
Great Feuds in Science: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever - Hal Hellman I had a hard time getting through it. I expected it to be much lighter than it turned out to be. Really, feuds should be more exciting than this.
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review 2011-10-18 00:00
Great Feuds in History: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever - Colin Evans This is not the sort of book that one is likely to pick up unless one is already a history buff. But a history buff will have at least a passing familiarity with the feuds mentioned here. This is more of a refresher/teaser for people looking for a little more information than anything else.

The book is divided into chapters, each covering in about twenty pages or so one of the feuds. That's actually a pretty decent amount of space to give each a fair amount of coverage. The writing is engaging enough, but it's really the events themselves that keep the pages turning. I think an author would have to try very hard indeed to write a boring version of the feud between the Hatfields and McCoys, for example.

So what's covered? We have Elizabeth I vs. Mary, Queen of Scots, Parliament vs. Charles I, Burr vs. Hamilton, Hatfields vs. McCoys, Stalin vs. Trotsky, Amundsen vs. Scott (ie, the race to the South Pole), Duchess of Windsor vs. Queen Mother (ie, the Wallis Simpson debacle), Montgomery vs. Patton, Johnson vs. Kennedy, and Hoover vs. Martin Luther King, Jr. My general level of interest in the subject determined how interested I was in the chapter. The best one, in my opinion, was the quite tense story of the race to the South Pole, with all its aftermath. But a Russian history buff (which I am not) would probably enjoy the Stalin and Trotsky chapter, provided it wasn't too much of a rehash for somebody familiar with the subject.

This is the sort of thing that's meant to be read a little at a time, by somebody highly interested in the history involved. And it does that well enough, but it's really just a teaser.
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