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review 2020-01-23 15:38
"In Defiance", by John W. Mefford
IN Defiance (An Ivy Nash Thriller, Book 1) - John W. Mefford

Ivy Nash Thriller book #1

Redemption Thriller book # 7

Ivy Nash is the second sub-series of the Redemption Thriller Collection. In the past few months I have been reviewing the Alex Trout Thrillers, the first of the sub-series and enjoyed them immensely, so I was eager to get my teeth (hands) on the Ivy Nash experience hoping to be as much entertained as in the first series.

John Mefford is a talented author and knows how to build his characters for us to relate to them and he does a good job in doing so. “In Defiance” starts by telling us a bit of Ivy’s background, a system kid growing up in foster care. As an adult Ivy became a special investigator for Child Protective Services and would do anything for the wellbeing of children. So, when a volatile hostage situation at a foster home happens Ivy is right there to help but unfortunately the situation reaches a bitter end and an investigation is launched. The story that follows is a series of twists and turns, accusations, abuse, connections to drugs and a shockwave of horrific childhood memories.

Ivy is a character you simply love: she is strong, independent and is not afraid of trouble. Her past will not dictate her present and she will go all out to prove that a 10 year old boy is not guilty of murder. There is some heart breaking moments.

The tempo is moderate and keeps the same pace from start to finish. Although I did find Ivy’s drama entertaining I was not as captivated by it has I was with Alex’s stories, anyways so far. . Having said this, “In Defiance” is still a page turner and a good opening for another exciting series. Looking forward to story #2.

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review 2019-12-19 15:53
REVIEW BY MERISSA - Defiance (The Wolfborne Saga #1) by Cheree Alsop
Defiance (The Wolfborne Saga #1) - Cheree Alsop

@ChereeAlsop, #Paranormal, #YoungAdult, 4 out of 5 (very good)


Defiance is the first book in The Wolfborne Saga and you get a very different take on vampires and werewolves! It starts with Zev escaping in wolf form, from who or what you don't know. It's a close call though, nearly his last call, but he is saved by a young man driving a car. This opens up a whole sort-of-new life for those Zev meets and for him himself.


This was brilliantly written, with plenty of world-building and information given without it being an info-dump. There is definitely character growth from Zev but the others are just as interesting.


As the first book in a series you expect to get a lot of the ground-work, sometimes to the detriment of the story. Not so here. Ms. Alsop has provided a great start and I am looking forward to the next book in the series. Definitely recommended by me.


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *



Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Source: archaeolibrarian.wixsite.com/website/post/defiance-the-wolfborne-saga-1-by-cheree-alsop
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review 2019-05-30 03:15
Book Review for Balance by K.E. Osborn
Balance (Chicago Defiance MC #6) - K.E. Osborn



