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review 2020-07-16 18:50
Book Review for Devious Savior (Vicious Vipers MC Book 6) Lynn Burke
Devious Savior (Vicious Vipers MC Book 6) - Lynn Burke



What an enjoyable story this was after the whopping ending with Virgil's story and with his brother's continued attempts to self-sabotage and continuing down the rabbit  hole we were more intrigued than ever what his story was.

The answers to Ricky's past are revealed and he finally comes face to face with his demons that have been haunting him for over 20 years and with a little help from a blonde tiny dancer he even may overcome them once and for all.

I have to say that I really enjoyed Ricky's character because I found him to be real, vulnerable, protective, heartsick, guilt stiffened while having a lot of insecurities all probably stemming from his life choices and past deeds but, not so gone that he wasn't the type of man who wouldn't be redeemable.

I loved Casey from the moment that women graced the pages because that woman was a spitfire also sexy, independent, bold, beautiful, forward, and not the kind of woman to give up what she wants. Casey had me smiling and laughing out loud at her antics and forwardness and she kept that  smile plastered to my face the entire book. Casey may have been all those things but, like all women, she had her own insecurities which made her even more of a love-able character.

Lust and love, at first sight, we're pretty much what drew Ricky and Casey together in the first place baring her amazing resemblance to Ricky's past lover who haunts his dreams but, in the reality, they are complete opposite's. The chemistry and pull between the two was scorching hot  and sexy but, as always the road to getting want you to want is never an easy one and for this couple will love to be able to conquer all and lay those demons to rest once and for all?

We loved the story from beginning to end and we loved that it was heartfelt and emotional and complicated and had awesome characters that felt real so much so you felt their pain and suffering. A touching story about addiction, and healing, love, and forgiveness all wrapped up in one but, along that path and through all that chaos it leads you to the one woman destined to be your soulmate. A tale that kept you glued to the pages the entire time.
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review 2020-07-16 17:42
Book Review for Callous by Lunn Burke
Callous Criminal (Vicious Vipers MC #3) by Lynn Burke - Lynn Burke


Let's start off by saying that we are really enjoying this series as we just love the characters that it has. Callous aka Ryder is no joke a cold heart-ed a killer who makes no bones about who he is and we loved that about him. The broken man was capable of being loving, caring, protective sweet, and kind, and even with his affliction of no touching that he battles with daily was making slow strides with his little problem even if he wasn't even realizing it.

Pia aka Little Lamb as Ryder/Callous calls her was the bomb we just loved her. We found her to be loving and caring and protective of her charges so much so she took her job seriously as a social worker above and beyond the job to see to the safety of them the best she could. We loved her with Callous/Ryder even though she wasn't sure what lead to him being the way he was and that she took a chance on him hoping that little by little she could figure him out and help him in only the way she could. All those little accidental touches were working there little miracle.

Talk about chemistry this couple had that in spades. We loved them together even though we first thought that Pia was crazy to put up with the man's bullsh** ways. I have to say that we loved them together as they were complete opposites but, perfect for one another. One thing we loved most about this couple's relationship is that Callous from the onset of meeting Pia he never hid who he really was.

Overall this was a touching story that tugged on one heartstring's of what Dasia and Ryder/Callous endured. I loved seeing a whole different side of Callous and Pia embrace her wild side that she kept locked up tight inside of her and how she took a chance on a bad boy. Together they were a force to be reckoned with!


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review 2020-06-28 18:36
Book Review for Ruthless Sentinel (Vicious Vipers MC Book 2) Kindle Edition by Lynn Burke
Ruthless Sentinel (Vicious Vipers MC Book 2) Kindle Edition - Lynn Burke


We really enjoyed this story as it had really great characters that were fun and flirty and they made you laugh.

The more we read this series the more and more we fall in love with it's characters.Stone was one of those characters that you loved from the onset of the story although serious he was funny,sexy as sin, handsome,rugged and one of those who does not shy away from feigning interest in a women who he is lusting after and yet, has no business wanting but, can't help obsessing over a women he cannot have.I loved him as I thought he was frig-gen hilarious as he was fighting his feelings and sexual desires!
"It made for a whole lot of laughs!"
"He reminded me like a fish on a hook!"

