Let's get this week started! Today I am visiting New Portland to discover how everyone is handling thier lives after Magic Fall! Enjoy and don't forget to enter the giveaway!

The Witchkin Murders
Magicfall Book 1
by Diana Pharaoh Francis
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance

Four years ago, my world—the world—exploded with wild magic. The cherry on top of that crap cake? The supernatural world declared war on humans, and my life went straight to hell.
I used to be a detective, and a damned good one. Then Magicfall happened, and I changed along with the world. I’m witchkin now—something more than human or not quite human, depending on your perspective. To survive, I’ve become a scavenger, searching abandoned houses and stores for the everyday luxuries in short supply—tampons and peanut butter. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, but anything’s better than risking my secret.
Except, old habits die hard. When I discover a murder scene screaming with signs of black magic ritual, I know my days of hiding are over. Any chance I had of escaping my past with my secret intact is gone. Solving the witchkin murders is going to be the hardest case of my life, and not just because every second will torture me with reminders of how much I miss my old life and my partner, who hates my guts for abandoning the department.
But it’s time to suck it up, because if I screw this up, Portland will be wiped out, and I’m not going to let that happen. Hold on to your butts, Portland. Justice is coming, and I don’t take prisoners.

The world exploded with wild magic and the supernatural world declared war on humans and Kayla life went straight to hell. She used to be a detective and now she’s witchkin and a scavenger trying to hide her secret. But any chance she had of escaping her past and keeping her secret disappears when she discovers a murder scene that screams whit signs of black magic ritual. She has to work with her old partner who hates her for abandoning the department and if she screws this up, Portland will be wiped out.
This new urban fantasy screams suspense and magic and while most of the story doesn’t have a lot of romance per say, it does hint at the possibility of a romantic feelings between Kayla and old partner Ray. The chemistry burns hot and heavy throughout the story as they clash, sending sparks flying in every direction. The relationship is chock full of emotional upheaval due to secrets that stem from what happened when magic fell. These two strong, bold characters along with strong supportive characters easily draw readers into their story as they struggle to come to terms with working together again and with how they really feel.
Readers can’t stop reading very fast paced and suspenseful story that is full of stunning twists that change everything in this post-apocalyptic world full of wild magic and monsters where the divide between humans and supernaturals is boiling over the top. Unique elements and a wonderfully descriptive futuristic setting makes it easy for readers to imagine so they really can’t help but this energetic and stunning read.

Author's Book Page - https://www.dianapfrancis.com/magicfall/the-witchkin-murders/#more-4991

Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46008248-the-witchkin-murders
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The Witchkin Murders is the 1st book in the Magic Fall
Four years ago, Magicfall happened: a gargantuan release of wild magic into the world. Everything changed. All the creatures of fairytale and myth came out of the woodwork. Enchanted forests sprouted and spread millions of acres. Never-dying tornadoes danced across plateaus. Mountains rose and fell. The world turned inside out and chaos ruled. Then the Witchwar began. An effort to exterminate humanity to give witchkin–magical creatures–back their world. Though many people died or were transformed by wild magic, in the end, the Witchwar failed. Cities continued to stand, and newly created technomages fought back with technomagic.
Now things have started to stabilize. There’s a tense peace between witches, witchkin, and humans.
Welcome to the new Portland. It used to be one of the weirdest cities in the world. Now it’s so much more so, and so much more dangerous and interesting.
Author - https://www.dianapfrancis.com/magicfall/

AVAILABLE in ebook
Amazon - https://amzn.to/2W3DUxz
B&N - https://tinyurl.com/yxuktszc
Kobo - https://tinyurl.com/yycsbbvb
iBooks - https://tinyurl.com/y5jepxse
GPlay - https://tinyurl.com/yya4hvfr

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I was raised on a cattle ranch in Northern California (outside a town called Lincoln which is now part of an enormous sprawl). I taught myself to ride a horse at the age of six, as no one had the time to teach me—they were all busy learning how to irrigate, how to cajole an angry bull into another field, how to pull a calf… Afraid of heights, and absolutely sure I was going to die, I managed to scramble up on the back of a very patient and lazy strawberry roan destrier, and plod off into the sunset.
Thereafter, I spent much of my early life on horseback, or so far buried into a book that the rest of the world ceased to exist (much to the annoyance of my family—it took several attempts to get my attention). We all had very specific jobs on the ranch and mine was horses and cattle—out rounding up at dawn. And since I rode bareback, my standing request was to wake me up 5 minutes before everyone else headed for the barn—time enough to dress and eat my Wheaties, and no sleep time wasted on saddling.
After high school, I attended college after college, racking up a BA and MA in creative writing and a Ph.D. in literature and theory. My very patient and supportive husband traipsed across the Midwest and back to Montana for me (though my husband insists that he’s been running and hiding and I just keep finding him), where I now teach at the University of Montana-Western. We also a son Q-ball, who in our humbly unbiased opinions, is the most wonderful son ever produced, and a daughter, Princess Caesar, who is the most wonderful daughter ever produced.
I have a fascination for the Victorians, weather, geology, horses, plants and mythology, I like spicy food, chocolate and cheesecake, and I have an odd sense of humor. (Or so I’ve been told. Often.) Incidentally, the Pharaoh is in fact my real name, and oddly enough, is of British origin.
Some of my current favorite sf/f writers are Ilona Andrews, Carol Berg, C.E. Murphy, Patty Briggs, Lynn Flewelling, Rachel Caine, David Coe, and Anne Bishop. The Witchkin Murders is the first book in her exciting new urban fantasy series—Magicfall.

Website - http://www.dianapfrancis.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Diana-Pharaoh-Francis-Fantasy-Writer-163098893459/timeline/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Dianapfrancis
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/difrancis/
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8646.Diana_Pharaoh_Francis
BookBub - https://www.bookbub.com/authors/diana-pharaoh-francis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/di_pharaoh_francis
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Pharaoh-Francis/e/B001IQXI86
