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text 2021-05-10 23:48
Release Blitz - Impulsive Saint
Title: Impulsive Saint
Series: All Saints Security Series
Author: Jess Bryant
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 10, 2021
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Design
Ashtyn Echols just made the most impulsive decision of her life. Maybe it’s a mistake, but it doesn’t feel like one. She can’t get married today. Not when she has her whole life ahead of her and a bucket list of things she wants to do before she ties herself down and becomes the perfect politician’s wife the way her family expects her to.
For the first time ever, Ashtyn is free. Free of all the expectations and demands. Free to make her own choices, and her own mistakes.
Tyler St. James has jumped out of airplanes, hiked into a volcano and plans to climb Everest someday soon. His brothers call him impulsive and it’s true. Adventure is his drug of choice which is why getting assigned security detail for the wedding of a Senator’s daughter seems like its destined to be the most boring day of his life… until she runs.
Putting her on the back of his motorcycle might seem crazy but it’s also the only responsible thing to do. If she wants fun, he’s the man for the job. She can check off a few of her bucket list items and he can keep her safe without her ever knowing he’s hired muscle.
Only, he never expected to fall for her during an impromptu road trip to Vegas. He never expected her to grow more independent and impossible to resist by the mile. And he never expected her to find out he was being paid to look after her.
Will the truth mean the end of their adventure, or is the destination just the beginning of their journey together?

“Ride a motorcycle. Take a road trip. Get drunk. Dance on a bar. Correct me if I’m wrong but you knocked those out already. Why are you bothering to write them down?” 

She shrugged, “I like checking things off to-do lists.” 

That made him laugh, “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.” 

She continued, putting check marks by the things they’d done already. He could read most of the napkin even upside down. He smiled as he watched her write but when she paused and glanced back up at him from beneath her lashes, biting her bottom lip far too suggestively for his liking he felt heat curl in his belly and stomped it down immediately. 

“Don’t you dare write one-night stand on that list, Ashtyn.” 

She flushed a pretty shade of pink, “How did you know…” 

“You mentioned it last night. Remember?” 

That made her cringe, “Oh yeah… unfortunately I do.” 

“Don’t put it on the list.” 

She smirked, “But it is on my list.” 

“Not this one.” He tried to glare at her but wasn’t sure the look worked for him when she only smiled in return. “It’s not going to happen.” 

“Need I remind you that it’s my list, not yours?” She raised a perfect eyebrow. 

“Need I remind you that we’re sharing a hotel room from here to Vegas so you’re not going to have much privacy.” 

She looked offended, “You’re joking.”

“Not in the least.” He eyed the napkin and frowned. “You can mark skinny-dipping off that list too.” 

“Oh come on!” she laughed, “It’ll be fun.” 

“Give me the list.” He held out a hand but she jerked it away. “Ashtyn, give me the list.” 

“Fine.” She handed it over and he snatched the pen from her as well. 

He read through it again, noting everything that she had listed. When he glanced back up at her she was wiggling uncomfortably in her chair. He sighed and folded the napkin, putting it in his pocket. 

“I will help you check everything on this list off that doesn’t require bodily harm or the potential to be arrested.” 

She rolled her eyes, “And here I thought you took pride in being adventurous.”

“Every minute with you is exactly that, princess.” He winked playfully and then scooted to the edge of the booth. “Come on, if we’re going to get all this done, we can’t waste any more daylight.”


Jess Bryant is an avid indoorswoman. A city girl trapped in a country girl's life, her heart resides in Dallas but her soul and roots are in small town Oklahoma. She enjoys manicures, the color pink, and her completely impractical for country life stilettos. She believes that hair color is a legitimate form of therapy, as is reading and writing romance. She started writing as a little girl but her life changed forever when she stole a book from her aunt's Harlequin collection and she's been creating love stories with happily ever afters ever since. 
Jess holds a degree in Public Relations from the University of Oklahoma and is a lifetime supporter of her school and athletic teams. And why not? They have a ton of National Championships! She may be a girlie girl but she knows her sports stats and isn't afraid to tell you that your school isn't as cool as hers... or that your sports romance got it all wrong. 
For more information on Jess and upcoming releases, contact her at JessBryantBooks@gmail.com or follow her on her many social media accounts for news and shenanigans.
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text 2021-04-22 13:05
Cover Reveal - Impulsive Saint
Title: Impulsive Saint
Series: All Saints Security Series
Author: Jess Bryant
Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 10, 2021
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Design
Ashtyn Echols just made the most impulsive decision of her life. Maybe it’s a mistake, but it doesn’t feel like one. She can’t get married today. Not when she has her whole life ahead of her and a bucket list of things she wants to do before she ties herself down and becomes the perfect politician’s wife the way her family expects her to.

