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review 2019-10-24 11:09
Magie und Verschwörungen auf offener See
The Red Wolf Conspiracy (Chathrand Voyages, #1) - Robert V.S. Redick

Robert V.S. Redick hat einen Master in Tropenschutz. Während seines Studiums arbeitete er in Argentinien, an der Patagonischen Küste. Elf Tage verbachte er auf Valdés, einer kleinen Halbinsel mit atemberaubender Flora und Fauna. Eines Morgens ging er allein spazieren. Es war neblig. Er sah hinaus auf den Südatlantik und plötzlich überfiel ihn die Vision eines gigantischen Schiffes, das vor seinen Augen an den Klippen zerschellte. Einige Jahre später wurde er auf die Libertad eingeladen, ein Segelschulschiff der argentinischen Kriegsmarine. An Bord erinnerte er sich an seine Vision und legte den Grundstein für seine High Fantasy – Reihe „The Chathrand Voyage“, die mit „The Red Wolf Conspiracy“ beginnt.


Sechs Jahrhunderte war die IMS Chathrand das Juwel der arqualischen Schifffahrt. Ihre gigantischen Ausmaße waren legendär, sie erlebte Kriege und Piraterie, bereiste die entlegensten Ozeane Alifros‘ und legte unzählige Seemeilen zurück. Sie war die letzte ihrer Art, ein Relikt einer vergangenen Epoche. Ihr allein gebührte es, zu der vielleicht wichtigsten diplomatischen Mission ihrer reichen Geschichte aufzubrechen: bemannt von 800 Seelen sollte sie Frieden zwischen Arqual und Mzithrin stiften. Doch an Bord gingen seltsame Dinge vor sich. Soldat_innen und Assassinen mischten sich unter die Seeleute, in den Eingeweiden des Schiffes versteckte sich das verhasste Volk der Ixchel und ein Schiffsjunge namens Pazel erlebte Fluch und Segen seiner rätselhaften Sprachtalente. Magie, Intrigen und Verschwörungen brachten sie auf ihrer bedeutenden Fahrt vom Kurs ab, bis eines Tages keine Nachrichten mehr in ihrer Heimat eintrafen. Vor der Insel Talturi, nicht weit entfernt von der Küste Mzithrins, wurde das Wrack ihres Langbootes und die Leichen der Besatzung gefunden. Ganz Arqual fragt sich: was ist mit der Chathrand geschehen? Kann das gewaltige Schiff tatsächlich verschollen sein?


Ich liebe Seefahrtgeschichten. Deshalb hatte Robert V.S. Redick mit „The Red Wolf Conspiracy“ bei mir eigentlich von Anfang an leichtes Spiel. Tatsächlich verliebte ich mich sofort in die IMS Chathrand; in meiner Fantasie ist sie eine beeindruckende Schönheit kaum vorstellbarer Dimensionen. Sie ist ein Mysterium und eine schwimmende Stadt; uralt, weitgereist und aus mittlerweile versiegten oder vergessenen Rohstoffen erbaut. Vermutlich kennt niemand alle ihrer Ecken und Winkel, weshalb sie voller Geheimnisse steckt, die sie, einer Lady angemessen, diskret bewahrt. Ich tollte in Gedanken neugierig und aufgeregt wie ein Kind über ihre sieben Decks und hatte Spaß daran, stetig Neues zu entdecken. Mein Forschergeist wurde durch das Wissen, dass die Chathrand offiziell verschwunden ist, zusätzlich angeheizt. Diese Information erhalten Leser_innen noch vor Beginn der Geschichte durch einen Zeitungsartikel. Sie bleibt im Verlauf präsent, weil Redick sich einer überraschenden Mischung von Stilmitteln bediente, um den Anschein einer Beweismittelsammlung zu erwecken. Briefe und Tagebucheinträge, die teilweise sogar kommentiert sind, ließen mich nie vergessen, dass der Verbleib der Chathrand ungeklärt ist. Ich brannte darauf, herauszufinden, was mit ihr geschehen ist und inwiefern ihr Verschwinden mit der vertrackten politischen Lage zwischen Arqual und Mzithrin zusammenhängt. Obwohl Redick die Handlung von „The Red Wolf Conspiracy“ mit dem Setting der Chathrand räumlich stark begrenzte, erschien sie mir niemals als isoliertes Kammerspiel. Es ist eindeutig, dass alles, was an Bord passiert, eine Folge seines lebhaften Designs der Welt Alifros ist. Arqual und Mzithrin sind tonangebende Nationen, die einen Konflikt austragen, in dem Intrigen und Diplomatie beinahe gleichbedeutend sind. Die heikle Friedensmission, die die Chathrand erfüllen soll und die durch mehrere Verschwörungen sabotiert wird, schlägt allerdings Wellen, die über diese beiden Akteure hinausgehen und unter anderem auch die Ixchel betreffen. Ich bin von diesen etwa 20cm winzigen Krieger_innen begeistert und kann gar nicht verstehen, wieso solche Völker nicht häufiger in der High Fantasy auftreten. Redick überzeugte mich mit vielen dieser frischen Ideen, die „The Red Wolf Conspiracy“ zu einem Selbstläufer hätten machen sollen. Unglücklicherweise entpuppte sich der Reihenauftakt hingegen als eine schwierige Lektüre. Ich kam nicht voran und habe ewig gebraucht, weil mich die seltsame Taktung der Geschichte immer wieder ausbremste. Jedes Mal, wenn der Spannungsbogen einen Höhepunkt erreichte, nahm der Autor die entscheidende(n) Figur(en) aus dem Bild. Zum Beispiel wird der Protagonist Pazel genau dann von der Chathrand verbannt, als sich die Aufdeckung einer Verschwörung anbahnt, weshalb ich die folgenden Entwicklungen nicht mehr miterlebte. Dadurch ergaben sich große Handlungssprünge, die Interessantes ausklammerten und stattdessen weniger wichtige Nebendramen fokussierten. Ich hatte Mühe, dranzubleiben und musste mich zwingen, weiterzulesen.


