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review 2020-05-19 07:50
Idol (VIP Book 1) - Kristen Callihan

Libby is seriously sick.  The hottest man ever has mangled her front yard.  Just gross.  He has gotten sick, made her feel bad, and thoroughly disgusted her.  How is this possible?


Killian is so glad to be anonymous, knowing it will not last.  For the time being his neighbor slash enemy is avoiding him.  He cannot stop looking her way.  He may have to get to know her better.


This book starts out with such fun angst.  There is so much humor, and the laughs keep coming.  Until the heat kicks in.  Then it is all heat and spark.  Between these two, you can feel it lifting off the page and seriously almost burning me as the reader.  I was fully impressed.  I cannot wait to read the next book in this sexified series.  I give this read a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!

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review 2019-08-11 18:17
Beautifully written short(ish) thrillers
The Third Man and The Fallen Idol - Graham Greene

This book contains two of Graham Greene's short(ish) stories that were made into films. The first is set in post-war Vienna occupied by Britain, the US, France and Russia. It is a satisfying thriller, although the surprise twist wasn't so surprising, most of the interest (both drama and humour) comes from the conflicted Rollo Martins. Although it was written simply as a stepping stone towards a screenplay, there is some wonderful imagery.

"... bowing her head against the wind, a dark question mark on the snow." How gorgeous is that?

There are a number of humorous moments, revolving around a case of mistaken identity (in a rather Shakespearean farce) and in the interactions between the military police of the four powers.

" American chivalry is always, it seems to me, carefully canalized - one still awaits the American saint who will kiss a leper's sores."

Of the two stories I preferred the second - The Fallen Idol - told from the perspective of a young boy who is left in the care of two servants (married to each other), one of whom the boy loves and the other he hates. He is caught in the middle of an intrigue and feels crushed by the secrets he's asked to keep.

My favourite passages are -

"[S]he was darkness when the night-light went out in a draught; she was the frozen blocks of earth he had seen one winter in a graveyard when someone said, 'They need an electric drill'; she was the flowers gone bad and smelling in the little closet at Penstanley. There was nothing to laugh about. You had to endure her when she was there and forget about her quickly when she was away,"

"There had been things between them, but he laid them low, as a retreating army cuts the wires, destroys the bridges."

It's always a pleasure to read effective prose, and the second story also provides plenty of tension.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-04-25 18:20
Last and First Idol
Last and First Idol - TNSK,Gengen Kusano,Andrew Cunningham

I first heard of this book at the J-Novel Panel at Anime Expo last year. What caught my attention the most during the announcement was that the titular short story started as a Love-Live fanfiction. I started reading the novel when the J-Novel club released different parts of the three short stories weekly before the full book came out. Before I began reading the weekly releases, I thought the stories were going to scream "moe" and filled with the kind of stuff I saw in some sci-fi anime with cute characters.

Wow, I was wrong about my predictions for this story collection. The stories were anything but ordinary sci-fi. Each story was bizarre but in a good way. My favorite mash-up in the story was the Evo Gals one which combined evolution with gacha games. Surprisingly both of those things mix well. Reading about the idol activities done in the title story was macabre but somewhat funny to those who don't mind dark humor. Reading about space whale mating and using the whale's body as a spaceship in Dark Seiyuu was amusing.

The author and the translator both do an excellent job of maintaining the right balance of describing objects and the characters' actions without being too convoluted. The way the destruction of the Earth in Dark Seiyuu when gravity ceases was vivid and took my breath away. So was the brain removal procedure featured in Last and First Idol. I can feel my eyeballs and brain popping out of my head.

After I finished reading the first time, I purchased the ebook version to read again. Reading the stories the second time made me appreciate the stories more since I gain a better grasp of the scientific terms mentioned in the stories. Even when I reread the book, I still feel the wonder I've experienced the first time.

I highly recommend buying this book and reading it multiple times.

(spoiler show)
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text 2019-02-06 21:03
Nicht mein Fall
Idol - Gib mir die Welt (VIP-Reihe 1) - ... Idol - Gib mir die Welt (VIP-Reihe 1) - Kristen Callihan,Anika Klüver

Libby Bell ärgert sich über ihren neuen Nachbarn. Killian bringt ihr bisher ruhiges Leben durcheinander. Eigentlich wollte Libby nur ihr Herz vor Typen wie Killian schützen, aber das ist leider nicht so einfach, denn er ist etwas besonders. Bald findet sie heraus, wie besonders Kilian ist, denn er ist nicht nur ihr gut aussehender Nachbar, sondern auch der Leadsänger und Gitarrist einer der erfolgreichsten Rockbands der Welt.

Das Cover hat mich nicht angesprochen. Es ist nicht mein Stil und auch nicht in meinen Farben. Der Gitarrist ist das Beste am Ganzen.

Der Anfang des Buches war vielversprechend. Zwischen Libby und Kilian flogen die Funken und der Humor kam ebenfalls nicht zu kurz. Es war schön und auch sehr intim mitzuerleben, wie die Beiden Gefühle füreinander entwickeln und sich kennen lernen.
Irgendwann muss Killian zurück auf die Bühne und da fing die Geschichte für mich zu schwächeln an. Ich kann nicht genau sagen, was mich so störte, war es Libbys Problem mit ihrer Karriere? Ich weiß es nicht.
Die Probleme der Beiden sind auch nicht glaubhaft.

Obwohl mir der Schreibstil gut gefällt und sich angenehm lesen lässt, ließ für mich die Geschichte ab der Mitte stark nach. Man lernt viele Charakter kennen von denen ich einfach gerne mehr gehabt hätte. Einige Entwicklungen passen auch nicht zu den Charakteren die man eigentlich bisher kennen gelernt hat.
Neben den Schwächen und Längen hat dieses Buch auch seine guten Momente, aber leider ist es kein Buch das hängen bleibt.

Keine Leseempfehlung.

Ich habe das Buch von NetGalley bereitgestellt bekommen und bedanke mich herzlich dafür.

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review 2018-02-18 00:00
Idol - Kristen Callihan 3 stars

Music can be your friend when you have none, your lover when you're needy. Your rage, your sorrow, your joy, your pain. Your voice when you've lost your own. To be a part of that, to be the soundtrack of someone's life, is a beautiful thing.
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