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Applying Wisdom Supported Pure Logic within ChaosSelf-Development, Conscious Parenting, Relationships, Spiritual Development, Alchemy of Love, Conscious Mind, Mindfulness, Online Life Coaching
“Yes, I could have picked up the fight this morning.” Answered my engineer Phd friend (has developed clear defined Ratio within a Yang basedmind) who is also a soul-relationship, we laughed and cried together during the last 25 years, so I can assume truthfulness of his expressed thoughts and feelings, in his 50s married with 2 kids with a young child with disability. Being familiar with my Alchemy of Soul, Love and Humanity project, he was curious of how do I attempt to apply my Yin / Yang positive and negative influences theory within the day-to-day life.
"Strange you say it, but I did have a fight with my boyfriend last night and we had no particular reason for it.. What is it the Full Moon?" Said another neigbour.
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Know it all has it all and why do we all so hate it...Self-Development, Conscious Parenting, Relationships, Spiritual Development, Conscious Mind, Mindfulness, Online Life Coaching, Symbols and Signs, meditation
Applying the Laws of Quantum Physics to Philosophy and acknowledging that the Micro cosmos is deeply connected to the Macro cosmos we came across...
"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", spoken by a French Queen Marie Antoinette when she learned that the peasants who live and work for her are so poor that have no bread to eat.
Yin and Yang Consciousness States of Universe are NOT positive or negative. There are negative and positive applications of Yin and Yang states of consciousness within Yin and Yang charged environment.
Having deep resect towards Mother China and Mother India for experimenting with these states of consciousness in the past, in hope to implement a Universal Logic within their States behavior patterns, we now know that they have failed because the positive application of Yang states of consciousness – Science was not yet perfectly defined and negative application of Yin states of consciousness – Superstition strongly put a hold to their attempts to develop the Lady Science from their end.