In Hexen's Cross Taran was impressive in so many ways but she seemed to be lacking in the practice of the Hexen craft and it was clear that she would need to bolster that moving forward. I couldn't imagine just how exactly that would come about in Hexen's Binding and I was truly surprised how it did in the best way. Some say the pen is mightier than the sword and that has maybe never been as true as it is for Taran, especially when that pen is building a magical arsenal of knowledge into her own grimoire.
I also have to say I really appreciated the strong family dynamic elements in this one. A lot of this story is getting to know ones roots, whether it be on the magical side of things, family, or even feelings. In all of those scenarios one thing rings true, it isn't easy to dig in deep and it is not always pretty what you find along the way, but in the end real strength will be found and built upon piece by piece. The Grims and the Donovans are like any other family in a lot of ways, they have their fractures and their failings but they also have immense strength and in the end a willingness to put differences aside and stand together when it counts.
While I wouldn't go as far to say that Hexen's Binding was the calm before the storm, because there was enough struggle to keep you glued to the pages, I did feel like it was building to a grand crescendo coming about in the next book. This ending satisfies just enough but will have you on the edge of your seat desperately awaiting the next installment.
I received an ARC of this book from the author and this is my honest review.