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review 2021-09-24 08:10
Blog Tour w/Review - Tangled Warriors


Title: Tangled Warriors

Series: Weavers Circle #4

Author: Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott

Publisher: Drake & Elliott Publishing LLC

Release Date: September 24, 2021

Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 85k

Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Thriller/Suspense,


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Lucien Cummings


The pestilents are trying to kill him.

He’s pretty sure the Water Weaver wants to kill him as well.

But after two months of fighting an attraction for a man who couldn’t possibly be his mate, Lucien cracks when he’s pulled into an impulsive threesome with Calder and a sexy man they picked up in a bar.

That night was earth shattering.

And now he needs to figure out how to keep both men safe and his.


Calder Saito


Calder doesn’t want to fight his attraction for the Fire Weaver any longer, but they can’t really be soul mates, right?

And what about Gio? The sexy man gives him such a feeling of completeness and peace.

Could one man really have two soul mates?


Gio Russo


Can’t he just have them both?

Tangled Warriors is the fourth book in the Weavers Circle series. This MMM paranormal romance includes fast-paced action, running through Savannah, secrets, shapeshifting, kidnapping, deadly Girl Scouts, sexy times, insecurity, three crazy old ladies, soul mates, and magic!




“Shots!” Gio suddenly proclaimed. “I think we could all use a round of shots. What do you say?” He looked up at Lucien and smiled. “Join me in a round of shots. Break the ice.”


“Nothing feels icy to me,” Lucien murmured, while the fingers on Calder’s waist tightened.


He suddenly felt bad. He was intruding like an annoying little brother. Yes, his intention had been to stop Lucien from hitting on this guy, but now that he was standing there, he felt how wrong it was. What Lucien did and who he slept with was none of his business. He was supposed to be working on getting rid of the bad blood between him and Lucien, not making matters worse.


“None for me,” Calder said softly. “I’ll grab the drinks and get out of your way.”


Gio surprised him by cupping the side of his face with a warm calloused hand. “Oh no, sweetness. We don’t want you going anywhere. You’ve got to stay.” Gio looked over Calder’s shoulder at Lucien. “We want him to stay, right?”


Calder tensed, waiting for the rejection, but Lucien shocked him even more by pulling him in tighter so that he could feel Lucien’s groin against the small of his back. Those long fingers slipped down from his waist to caress his hip bone, sending the most delicious tingles all over his body.


“Stay. Have a shot with us,” Lucian pressed. His voice was warm and so very tempting. Calder couldn’t remember ever hearing Lucien talk to him like that. He wanted to live in that voice. Just curl up in it like a warm, handmade quilt.


Releasing him, Gio turned to the bartender as she delivered Lucien’s and Calder’s mix of drinks and ordered a round of shots. Calder didn’t hear what he’d ordered exactly because Gio had also slotted himself better against Calder, causing his brain to short out. He was now in the one place he’d never thought he’d be—a Gio-Lucien sammich. Even with all their clothes on, it was now his favorite kind of sandwich. He would happily eat it every day for the rest of his life.


Calder was too tongue-tied to manage words. He nodded. At least he thought he nodded. He must have done something, because Gio’s smile grew wider. A second hand landed on his hip right where Lucien’s was.


The shots arrived, and Gio slid one over to Lucien before physically placing one in Calder’s hand as if he knew that his brain wasn’t in control of his body any longer. He watched as Gio clicked his shot glass on Lucien’s and then Calder’s. Tipping his head back, he sent the amber liquid down his long, sexy throat. Calder did the same without a thought. The burn was enough to wake him out of his stupor.


Sucking in a harsh breath, he coughed several times while slamming his shot glass on the bar. Gio grabbed his hand again and shoved a drink into it. Without thinking, Calder sipped it, relieved that it was his gin and tonic. The addition of more alcohol to his system probably wasn’t the smartest, but at least it had gotten rid of his coughing.

When he could breathe, he took a deep drink and set the glass on the bar to find Gio smiling at him while Lucien’s hand continued to dig possessively into his hip.


You okay?” Lucien inquired. For once, the question didn’t sound spiteful or mean. There was genuine concern in his tone.


Calder managed a small nod and Gio laughed.


Of course he’s okay. What are you drinking, sweetness?” Before Calder could answer, Gio leaned in and licked his bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth for a second, then releasing it with a wet pop. “Mmm…gin and tonic. Not bad.”


Calder barely heard the words. It was just a rush of blood past his ears as it raced to his steadily hardening dick.


As Gio moved away, he reached past Calder and pulled Lucien close. “And what are you drinking?” Calder watched as Gio licked his way into Lucien’s slack, welcoming mouth. He didn’t know what turned him on more—actually kissing Gio or watching Gio kiss Lucien. It defied all logic, but it was clear that his libido had zero interest in logic. He only wanted to know all the wonderful things Gio could do with his mouth.


