This is book #3, in the VIP series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. To avoid spoilers, and to fully understand the series, I recommend reading this series in order.
Jax is stunned from the moment he meets Stella. He does not know why he is so attracted, but he thinks about her all the time. Can he be what she needs to make a future?
Stella is surprised to meet Jax. The attraction is mutual. She becomes his neighbor. They meet up constantly and accidentally and the heat is sparking all over.
This story was more involved and a little dark. I like how realistic it was about addiciton and depression. These are hard subjects to tackle and I felt it was done well. I liked reading about the characters falling. It felt organic, real, and like I was in the room. I enjoyed this read. I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Book Spot!