Let's start off by saying that we are really loving this series and we throughly enjoyed Ace's and Neve's story.We really love the character's in this series and the club itself as they never have a dull moment and the old ladies are totally awesome.
Ace & Cindi are besties/sometimes friends with benefits and Ace is having anxiety with Cindi gone to pursue her dream of acting but, is given an opportunity to check up on her and meets the amazing beauty Neve who is destined to be his if he has anything to say about it.
I loved the story from beginning to end as it was full of love and laughter,romance and suspense,twists and turns and more then a few surprises.
Ace and Neve are total opposites in every way but, they just clicked and had this amazing chemistry together but, with the forces to be it seems that their attraction to one another was domed from the onset of the story and things were looking bleak.
I loved Ace from the onset of the story and I love how he has all the old ladies wrapped around his little finger.We love how he was when he was with Neve always calm and happy and smiling and we loved seeing him that way.
Neve is a movie superstar and is at the top of her game but, when she meets Ace and he has no idea who she is she gets to be the real Neve who is easy going and all the glam and glitz falls to the way side and we get to see the real her who is just a down to earth girl who loves her family and craves a simple life even though she loves what she does for a living.
Overall we loved the story it was fun and intense and had a lot going on within the plot itself that puts both Cindi and Neve in danger creating tons of suspense and had a bit of a mystery to solve.Then you had mafia rivalry and the club mixed up in all of it which leads to death, destruction and mayhem making it a totally awesome read.The story took a few twists and turns but, we absolutely loved the ending.Yet again the story had amazing character's that you could not help but love and also had you rooting for a couple that deserved a happily after if they could just find a way to make that happen.
The ending was epic and looks like things are heating up even more in the next book in this going going series and we can't wait to see what happens next.
Recommended read to all!
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review 2019-02-14 19:49
Book Review for Acceptance by KE Osborn The Chicago Defiance MC Series #5
Acceptance (Chicago Defiance MC #5) by K.E. Osborn (Goodreads Author) - K.E. Osborn
Title: Acceptance
Series: The Chicago Defiance MC Series #5
Author: KE Osborn
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: February 6, 2019
Try to forget.
It's easier said than done.
My past—violently haunts my dreams.
My present—belongs to an MC. My brothers, my support, my family, my life.
But what if you left someone behind?
You failed them.
And set in motion a series of events no one could have predicted.
But in deserting him, you found her.
A constant. A guiding light. A connection that can't possibly not be right.
Or is it?
This story isn’t just two souls finding their connection—it’s lust, treachery, misery, and brutality.
Vengeance—will thrill you.
But will I be able to gain my acceptance?
This is one of my favorite MC author's and we are so loving the The Chicago Defiance MC Series.I loved Chain's story from beginning to end. 
One thing we love about this series is the amazing character's it has.I have to say I really loved them all but, the old ladies definitely add to the delight of reading this story because when those old ladies get together you know your going to laugh your butt off and I do time and time again.
Chain has been one of my favorite character's and I am so happy he got his story as we loved the brute of a man that was broken and lost that our heart always bleed for him as his pain just poured out of him that you could not be unaffected by him.
Revisiting Chains past with him was heart breaking as well as heart wrenching and I can say they I shed more than a few tears for him as he told his story.
We loved Chain's and getting to meet his family for the first time.We loved them.Chain's mom was the bomb!
Leave it to Chain's to have a complicated love story.We loved Doc/Bex in this story we saw a totally different side to her and we saw her take risks but, most of all we saw just how strong she really was when it came to fighting for something she wanted most in life.
I loved seeing both Doc and Bex together as the chemistry between them was always there but, fates intervention just gave it a little shove and I am so glad that Chain's was willing to put himself out there especially with the upbringing he had this was a major step for him.
Knowing Chains we already new his journey to getting his girl and his happily ever after was a rocky one. Bex's and Chains journey was suspenseful,heart wrenching,had tons of twists and turns and secrets that came to light and it was one heck of a ride for sure.
Chains has been a favorite character of mine all along as he has been always aloof and I think that what drew us to him from the onset of the series but, after reading this story we are more in love with this broken man than ever before.
I loved the plot of the story and how it surround around Chains past and present and how the one friend he had considered a brother in his past might be part of his present where he had come to find a slice of happiness in his pain filled life.The plot itself was dark edgy and it kept you on edge and engrossed in the series the entire time we loved it from cover to cover.
This story is just a reminder that sometimes you need the bad along with the good because without having the bad Chains would have never found his Happy Ever After and that one true soul-mate who was meant to be his .
Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.

Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry and get completely enveloped in the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.



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review 2019-02-05 04:50
Book Review for Sufferance by K E Osborn The Chicago Defiance MC Series #4
Sufferance (The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 4) Kindle Edition - K.E. Osborn
Title: Sufferance
Series: The Chicago Defiance MC Series #4
Author: KE Osborn
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: January 9, 2019 
Cover Design: Kellie Dennis from Book Cover by Design
Arc copy provided for honest review
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars


We were destined.
But time and fate are not on our side.
My president—her blood brother.
My patch—so close I can taste it.
Yet, I have to choose. Is there really a choice?
My club or the girl.
This woman shines brightly. She's adored, worshiped, and cherished by everyone, not only me. I'm just the unlucky prospect who fell for her.
But we're complicated. I want my patch, but I can't have her and it at the same time.
This story isn't only about a man fighting to have both—it’s secrets, battles, defection, and scandal.
Betrayal—it’s imminent.
How will we deal with our sufferance?

Another great read in this on going series. We have been looking forward to Neela's and Tremor's story and we just new that the path they would have to travel to be together would not be an easy one and it was that indeed.
We really enjoyed the story and I have to say that there were more than a few times I wanted to smack Tremor upside the head and say wake up and smell the coffee before its to late.
The story really was a emotional one with so much heartbreak and hurt.My heart went out to Neela time and time again for the pain she had to endure daily at the same time she pissed me off because I couldn't understand why she would even want a man who wasn't willing to fight for her but, than again the heart wants what it wants.
The story kept you engrossed in the story as several things were going on good and bad and a few surprises popped up and even more than a few secrets came to light.
For me what makes this story a great one as well as the series is that all the characters are all so love-able and so fun.
Ayla and Sass is always a hoot!
I call her my little bad a** ! lol
Overall this was a nice easy fast read for us and as always we a looking forward to the next in the series.Perhaps Chains story is next ? we will see...

Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she felt compelled to write the story brewing in her mind.

Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry and get completely enveloped in the characters and their story lines. She feels completely at home when writing and wouldn’t consider doing anything else.

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