about Soul and Sounds from Female Shamans of Ancient GreeceArt, Spirituality, consciousness, Symbols and Signs
Took me ages but couldn't resist, going through the sounds, images, symbols, one by one, comparing three ancient scripts of the most amazing Rosetta Stone!!!
Seeing the Rossetta Stone online, I went into the exploration of the sound Č, the most amazing hidden H, of our beloved sacred / secret Ya-Ho-Wa story The God Vibration. A starting point for understanding our ancestors ancient wisdom is that according to our sages, the Human (Čovek in Slavic) is the meeting place of Heaven and Earth, for many represented as the number 10, symbolically depicted as the cross, and during the journey to the enlightenment going back towards God, or Theos... On this journey of Tao sent forth by Chi as the three folded manifestation of frequencies through the methaphysics of sounds. The Tao of Logos was lost within the Mystery of Babylon Tower for some of the generations, yet for the consciousness researchers who wish to demistify the magic and explore esotheric teachings, here we go again...
Neolithic Wisdom Symbols and Sound Frequences of Balkan Barberians 6,000 BCSpirituality, consciousness, Symbols and Signs
Around one hundred years ago, at the Nuzi site of northern Babylon, an egged shaped envelope with forty nine pebbles inscribed with Cuneiform inscription describing the herd of goats and lambs, was found. We now only have the record of the archaeologist Schmandt-Bessart describing the excavation published in 1992. It wasn't until much later that the Archaeologists of our little planet have challenged the description of the pebbles and symbols found on the site. In the eighties, identical small clay artefacts were found at Near Eastern Neolithic sites. Archeological Findings of Neolithic Europe,
"DatDas organizes a catalogue of 5,421 actual signs. These are recorded from a corpus of 1,178 inscriptions composed of two or more signs and 971 inscribed artifacts (some finds have two or more inscriptions).”
“Stamps carrying spirals, zigzags, crosses, and dots decorated storage vessels, hearth rims, frying pans and exported pottery.” Younger, 1992.
Nea Nikomedia clay seals assemblage consists of almost all the shapes and 10 of 21 ornaments that have circulated in the Balkans in the Early Neolithic period. The archeologists can not as yet decifer the messages passed with these stamps conecting the settlements within a hundreds or even more than a thousand kilometres. The symbols were associated with prestigious locations or items within the sites.
Applying Quantum Physics to manifestation of Consciousness researching Ancient Psychological aspects of Alchemy & Chinese, Greek, Hindu Philosophers, the compilation of 9 AoL books: 2 fiction and 7 non-fiction explore Symbols, Mysticism, Arts, Creativity, Consciousness & Beauty:
1. A-Ma by Nuit, Historical Fiction set in 17th Century China. A Mystical Journey of Portuguese, Chinese Consciousness Researchers, set in the Age of Enlightenment during the Dutch attack to Macao in 1622, the Reform of Chinese Calendar in 1630-s, with Father Adam Schall's appointment to the Chinese Board of Mathematicians during 1650-s, the witch hunt of a Shaman's African Goddess incarnated in China as Ama and her father Ottavio, a Portuguese Alchemist. Size: 244 pg, 6x9”
2. Art of 4 Elements: Exploring Alchemy through Poetry, Spiritual Four Elements Meditations, a Mystical Journey into Enlightenment through ancient mysteries and stories, by Nuit, Jason Lu, Christine Cutajar, Jeni Caruana. The 120 poems, written by Nuit, acted as an inspiration for the work of 3 artists. Size: 266 pg 8” x 10”
3. Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes, by Olivera Rosić .Designed with the best Alchemy of Love Mindful Eating Exercises and a collection of Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes. The Exercises help with over-eating, eating too often, eating too little, eating junk food, food allergies, etc. Size: 120 pg 6” x 9”
4. Chanting Mantas with Best Chords by Nuit. With more than 50 mantras from all around the world, their spiritual meanings, lyrics and chords, it explores: Hindu Sacred Mantras; Buddhist Mantras; Sufi Chants; New-Consciousness Mantras in English. Size: 120 pg 6” x 9”
5. Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course is a 12 Modules Personal Growth Course full of "Green Life-Style" exercises including self improvement and spiritual questionnaires, soul’s diary, behavior pattern modification, relationship contracts, and many other daily self-growth transformation tools on Nutrition, Core Beliefs, Emotional Intelligence, Mind Power, Creative Thinking, Joy and Love. Year: 2015, Size: 187 pg 8” x 10”
6. Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents by Nuit and Ivana Milosavljević (Md Special Needs), a "Green-Lifestyle" Training designed for parents with plenty of Questionnaires and Family exercises. We explore the magic work with: Rhythm, Day-to-day Routine, Happy Family Structure, Cultivating Relationships, etc. We look into parenting goals, dreams, and creativity tools for kids. Size: 228 pg 8” x 10”
7. Tree of Life with Spiritual Poetry. A Novel by Nataša Pantović Nuitis set in Findhorn, UK as a Journey into the Field of Dreams that In various religious interpretations, within myths, and as a mystical concept represents the inter-connection of all life on our beautiful planet. The story becomes a true adoption story venturing into Africa, Ethiopia, Kenia, within the magic of four elements, four directions, four stages of Life. Size: 264 pg 6" x 9”
8. Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations by Nuit, Developing both Left and Right Brain could be essential for Creative Thinkers of our Future. To purify mind we start with the consciousness that energy follows thoughts and we use Quantum Physics Logic within Consciousness Research of Taoism following Yin and Yang Universe Manifestations to enter Creative Flow. Year: 2017 Size: 96 pages, 6" x 9"
9. Spiritual Symbols with Their Meaning by Nuit. Our Holographic Universe resonates with the most amazing precision creating Realities of our Choice. Using the sound (Aum, Amin, Allah) resonance to mediate, today & in the past our artists use symbols to enter higher states of consciousness. From Neolithic wisdom of Ancient Temples' carvings of spirals, Pythagoras numbers, Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, ancient wisdom of magic, mysticism, occult travels to our worlds giving us conscious / subconscious gift from Greek Philosophers, Neolithic Temples Goddesses, Alchemy Size 152 pg 6" x 9"
Know it all has it all and why do we all so hate it...Self-Development, Conscious Parenting, Relationships, Spiritual Development, Conscious Mind, Mindfulness, Online Life Coaching, Symbols and Signs, meditation
Applying the Laws of Quantum Physics to Philosophy and acknowledging that the Micro cosmos is deeply connected to the Macro cosmos we came across...
"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", spoken by a French Queen Marie Antoinette when she learned that the peasants who live and work for her are so poor that have no bread to eat.
Yin and Yang Consciousness States of Universe are NOT positive or negative. There are negative and positive applications of Yin and Yang states of consciousness within Yin and Yang charged environment.
Having deep resect towards Mother China and Mother India for experimenting with these states of consciousness in the past, in hope to implement a Universal Logic within their States behavior patterns, we now know that they have failed because the positive application of Yang states of consciousness – Science was not yet perfectly defined and negative application of Yin states of consciousness – Superstition strongly put a hold to their attempts to develop the Lady Science from their end.