Giada was our favorite character as she was witty and defiant ,one who chose her own path, had a huge heart ,suffered bullying and abuse and betrayals and was full of sadness and had a sh** family other than her siblings yet, she still carved out a successful life and remained sane through it all but, did not become a bitter person in the process. Giada was beautiful and kind and caring and was beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.

Overall the story was a really good one that was full of action and suspense,pretty much from the onset of the story and kept you glued to the pages to the very end.The story also had great characters that were engaging and funny and interesting and we are loving getting to know these new character's and we are looking forward to reading the other members stories.The story took a bit of a twist and one that we did not see coming and we like when that happens and we also loved that fact that opposites attract and these two had amazing chemistry and yet, end up perfect for one another.
This was one hot sexy read!


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review 2020-06-28 17:46
Book Review for Brutal Beast (Vicious Vipers MC, #5) by Lynn Burke
Brutal Beast (Vicious Vipers MC Book 5) Kindle Edition - Lynn Burke


This was and enjoyable read and we loved Virgil,Mila and Devon and their story.

I always pick a favorite character that stands out and my favorite this time around was Virgil because he always seemed almost unapproachable most of the time but, when it came to spending time with both Mila and Devon he was anything but.We loved Devon and Virgil's interactions and so forth whether Virgil realized it or not he was taking on the role of a parent while also extending friendship to a boy who seemed to be a little bit lost.

We loved the chemistry between Mila and Virgil because if you just entered a room you could feel it between them but, Mila is constantly Waring with both her heart and mind but, with very good reasons to be that way after the situation she has found herself in but, one thing is for sure is Virgil has met his match in Mila and he is addicted to her sassiness.

I really loved Mila and Virgil together they were super sweet together and even when she was trying to avoid him she was constantly drawn to the cocky alpha biker so much so her attempts made us smile.

Overall we felt it was a heart felt story and the characters we easy to love and as always we love all the teasing and so forth among the clubs members added with a bit of suspense and bitter betrayal and unanswered questions about Virgil's brother created a bit of a mystery so much so we want answers too it was the perfect read to pass the time.


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review 2020-04-26 21:16
Book Review for Red by London Miller The Den Series
Red. - London Miller



The story has amazing characters as they were all so love-able and intriguing and the plot was filled with tons of drama,romance and suspense.One thing we love about a story like this is all its moving parts and all the complications that arise from Mafia Crime Families warring between the families fighting for power right down to the assassins needing to do their jobs all among the craziness.

Regan and Red had amazing chemistry and we loved seeing a glimpse of what was below the surface of Red's armor when he sparingly chose to let us see it.We loved that Red was a completely different person around Regan and she him.

Regan we found her to be a care taker, one who puts family first, one who puts her own dreams on hold all because circumstances change, she was smart and clever,sexy and one who cares and forgives because she has such a big and generous heart.

I love Red and all his broken-ness not that we love anything that he has endured but, even though on the surface he seems unfeeling,distant,hard,scary he is capable of love and feelings because you just have to see him with his brother's son Sasha to see that there is hope that one day he will let go of the pain, bitterness,resentment and finally be free of his demons and fully open his heart up and allow himself to be happy once again and to be loved. My heart broke for this character for all that he endure at the hands of others.We also have to say that we first met Red/aka Nicklaus in Mischa & Laurens story and having done so we loved him even more this time around because we got to know what he was truly capable of and even though he will never forget what happened to him and those that played a part he was still able to carve out some sort of friendship/forgiveness with Luca and Mischa.

Luca is still one bad*as and we just loved him in this story and of course we loved seeing Mishca and Lauren once again as they are one of our favorite couples.

This was an awesome story for us and we can't wait to read the rest of the series.This author is still fairly new to us and we have to say we are so loving all her works.

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