Gio released Lucien and licked his own lips slowly. His dark eyes had turned black as his pupils dilated with desire. “I can tell this is going to be a fun night already. I suggest we head to my place so we can get more comfortable and less likely to be arrested.”


We? Calder croaked out.


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Tangled Warriors (The Weavers Circle, #4)Tangled Warriors by Jocelynn Drake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book #4 in The Weavers Circle series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. For reader understanding, and to avoid any spoilers, I recommend reading this incredible series in order.

Calder & Lucien are not getting along. It is interrupting their fellow weavers and may put them all in danger. What can be done to fix this animosity? It has been suggested there is ore to this fighting. Will they listen and learn?

Gio is a nice surprise in a very hot package. When he meets Calder & Lucien the scales tip in their favor and they find that the suggestion to get together was all they needed. Now they want Gio in a more permanent way. If only changing his mind were that easy.

This story has a fast pace and the story moves along quickly. Great addition to the series. The new characters add spice and just a bit more. I loved reading about the men coming together and making this work. Now I cannot wait for the next book!

***This early copy was given by in exchange for an honest review only.

View all my reviews



Meet the Author


Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott have teamed up to combine their evil genius to create intense gay romantic suspense stories that have car chases, shoot outs, explosions, scorching hot love scenes, and tender, tear-jerking moments. Their first joint books are in the Unbreakable Bonds series.

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review 2021-09-24 04:09
Triple shot
Tangled Warriors - Jocelynn Drake,Rinda Elliott

This is book #4 in The Weavers Circle series. This book can be read as a standalone novel.  For reader understanding, and to avoid any spoilers, I recommend reading this incredible series in order.


Calder & Lucien are not getting along.  It is interrupting their fellow weavers and may put them all in danger.  What can be done to fix this animosity?  It has been suggested there is ore to this fighting. Will they listen and learn?


Gio is a nice surprise in a very hot package.  When he meets Calder & Lucien the scales tip in their favor and they find that the suggestion to get together was all they needed.  Now they want Gio in a more permanent way.  If only changing his mind were that easy.


This story has a fast pace and the story moves along quickly.  Great addition to the series. The new characters add spice and just a bit more.  I loved reading about the men coming together and making this work.  Now I cannot wait for the next book!  I give this a 4/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This early copy was given by in exchange for an honest review only.

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review 2020-08-22 04:41


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This is the 2nd book in The Weaver's Circle series.  This book can be read as a standalone novel.  To avoid spoilers, and to fully understand this incredible and sexy series, I recommend reading them in order.


Baer is a Weaver.  He believes the man he has stumbled upon in the middle of a crisis, is another brother.  So he shuts down his feelings that are starting to crop up.  He knows how important it is that The Weaver's Circle win this fight.


Wiley is actually an innocent bystander who makes comic novels.  He is an incredibly talented artist and is gaining so much from learning from Baer and the others.  Real life does not usually have Superheroes saving the world - but in this case he has found some that do this every day.


Wiley is an amazing character all on his own. When I read this story I was pleased and tickled that this terrific series had more than just straight up shapeshifters going on.  The writers are giving us a great series.  It is building to a crescendo that will hopefully wipe the bad monsters from our earth.  I cannot wait for the next installment in this amazing series.  I give this a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!

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text 2020-08-09 08:10
New Release Blitz - Wild Warrior
Title: Wild Warrior
Series: The Weavers Circle #2
Author: Jocelynn Drake & Rinda Elliott
Publisher: Drake & Elliott Publishing LLC
Release Date: August 7, 2020
Heat Level: 4 - Lots of Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 106,000
Genre: Romance, Fantasy

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Baer Manning
What happens when Baer spills his big secret about monsters and magic to a total stranger?
In Baer’s defense, he really thought Wiley was a lost brother.
This case of mistaken identity forces the cute artist to stay at the plantation house for his own protection while they search for a way to take down a witch.
Wiley Stuart
He never should have gotten in Baer’s Jeep.
But in Wiley’s defense, Baer is really sexy. And funny. And so sweet. And did he mention sexy?
All his life he’d dreamed of superheroes and a life of action. He just never expected to find himself swept up into a world filled with monsters and goddesses.
Wiley will do anything to stay with this magical band of brothers and help them with their fight. He just wished he could be Baer’s soul mate.
Wild Warrior is the second book in the Weavers Circle series. It includes fast-paced action, running through Savannah, secrets, swimming pool fun, shapeshifting, an elephant, sexy times, lots of snakes, insecurity, three crazy old ladies, and magic!



