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review 2012-04-18 07:03
Big Miracle
Big Miracle - Tom Rose I found 'Big Miracle' a fascinating story about how one non-event turned into the event of the Century. 3 whales trapped under the ice in Alaska create a snowball effect on the world, capturing the help and attention of media, Green Peace, Oil companies, the National Guard, the President of the USA, Inuits, the Soviets and more.... 3 Wales trapped under the ice is just the beginning of the story. I give 'Big Miracle' 4 and a half stars.
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review 2012-02-29 11:47
Sea Change
Sea Change: The Seascape in Contemporary... Sea Change: The Seascape in Contemporary Photography - Trudy W. Stack,Roni Horn,Trudy W. Stack Miranda didn’t plan on spending the summer on Selkie Island helping her mother sort out her grandmother’s estate. She’d planned on living her dream by interning at the Museum of Natural History in New York City. Instead, she’ll be up to her elbows in dust and debutantes.

Miranda doesn’t know what to expect when she arrives at the house known as The Mariner - the home on Selkie Island her mother visited every summer as a child. What she finds is a beautiful beach house filled with family history. A history Miranda knows nothing about because her mother and grandmother were on the outs for years.

Miranda’s mother immediately gets swept up in old summer ways, attending parties with old friends - dragging Miranda along with her and expecting her to fall into step with the customs of the Island’s summer inhabitants. Miranda doesn’t feel like she belongs with this upper crust crowd and when she meets a local boy named Leo at The Selkie Island Center for Marine Discovery, she knows exactly where she wants to be - with him. But, spending time with a local isn’t looked kindly upon by her mother or her mother’s circle of friends.

Mysteries surround the island and Leo. Mirandra struggles with her feelings of wanting to know more and afraid to find answers.

Aimee Friedman has written a beautiful novel. You’ll be able to feel the sand beneath your toes and taste the sea salt on your lips. Your heart will pound with each electrifying scene between Miranda and Leo and you’ll want to explore Selkie Island hoping to catch a glimpse of mermaids in the water.

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review 2011-08-18 11:12
Inferno - James Nachtwey,Luc Sante As this amazing trilogy came to a close, I almost felt like I was watching the series finale of a beloved show. The ending was touching, and this final volume had plenty of action. As with the last installment of many trilogies--"Spider-Man 3" certainly comes to mind--this was the weakest of the series, but it was still good. If you like "Star Trek" or the Reeves-Stevenses--or even both, like I do--you owe it to yourself to check this out.
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review 2011-08-18 10:53
Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place
Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place - Terry Tempest Williams Terry Tempest Williams' words allow the reader to enter the world of the Great Salt Lake and envision all of it splendid winged creatures. Although I have never visited the Great Salt Lake, I have constructed it in my head while reading this book. It must be an awe-inspiring place. Mrs. Williams' struggle with her family's cancer draws the reader in even more; it is clear to see the passion in the author's words. And the way the author intertwines her stories on the Great Salt Lake with her family's trials and tribulations is spectacular. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in nature, someone who is dealing with loss or just has a compassion for mother nature and mankind. A very good read.
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review 2011-08-18 10:29
Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action
Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action - J. Matthew Sleeth,Richard Cizik Best book I've read this year. Practical, down-to-earth, touching, it hit me hard on environmental issues that used to be so distant...it gets you into action mode...a must read for all Christians
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