Grundsätzlich mochte ich alles, was mir Robert V.S. Redick in „The Red Wolf Conspiracy“ servierte. Trotz dessen empfinde ich die Geschichte bisher noch als recht unübersichtlich. Es ist nicht ganz leicht, allen inhaltlichen Verknüpfungen zu folgen. Zukünftig sollte der Autor Prioritäten setzen und sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren, statt ausschmückendes Beiwerk zu schreiben, das die ohnehin kniffelige Lage in Alifros zusätzlich verkompliziert. Gelingt ihm das, sollte sich das Problem mit der Taktung ganz von selbst lösen. Ich bin gewillt, ihm mit der Fortsetzung von „The Chathrand Voyage“, „The Rats and the Ruling Sea“, eine weitere Chance einzuräumen, denn ich glaube durchaus an das Potential der Reihe und möchte mehr von Redicks faszinierender Welt sehen. Außerdem weiß ich noch nicht, was mit der Chathrand geschehen ist und dieses Geheimnis muss ich einfach lüften. Dumm sterben ist keine Option.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2019/10/24/robert-v-s-redick-the-red-wolf-conspiracy
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review 2013-05-22 00:00
The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick The Good:

Love how this book started -- right away, the reader is informed through a "special notice" that the great ship has vanished at sea, along with the 800 souls she was carrying. (Souls...the choice of that word in the report had a chilling effect on me). Immediately, you're drawn into this mystery and you're flipping to the first page of the first chapter, eager to start the story which would tell you what happened.

I was also impressed with just how much is in this book. There's so much magic and different races and different creatures in this book. Everyone seems to have an element of fantasy surrounding them, like Pazel the tarboy who has been blessed/burdened with a gift/curse that allows him learn and understand any language after only being exposed to them for a short time. But this power, however, also frequently gives him debilitating fits that interferes with his job aboard the decks.

Then there are the Ixchel, a race of tiny people that sailors often consider nothing more than pests because their tendency to stow away aboard ships. There are also the Flikkermen, Murths (like mermaids), and a race of gigantic, enormously strong humanoids called the Augrong, among others. Not to mention the presence of special animals that are "awakened" with self-awareness and the power of intellectual thought and speech. The book is a trove of new and interesting ideas for people who love fantasy fiction.

The So-So:

There is such thing as too much of a good thing. The plus of having so much going on in this book can also be seen as a minus. There are a lot of ambitious ideas in this ambitious story set in an ambitious fantasy world, and sometimes it can all get just a little too overwhelming.

The first few chapters were done really well, telling a sequence of events through the eyes of several characters, with each point-of-view picking things up right after where the last one left off. Unfortunately, it also made me feel so disoriented that I had to go back and read through them again just to make sure I didn't miss anything. At this point, there were still a lot of things I didn't understand, but I just made do with telling myself to trust the author, that hopefully there will come a time when everything will be made clear.