There were about five people ahead of Baer in line—all of them staring at their phones or the shiny glass case of a tantalizing rainbow of doughnuts and pastries. Including the sexy blond Mini Cooper owner who was right in front of Baer in line. While Baer was a relatively average height of five ten, the blond was at least a delicate five seven or maybe five eight. The guy looked up from his phone as Baer stepped up behind him, and he flashed a nervous smile.
“Hey,” he greeted in a slightly husky voice and then flushed some more.
Yeah, this guy was all kinds of adorable.
“Mornin’,” Baer replied. “You ever been here before?”
The man shook his head, shoving his phone into his pocket. “No. It was recommended to me recently. When I woke up this morning, I just had to have doughnuts.” He gave a nervous little laugh. “I guess that’s the result of nonstop marketing at its best. It’s fall, so we’ve all gotta eat pumpkin-flavored everything for the next month.”
Blondie had the sexiest southern drawl. It wasn’t too thick. Probably a local, but he’d spent some time out of the area. Just enough to lose some of its natural thickness, but those lilting drawls still mesmerized Baer when he spoke, leaving him wondering how his lips and tongue wrapped around each vowel and consonant.
Good grief.  He really did need to grab Grey for a boys’ night out in Savannah if he was going to start fantasizing about a nerdy twink’s mouth. Soul mates and forever sounded great, but it was clear that he needed to get laid. And what better time was there? Things were quiet. They weren’t running and fighting for their lives.
Pumpkin doughnuts and sex could do a growing boy good.
The bell hanging from the front door announced the arrival of another customer. Baer was about to ask the man’s name when the heavy scent of rotting flesh rolled through the room, overpowering the delicious miasma of frosting and fried dough.
He didn’t even need to turn around to know that behind him, pestilents had stepped into the bakery. It wasn’t enough that the alien race was attempting to steal the power of the earth to save their own dying planet while killing all Weavers in the process, but they had to interrupt his attempts at flirting as well? Just not cool.
Silently, Baer cursed himself and his luck. They’d all grown a little complacent over the past couple of months. They’d even started venturing away from the protection of the plantation without backup because the pestilents had stopped attacking.
Apparently they’d gathered enough numbers to make another go at the Weavers, and he’d not been paying enough attention to his surroundings to check to make sure there were no pestilents close. Instead of checking in with the animals in the area that there were no pestilents around, he’d let himself get distracted by big chestnut-brown eyes and a sweet smile.
Twisting around to glance over his shoulder, Baer swore under his breath to find a male and female pestilent standing in front of the door. Humans wouldn’t notice anything different about them, but Weavers could. The air wavered around them as if they radiated heat. And, of course, there was the godawful stench. Pestilents were not meant for this world, and their bodies started rotting from the moment they arrived. Their time in this place was limited, but what time they had was spent trying to kill the Weavers.
The pestilent woman wore a pair of ragged jeans, and her brown hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, making her angular features seem that much sharper. A feral grin pulled across her thin lips when she spotted him. She lifted the shotgun in her hands to her shoulder and pointed it straight at his chest.
Baer sucked in a breath. Was she really going to open fire in a small building crowded with people? Everyone was going to be killed or injured. Not only one fucking Weaver.
Pivoting on the balls of his feet, Baer wrapped an arm around Blondie’s slender waist and dove over the closest table. A shocked yelp left the man’s lips, but he didn’t fight Baer as they tumbled to the floor. With his free hand, Baer grabbed the edge of the table, pulling it onto its side. They landed with the surprisingly thick wooden barrier at their backs just as the shotgun exploded in the room, slamming into the far side of the table and a scattering of chairs.

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Meet the Authors

Jocelynn Drake and Rinda Elliott have teamed up to combine their evil genius to create intense gay romantic suspense stories that have car chases, shoot outs, explosions, scorching hot love scenes, and tender, tear-jerking moments. Their first joint books are in the Unbreakable Bonds series.  

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review 2020-05-01 23:32
Broken Warrior - Jocelynn Drake,Rinda Elliott

This is a new book to start out The Weavers Circle series.  Clay is being chased by something that just smells.  It smells awful and he cannot figure out why he is running for his life from this and its awful smell.  Then when he arrives where he finds he should be, he meets the most amazing man.


Dane is being paid well to repair an old home that is coming to be a beauty again.  He is accompanied by people he is finding are more strange than he even though at the beginning.  He is also starting to feel things for one of them.  Can he even trust them?


One of the most intriguing urban fantasy stories I have read in such a long while, I am loving these characters so much.  Each and every one of them are deep and fun with incredible personalities.  While at a fast pace, the action and excitement never stops.  I literally could not put this book down, it felt like losing an appendage!  I cannot wait for the next story in this incredible new series.  Please hurry loves!  I give this read a 5/5 Kitty's Paws UP!

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