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review 2020-09-09 20:02
Facing Ali


The first thing you should know about Facing Ali before viewing it is that it is a documentary style film. Knowing little about the most famous boxer from the 1960s and 70s, viewers will learn quite a bit about Ali’s boxing career through the recollections of ten of his opponents. Facing Ali is an honest film told by those who fought against Muhammad Ali throughout his career, including fighters like Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Henry Cooper, and more.


Viewers can expect to learn a lot about Ali’s start as a fighter and about his career as a whole, as well as a little bit about his conversion to Islam, the changing of his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, and his stance on the Vietnam War. This film is very touching, especially towards the end as his modest opponents express empathy towards Ali’s Parkinson’s disease and pay their respects to one of the greatest boxers of all time.


The film also comes with several special features. There are animated trivia cards that display basic facts and interesting details about each of the opponents that speak in the film. There is a feature called “Bringing the Fights to Life” in which the production team discusses the creation of (and ideas behind) Facing Ali, as well as the technology and equipment used in the making of the film. The next section is called “Facing Ali: Book to Screen,” in which the producers discuss how they put together the resources necessary to create an authentic film that accurately tells the story of Ali. Finally, there is a feature called “After the Bell” in which the producers discuss how they were able to meet up with the fighters that tell Ali’s story throughout the film, and their experiences interviewing each boxer.


Any fan of Muhammad Ali will want to watch this film, and you can do it with "ip lookup location". It provides a very authentic and honest revisiting of Ali’s legacy through the stories of ten respectable fighters as they recall their bouts with one of the greatest fighters of all time. Their stories are very real, and viewers will notice right away the amount of respect these boxers have for Muhammad Ali, as well as the empathy they share for his continuing struggle with Parkinson’s disease. However, if you’re not particularly interested in Muhammad Ali and his famous fighting career, this film will probably not interest you. For those even mildly curious about Ali’s greatest fights and the stories that can be told by those he fought against, Facing Ali is at least worth a rental.

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review 2020-07-18 08:12
Lucky Shot - Sarina Bowen

Bess is new employee working for an established sports agency.  With her birthday coming up, her boss invites her to dinner with some new clients.  She figures it will give her experience, so why not go?

Mark AKA "Tank" is excited to be chosen to work with the team in New York.  He was more than pleased to meet such a sexy woman at dinner too.  Maybe they should get to know one another?

This was a quick jaunt into the lives of some very talented characters.  I was pleased to get to read their "meet cute."  Right from the beginning they are attracted to each other.  The fact they are intelligent only adds to the attraction.  We see these amazing characters again in the current book Sure Shot. 

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review 2020-06-13 06:11
Summer Fling: A Sexy Summer Anthology - Helena Hunting,Vi Keeland,R.S. Grey,Sarina Bowen,Penelope Ward,Willow Winters, L.J. Shen

This is an anthology of 6 books by 7 incredible authors.  FREE to you for a limited time only. I will choose one short story to write my review.  My review will be on Sarina Bowen's Lucky Shot.


Bess is new employee working for an established sports agency.  With her birhday coming up, her boss invites her to dinner with some new clients.  She figures it will give her experience, so why not go?


Mark AKA "Tank" is excited to be chosen to work with the team in New York.  He was more than pleased to meet such a sexy woman at dinner too.  Maybe they should get to know one another?


This was a quick jaunt into the lives of some very talented characters.  I was pleased to get to read their "meet cute."  Right from the beginning they are attracted to each other.  The fact they are intelligent only adds to the attraction.  We see these amazing characters again in the current book Sure Shot.  This anthology brought some serious fun reads to me.  I was very grateful to get this collection for FREE also.  Link for you to get your copy is below.  I give this anthology a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!





For your #FREE copy CLICK HERE!

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review 2020-05-28 06:34

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Source: vakilsearch.com
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review 2020-05-25 14:19
'Network Effect - Murderbot Diaries #5' by Martha Wells
Network Effect - Martha Wells,Kevin R. Free

Finally, Murderbot gets the full-length novel that it and we deserve. Thank you, Martha Wells. I've loved the other episodes in the Murderbot Diaries but I was a little frustrated at having them drip-fed to me in what seemed to me to be a novel broken into novellas for no good reason.


I preordered the audiobook version of 'Network Effect' and dived into it as soon as it arrived in my audiobook queue. After four hours of immersion in Murderbot's world, this was my reaction:

This is a wonderful ride. MurderBot remains its compelling self but being freed from the novella format means that the plot structure is more complicated and the puzzle that needs to be solved has more twists in it.


Reading 'Network Effect' is like falling through a cascade of action sequences while working on a big picture to make sense of everything. There's never a dull moment and it took some self-control for me to do anything else today.'

I managed to pace myself and consumed the book over three days rather than one. The mystery continued to become more complex and the actions scenes continued to pile on and they were all fun and very well done but what I liked most about the book was the way in which Murderbot developed.


Murderbot isn't, doesn't want to be and can't become, human. Humans are messy and often reckless, shouldn't be trusted with weapons, are inappropriately optimistic for creatures that are both fragile and slow. Nevertheless, Murderbot is attached to its humans pretty much in the way you or I might be attached to our Labradors.


So, if Murderbot is going to continue to associate with humans and commit itself to protecting some of them, but isn't, doesn't want to be and can't become human, how does it develop to become more than a SecUnit that's hacked its governor unit so it can spend more time watching TV?


Martha Wells' answer to that is inspired.



Firstly she lets Murderbot itself slowly figure out that that is a question that deserves to be answered. Then she builds a plot that brings Murderbot back into contact with ART, the sarcastic, extremely bright, apparently working on covert missions transport ship that sheltered Murderbot earlier. Except this time Murderbot has to rescue both ART and ART's humans. Seeing the relationship between ART and its humans gives Murderbot a lot to think about. Creating a 2.0 copy of himself, for reasons I won't share here, and using his memories to persuade another SecUnit to hack its own governor unit, again help Murdrbot to reflect on its identity.



Then the Network Effect kicks in: we have multiple non-human intelligences connected to each other making Murderbot's situation less unique while making his value higher and pushing him to define who he is and what he wants to do next.

(spoiler show)


It's beautifully done. I had an exciting ride, a lot of action, good mystery and I got to watch Murderbot grow up.


I'll be back for more as soon as it's available.


I think the audiobook is quite well done, it even manages not to make Murderbot sound definitively male or female. Click on the SoundCloud link below to hear a sample.

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