For the first time ever, Ashtyn is free. Free of all the expectations and demands. Free to make her own choices, and her own mistakes.

Tyler St. James has jumped out of airplanes, hiked into a volcano and plans to climb Everest someday soon. His brothers call him impulsive and it’s true. Adventure is his drug of choice which is why getting assigned security detail for the wedding of a Senator’s daughter seems like its destined to be the most boring day of his life… until she runs.

Putting her on the back of his motorcycle might seem crazy but it’s also the only responsible thing to do. If she wants fun, he’s the man for the job. She can check off a few of her bucket list items and he can keep her safe without her ever knowing he’s hired muscle.

Only, he never expected to fall for her during an impromptu road trip to Vegas. He never expected her to grow more independent and impossible to resist by the mile. And he never expected her to find out he was being paid to look after her.

Will the truth mean the end of their adventure, or is the destination just the beginning of their journey together?
Jess Bryant is an avid indoorswoman. A city girl trapped in a country girl's life, her heart resides in Dallas but her soul and roots are in small town Oklahoma. She enjoys manicures, the color pink, and her completely impractical for country life stilettos. She believes that hair color is a legitimate form of therapy, as is reading and writing romance. She started writing as a little girl but her life changed forever when she stole a book from her aunt's Harlequin collection and she's been creating love stories with happily ever afters ever since. 
Jess holds a degree in Public Relations from the University of Oklahoma and is a lifetime supporter of her school and athletic teams. And why not? They have a ton of National Championships! She may be a girlie girl but she knows her sports stats and isn't afraid to tell you that your school isn't as cool as hers... or that your sports romance got it all wrong. 
For more information on Jess and upcoming releases, contact her at JessBryantBooks@gmail.com or follow her on her many social media accounts for news and shenanigans.
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review 2019-11-03 04:30
4 Star Unbelievable Faith
Unbelievable Faith - Jess Bryant


Luna DeLuca has lost everything except for her faith in herself and she knows the only to save her sisters is by offering herself up to the male that’s already killed half her family. He thought his mission to save the neighboring Crescent pack was helping out a friend and avenging an attack on his own, but the second he sets his eyes on the beautiful girl locked away, Michael Hudson knows that she’s the reason he’s here. Her wolf may be submissive but maybe, just maybe, if they believe in fate enough they can find their way to forever.


The characters in this duet are strong, compelling and the author portrays them in such a way that readers can’t take their eyes off them, and in the second half of this duet Luna and Michael captures readers hearts right off the bat. While they meet under horrible circumstances, their relationship is all about hope and Michael is everything an alpha male should be when it comes to taking care of his mate. Lots of chemistry, passion and emotional turmoil stirs up matching emotions in the readers.


This story can be read as a standalone, but it is infinitely better read back to back. The plot is faced paced and full of suspense and excitement that keeps the readers glued to the pages with some surprising twists that shake things up. Danger and craziness are added to the story from a hidden threat that brings about a startling twist that wows readers with a wonderfully exhilarating but sweet romances where readers have to agree that fate does get some things right.


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review 2019-10-26 04:58
4 Star Unbreakable Bond
Unbreakable Bond - Jess Bryant


At eighteen, Zoey Kent learned that the man she loved could never be hers. Fate doesn’t care that they’re a perfect pair, she isn’t his fated mate and she’s resigned herself to the knowledge that someday, she’ll have to watch Michael mate with another. Physically and mentally scarred from an attack that left his parents and twin dead, Rafe Hudson left his pack and responsibilities as Alpha behind years ago. But when learns of an attack on Michael, he heads home and scents his mate, the one person that can make him whole again.


The first book in the ‘Fated Mates Duet’ is an emotionally gripping read that captures readers’ hearts and refuses to let go. The characters are strong, compelling and easily draw readers into their story and the chemistry between Zoey and Kent sizzles with heat and electrical current that readers can practically feel leaping from the pages. But the relationship has a major obstacle and the first half of this story is a suspenseful but mostly emotional turbulent read as Zoey, Rafe and Michael tries to come to terms with the hand they been dealt by Fate.


The plot starts off with a steady pace and picks up in the second part of the book as suspense, tension and adrenaline pumping excitement builds with an enemy attacking the pack and surprising twists that also leads up to the second book in this duet. The author created a wonderful setting and very suspenseful situation that grabs readers’ attention and ensures that the want to know the whole story, so they will definitely want to read the next one.


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