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review 2020-06-02 21:31
You Brought Me the Ocean by Alex Sanchez
You Brought Me the Ocean - Alex Sanchez,Julie Maroh

Jake Hyde is in his junior year of high school and wants to study the ocean. He's never even seen the ocean, living in Truth or Consequences, NM, but he's always felt drawn there. His best friend Maria wants to study closer to home, and Jake's overprotective mother would agree. After his father drowned when he was a baby, his mother has all but forbid him to go near open water. There are other complications, like the weird birth marks Jake has up and down his arms and legs that glow when wet, and his growing crush on Kenny Liu, captain of the swim team. 


The story moves at a nice pace, allowing plenty of time for the characters to show who they are and Julie Maroh ('Blue is the Warmest Color') provides a dreamy landscape that doesn't dilute the sharper aspects of the story. I'd forgotten this was a DC Comics graphic novel when Jake and Maria spot Superman flying high in the sky towards the West coast while hiking. 


This novel succeeds as a coming-of-age story, complete with first romance, tears and drama as well as an origin story for Aqualad. There is an astonishing amount of LGBTQIA books coming out now (yay!), and this one hits all the marks.

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review 2020-03-02 22:27
Kindgerecht & ansprechend
Hannah Arendt - María Isabel Sánchez Vegara

Wunderbar illustriert und sehr kindgerecht - mit knapp 14€ jedoch auch ein stolzer Preis, der "ach, da nehme ich doch gleichmal mehrere mit" entgegen stehen dürfte.

Kennt ihr schon die "Little people - Big dreams"-Reihe? Im englisch- und spanischsprachigen Raum ist sie bereits ein Riesenerfolg. Mittlerweile gibt es auch 12 deutsche Titel; sechs kommen diesen Monat neu hinzu. Ich durfte mit Hannah Arendt meinen ersten Einblick in diese Kinderbuchserie gewinnen und möchte euch heute davon erzählen.

Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Künstlerin, Pilotin oder Wissenschaftler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

So die Beschreibung der Reihe, in der zum Beispiel bereits Bücher über Rosa Parks, Ella Fitzgerald, Frida Kahlo oder Jane Austen erschienen sind. Die Grundidee ist: Lebensgeschichte in möglichst einfachen, wenigen Worten und dazu bezaubernde doppelseitige Illustrationen. Am Ende dann ein Kurzlebenslauf der Person.

Ich finde das Konzept äußerst geeignet, um kleineren Kindern bereits die "wichtigen" Personen aus Geschichte und Gegenwart nahezubringen und auch Probleme und Missstände zu zeigen. Wenn sie dann älter sind, kann man ihnen dann mehr Inhalt und Drastik zumuten, aber für den ersten Kontakt ist dieses Format wunderbar.

Explizit bei Hanna Arendt hätte ich mir noch eine Kurzzusammenfassung ihrer wichtigsten Aussagen oder zumindest Buchtitel gewünscht, war aber ansonsten begeistert vom Buch, waren doch die Illustrationen liebevoll und wunderschön und der Text angenehm leicht zu lesen. Auch das große Format und der Leineneinband, der allen Büchern dieser Reihe zu eigen ist, gefielen mir ausgesprochen. Unbedingt möchte ich noch die Bücher zu Astrid Lindgren, Agatha Christie und Maya Angelou lesen.

Source: oceanlove--r.blogspot.com/2020/03/little-people-big-dreams-hannah-arendt.html
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review 2020-02-17 21:47
Review ~ Decent read
Blood is Thicker - Orlando A. Sanchez

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Vampire hunters are in town and they’ve taken Michiko Nakatomi, leader of the Dark Council. Simon Strong and Tristan Montague are her only hope of survival. Well, it was nice knowing you Chi. Lol Just kidding.


Simon and Monty are once again off and running with multiple problems to solve and none of them easy to accomplish. The world is interesting and the characters are pretty good, but Simon’s snark can be a bit much at times. In any case, I still consider the books in this series as a nice getaway from real life and I just can’t resist Peaches, the hellhound puppers. Who’s a good dog? Peaches!

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/02/blood-is-thicker.html
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review 2020-01-31 02:24
Full Moon Howl - Orlando A. Sanchez

Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited


Bad juju is going down and The Dark Council wants Simon and Tristan to investigate. However, the evidence is pointing a finger right at Tristan. But you know what they say? If you are pointing 1 finger at someone then there are 4 more pointing back at you. Or something like that. Because we all know it’s not Tristan who is doing this nasty stuff. Montague & Strong need to find out who is behind the nasty business. Preferably before Tristan is taken out for something he didn’t do.


There’s lots of magic and danger going on and the world is interesting. The writing is a bit sparse. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, it just seems a bit lacking in…I don’t know, filler, for want of a better word. Like I said, not necessarily a bad thing, but I like a bit more fiber to my reading meal. Simon is a smartass and it can get a bit irritating which is also why I don’t rate this higher. However, it’s decent entertainment and enough to keep me going with the series. Also, Peaches is the best character of all. Just sayin’.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2020/01/full-moon-howl.html
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review 2019-11-19 19:45
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - Erika L. Sánchez

I Picked Up This Book Because: Heard some hype earlier this year and wanted to give it a listen

The Characters:

Julia Reyes:
Mr & Mrs Reyes:
Olga, Wanga, Conner, Lorena

The Story:

This book is a lot. It starts with the death of Julia’s sister Olga and spends some time with how the family copes but then spans over 2 years of Julia’s life. The ups, the downs, the in betweens, the secrets, the revelations, boys, friends, fights, depression and joy. Like I said a lot. Julia’s mother frustrated me the most. She came to America to afford her family opportunities that they wouldn’t have in Mexico but she only wants them in limited amounts. Julia wants the whole American dream and her ama just wants her to have a little bit. I know she is afraid considering her history however I, as no one's parent, feel like she should have spent her worry teaching her daughter to take care of herself instead of trying to keep her life small.

The writing was also a bit frustrating. It jumped it time regularly with no notice or warning and I kept feeling like I had missed something. With this happening I kept rewinding and it slowed down the pace for me. I found Julia’s story irresistible though and finished it in a reasonable amount of time.

The Random Thoughts:

The Score Card:


3.5 Stars
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