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text 2016-04-12 07:14
Lady Midnight Review
Lady Midnight - Cassandra Clare

Whoops it's been a long time and I haven't posted. Life has taken over. Oops. Well I really need to vent about Lady Midnight and get my feelings out before I see other reviews and they influence my ideas so here we go! SPOILERS AHEAD. 


Rating: ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮


Primary Feelings: This novel. It was so amazing and I cried reading the last 200+ pages straight through last night (of course nothing can beat when I read the last 400 pages of COHF until the wee hours of the morning). Last night I sat down and decided to finish this book and that I did. Cassandra Clare did it again, she wrote another novel that I love so, so much and cannot wait for the next installment (April 2017)! 

Characters: I love the characters so much in this story. Emma and Julian are so great and I've loved them ever since Cassie first announced them years ago. I loved seeing the two of them grow so much in the years since COHF and how much they have grown in this story. Emma is my spirit animal, I love her. Julian is another bae to add to my collection. And the others! Mark! Oh Mark, I'm so glad he had such a big part in this novel. I loved Ty as well the rest of the Blackthorns were meh. Christina was also just kinda there for me. And Kit (*cough*ChristopherHerondale*cough*)! I love him already. And I really love how she integrated all the other characters into it...Oh Jem! And Church! And everybody else oh my gawd. 

Ships: Ugh my heart was killed so many times in this novel. Emma and Julian were killing me the entire time and then they kissed and slept together and omg I thought they were going to be together, but not and ugh, can't they stop being so stupid! And at the end oh my god Emma stop, just tell him! He's going to find out anyway, ugh I need my Blackstairs, or Jemma, or whatever you call it. To throw it out there I still ship Kierran and Mark and refuse to ship Mark and Christina. I do feel bad for him though. And KITTY omg I love that ship and I can't wait for the next book to see where it goes! And Sizzy and the Malec and the Clace, someone help me. 

Plot Discussion: I don't even know what I'm writing here, I'm just going to talk about points that jumped out to me. In the beginning I caught it! That was Jem and Tessa walking in the Shadow Market! Emma's strained relationship with Julian hurt me so much in the beginning. They just needed to be together. I didn't really like Diana, I thought something was fishy with her...and it was. I loved Mark coming back and helping them investigate the murders, like yay! Maybe now they can get Helen back too. Thanks Cassie for trolling us with no Alec in the book until the very end (like seriously she mentioned him so much but he was never around). I really enjoyed the overall plotline, I love a good mystery and I still always thought that the Guardian was going to be some unknown not Malcolm! I never suspected him, I suspected Diana more than him! I was so astonished! And then, when he stole Tavvy no like please no. I don't care how bad of person you are you don't kidnap and murder children (I know Sebby did but he didn't mean to kill Max, it was an accident, he was just trying to knock him out). I'm actually really surprised no one died or anything in the end cause I totally thought someone would or something bad would happen. Except for the whole Emma trying to break Julian's heart thing everything was okay. I love how Jem and Tessa were led to Kit in the very end, he was a herondale! I never, never, suspected that! I just thought he had the sight, nonetheless be a Herondale! Another one! I remember that line from Shadowhunter Academy about all the Herondales. And Mark is staying! Yay! I'm so glad that he did. 

Predictions and Unanswered Questions: My main prediction is...does Julian have cancer? We all know his mother died of bone cancer and what I'm wondering is does Julian have that too? Because in the beginning Malcolm asks how Julian's feeling and if he has told Emma yet. Of course he hadn't and yeah, some people might thing that was about his feelings for her or about him running the institute (which wasn't really a surprise to me tbh) but something still seems off and I can totally see this turning into a Jem thing all over again. 

Second prediction: Will Jules turn evil? Obviously, he wants Emma and Emma wants him. Their bond is so strong their runes are like magic. I don't think he's ever going to stop loving Emma and Emma isn't going to stop loving him. I feel like he's going to go mad with power and become evil...could be completely wrong but hey, its a prediction. 

A Long Conversation: I could honestly probably write an entire review on this short story but I'll add it in here because it was inside Lady Midnight. This story! I've been so excited to read it since I found out it was in the back of the book! And when I finished LM at 2am in the morning I read this. Oh my feels this entire story...everyone got their happy ending! Malec is happy with two kids, Sizzy is getting married and Clace is happy living together and running the Institute....the only thing...Clace isn't engaged, you'd think they would be the first ones (after Malec of course) wouldn't you? What I'm thinking....Clary doesn't want to get married. Every time marriage was discussed to her in that story or something about her and Jace getting engaged she seemed odd about it. Wouldn't you want to marry the person you love most in your life? She says "She dreads" telling Jace her answer about if she'll marry him...probably a no then. She even mentioned earlier when Izzy asked her about when they were gonna get married Clary couldn't hide her feelings and Izzy was puzzled about the look on her face, obviously not the look that someone who wants to marry the love of their life should have. Why doesn't Clary want to get married? I can't believe that she doesn't want to because she doesn't love Jace because I know she does with everything she has. I don't even understand why she wouldn't want to. But I'm afraid she'll tell Jace no and he'll take it the wrong way and something bad will happen. I'm so scared that Cassie is going to murder Clace in the series they are only it in ten pages a book. 


Thanks for reading my review! What are your thoughts? Comment blow! 


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text 2016-03-04 02:03
TMI vs TID Tag
The Mortal Instruments Boxed Set (The Mortal Instruments, #1-3) - Cassandra Clare
The Infernal Devices: Clockwork Angel; Clockwork Prince; Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare

Even though I should be reading and working on book reviews, I'm gonna do this tag. In the spirit of Lady Midnight's release on Tuesday (and also the release party I'm going to!) I wanted to do something Shadowhunters related...and this is it! The original video can be found here.


1. Favourite main character: Clary or Tessa?

In all honesty, I think it would have to be Clary. Since I started with TMI first I fell in love with Clary first and she'll always be my favourite. There was actually a time in TDI that I didn't like Tessa but I love her now.
2. Favourite Herondale: Jace or Will?

Do I even need to think about this? Jace. Jace is my bae. I love him so much. He was one of the first fictional characters that I fell completely in love with. I love him so much. Don't get me wrong, I love Will as well but Jace <3
3. Favourite love triangle: Simon/Clary/Jace or Will/Tessa/Jem?

Will/Tessa/Jem. Cause I really hated the Simon/Clary/Jace one because Clace was otp and Climon was, and always will be, notp so I really felt nothing during Climon scenes except frustration. The Wessa/Jessa (JESSA FTW) triangle gave me so many feels. I couldn't even choose who I wanted her to be with for like the first book. And then I chose Jem and just so many feels! 
4. Better Villain: Sebastian or the Magister?

Sebastian, obviously. I love Sebby's build up and the Magister...I barely even remember him. 
5. Better army: The Dark Army or The Clockwork Army?

The Dark Army, basically for the same reason as the question above. I barely even remember the Clockwork Army.  And Sebby is leading the Dark Army. That too. I just think that TID didn't stick with my as much as TMI did. 
6. Better First Book: City of Bones or Clockwork Angel?

City of Bones, obviously. TMI is one of my favorite series of all time. I loved the first book so much I think I read it it only a couple of days. It was a rollercoaster of feels the entire time. Clockwork Angel, yeah I enjoyed it immensely, but I enjoyed CoB a lot more. 
7. Better Female Sidekick: Isabelle Lightwood or Cecily Herondale?

Isabelle Lightwood because no one can beat Izzy. She's kickass and amazing and I love her so much. And Cecily...she's in it for like two seconds compared to everyone else and I don't know. I don't dislike her, I like Cecily but I can't even compare her to Izzy. 
8. Better Setting: The New York Institute or The London Institute?

I think I actually have to say the London Institute just because I love London and England so much and NY seems so boring in comparison. 
9. Better Last Book: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

City of Heavenly Fire. Just...it was one of the most amazing books I have ever read in the world. I loved CP2, so, so much but it doesn't even compare to COHF. 
10. Better Final Epilogue: City of Heavenly Fire or Clockwork Princess?

Before COHF came out, CP2's epilogue was my favorite thing in the world because JESSA. I just...it was so perfect and I was screaming. Then COHF happened (and 500 pages in one night. Oops.) And the wedding. And Jem was there. Jace is a Herondale. He plays the piano. Tessa and Clary talk. Jem steals Church. It was the greatest ending to anything I could ever imagine. It will always be my favorite. 


That's the end of this tag! Thanks for reading! But I'm not done talking! The Lady Midnight release party is happening at the Grove in LA. And I'm going! I didn't realize how big of thing it was going to be! Cassie is going to be there, signing books. And like everybody from the tv show except Alberto and Matt (sadly). It's going to be amazing and I'm so excited. And I'll definitely blog about it here! 

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2015-08-18 06:10
Necessary Women: The Very Epitome of Why Brain Bleach Should Be Real
Necessary Women and The Mean Time (Short Stories) - Karin Slaughter

That's a lot of angry tags for such a short book. (Just Necessary Women as a stand alone audiobook.) 


Damn train wrecky accident. I accidentally hit the "borrow" button when I was looking at this book instead of adding it to my list so I could look into it later. So, because it took up one of my borrow slots for the month I listened to it. It's 20 minutes, what's the worst that could happen? 




Graphic enough incest, cannibalism, and an unsurprisingly fucked in the head little girl. 

[EXTRA SPOILER YOU SHOULD REALLY NOT READ] . . . who murders her mother for having sex with her father because he promised her they weren't anymore and she was his only but she saw her father performing cunnilingus on her mother so little girl cut off her mother's genitals and fed it to her father unbeknownst to him. Now, months after the mother's disappearance father has found another woman—which he tells little girl while she is giving him head—whom little girl wants brought to dinner on Sunday . . .
[told you not to read]

(spoiler show)


Enough said.


Seriously, fuck everything. I need to take another shower. 



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review 2015-01-22 21:24
Review: Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (The Infernal Devices)
Clockwork Angel - Cassandra Clare


In a time when Shadowhunters are barely winning the fight against the forces of darkness, one battle will change the course of history forever. Welcome to the Infernal Devices trilogy, a stunning and dangerous prequel to the New York Times bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

The year is 1878. Tessa Gray descends into London’s dark supernatural underworld in search of her missing brother. She soon discovers that her only allies are the demon-slaying Shadowhunters—including Will and Jem, the mysterious boys she is attracted to. Soon they find themselves up against the Pandemonium Club, a secret organization of vampires, demons, warlocks, and humans. Equipped with a magical army of unstoppable clockwork creatures, the Club is out to rule the British Empire, and only Tessa and her allies can stop them…




The Infernal Devices series is definitely one of my favorites for so many reasons. Not only do you FALL in love hard, but you also become a part of the fandom before you even realized it. Go, Shadowhunters!

Okay, let’s start with the actual review, shall we? We followed the life of Tessa Gray, who’s from America. She moved to Victorian London in hopes to find her brother after her aunt died. There, she’s met with Mrs. Dark and Mrs. Black – everyone called them The Dark sisters – who just happened to be warlocks.

What I liked about this was that Tessa or the reader had no idea what was going to happen. In fact, it was kind of a surprise when Tessa

became their prisoner.

(spoiler show)

They told Tessa her brother sent them but it turned out that her brother was nowhere to be found.

And that’s how everything started. Tessa found out she wasn’t who she thought she was, she had to go through some really traumatic experiences and in the end, she still looked like a strong, well-meaning woman who fought for what she thought was right.

Tessa’s character development through these books could be seen, but right now, I’m going to focus on Clockwork Angel. At first, I felt bad for her because she was new to London, she didn’t know where to go and just seemed donwright clueless. But when we skip a few chapters and when she meets William Herondale, a Shadowhunter, you could see who she truly is. She is funny, witty, a bookworm like me and has a very kind heart. Loyalty is one of her best features.

This book gives us some kind of a love triangle. And out of all triangles that ever existed in books, this one was my favorite. You see, in other books, you grow to dislike one character while completely falling in love with the other. But in this case, two male characters were introduced to us in a hauntingly beautiful way and you couldn’t help but like both of them. While other people still managed to choose sides, for me, that was impossible.

Okay, I feel like I should mention why I think Tessa’s so badass. Here’s why: Tessa, the innocent girl, was also the person who reminded Will that hell was frozen while they both were running for their lives. Tessa who has proven to be extremely loyal and brave, often put Will in his place when his ego was over the top. Loving and caring Tessa, who was afraid but did not let that fear take over, sacrificed more than should ever be asked of one person, but she did it anyway.

To me, Tessa’s such a strong character with strong emotions and clear mind. She knew exactly what she wanted and I think that kind of a character was extremely hard to write.

Okay, we shouldn’t forget about James Carstairs, also known as Jem. He, unlike Will who left his family to move to the Institute, was an orphan. He was born in China, to his British father and Chinese mother. He was raised at the Shanghai Institute, which was run by his parents. Then, the Institute was attacked by a Greater Demon. His parents were killed, but he was tortured and poisoned with yin fen, a drug to which Jem became addicted to and could not live without it. He was one third of the love triangle.

Jem, overall, was a loving character. He was a sweetheart and cared for everyone in this book. Although he was sick, he managed to fight and protect his friends who were now his family.

Will was the person who I really liked because of his cockiness and humor. His arrogance was just perfect, but I didn’t like that he was pushing Tessa away. He wasn’t mean to her like you would see in some books, oh no. His arrogance was quite humorous. He was a nice change and always managed to make the book a little more interesting.

But on the other hand, there was Jem. Oh, sweet, loving, protective, reliable Jem. He is the person I fell in love with from the moment he was introduced to me as a reader. He stole my heart from the beginning. Just like Will.

Right after reading this book, I couldn’t stop myself from reading the next one and rating this one five stars.

Thank you, Cassandra Clare for making me feel things I never felt before because as a reader, I got so into this book, I cried with Tessa, smiled with her and felt every single thing she felt and also, as a young author in progress, I think that’s one of the best things an author can give to a reader.


Desirae Winterhart

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text 2013-09-04 20:33


Q. What do you get when you mix pedophilia, bestiality, and necrophilia?

A. Your average Young Adult Paranormal Romance…


Too dirty of a joke?

Well, you should’ve heard the original!


All jokes aside….


Let’s be serious!

Werewolves are sexy!

And I have no problem with necrophilia as long as the corpse is a vampire

But I do have a problem with is feeling like a pedophile for swooning over some 15 to 16 year old KID!

And here’s where the whole “point” of this post comes in!

I want to start a petition!


For Cassie Clare, and all other authors alike to make their future characters of legal age! 18 and older!

We (their fan base) are aging and we don’t want to read about some 16 year old kid accomplishing more in life then we ever will!

       If you believe in this petition… feel free to leave your name below… (I’ll be sure to add it to the list)

I’ll go first 

  1. The Book Obsessed Loser




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