Ultimately, everything was explained, which was good, but I still thought it was a lot in the intro to heap upon your reader so quickly.

The Not-So-Good:

This is more of a personal preference, really, but I just don't think "maritime fantasy" is for me. Reading about great ships and pirates and the ocean and sailing and all that puts me more in mind of historical fiction, and so I had a really hard time bringing myself back to the fact I'm actually reading a fantasy. It's just really weird. No matter how long I'd been reading this, there was always a moment of discombobulation and confusion when I picked up the book again to continue where I left off.

Unfortunately, it really kept me from being immersed in this book and enjoying it fully. That said, those who love maritime settings and stories about ships would probably really love this. But even though that aspect wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I do have to say I was completely enchanted by the book's fantasy elements.
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review 2013-05-05 00:00
The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Review's up at my blog:http://abitterdraft.blogspot.com/2013/05/review-red-wolf-conspiracy-by-robert-vs.html
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review 2013-03-20 17:00
If you like fantasy full of adventures and intrigue set on ship, hop on board and read The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert V.S. Redick
The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick

I first noticed The Red Wolf Conspiracy on Top 25 Best Fantasy Books and immediately added it to my tbr. Sadly, it stayed there forgotten until I spotted review copy on Netgalley and remembered all the praise about it. So, with renewed interested, I sailed into an epic adventure.


To be honest, the start was a bit rough. Don't get me wrong - book is beautifully written from start to finish. But chapters jump from one character to another and it is hard to connect: Who is the main character here? At whom should I pay closer attention? But after some time I just got engrossed into a story and all I could think was was either: "WOW" or "I am so glad I didn't give up".


So, who is the main character of the story? I will help you out and tell you a secret, it's not a person. It's a ship: Imperial Mercantile Ship Extraordinaire Chathrand. But Chathrand is not just any other ship.

"Chathrand, mightiest ship in all the world, with a mainmast so huge that three sailors could scarce link arms around it, and stern lamps tall as men, and square sails larger than the Queen's Park in Etherhorde."

Some call it "living relic", others "a marvel to shame all others", what I can tell you about Chathrand - he is definitely going to leave an impression on you. I was awed with the grandness of Chathrand and impressed with a race that could create such a masterpiece.


Chathrand from The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert V.S. Redick
Chathrand on different editions of The Red Wolf Conspiracy [image source] & [image source] 

In The Red Wolf Conspiracy, Chartrand is sent to transport an array of people on diplomatic mission. But as always, not all fractions in government want peace and there are multiple conspiracies cooking on-board. Trough multiple points of view: ship captain, spies, magicians, doctors, ambassadors, assassins, ordinary sailors, boys helping on deck, rats, ixchels (similar to gremlins in our culture)... we glimpse some of the ship's secrets.


The Red Wolf Conspiracy will not let you get bored, not only view points shift constantly but also the way story is presented to us. Not all chapters are in classic narrative form: some are also letters or journal entries. There is always something happening and even if you think you got everything figured out, you will probably be surprised with some plot twists.


I read The Red Wolf Conspiracy in January and deliberately didn't write a review immediately because I wanted to 'cool down', but the pause didn't help. Just reading my notes about the book got me all excited again and full of eagerness to read The Ruling Sea. So, expect the review of the next book in series soon, and if you like fantasy full of adventures and intrigue set on ship, hop on board and read The Red Wolf Conspiracy - you won't be sorry.


I recommend this book to fans of: epic fantasy set of ship, adventures, intrigues and conspiracies.

Source: bookwormdream.blogspot.com/2013/03/book-review-red-wolf-conspiracy-by.html
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review 2013-02-19 00:00
The Red Wolf Conspiracy - Robert V.S. Redick There’s nothing new in The Red Wolf Conspiracy: you’ve seen characters like this before, you’ve seen a plot like this before, and you’ve definitely read pirate books like this before. But what you haven’t read, and what you rarely encounter, are other worlds that are created as masterfully, characters that warm your heart, and compel you to cheer and shed tears at various points in the novel. You haven’t read a book like this, and lucky for you, there’s more where it came from.The characters are archetypal in every sense – the outcast hero, his faithful best friend, a stubborn, fiery heroine. These are our three young protagonists, thrown together on a voyage of the last Great Ship, Imperial Merchant Ship Chathrand, into enemy treaty to precipitate peace between two oft-warring nations. The price: the marriage of our heroine to a foreign prince. Surrounding them are giants, tiny people, assassins, doctors, merchants and mages, each with their own agendas, motivations and ambitions, but largely stereotypical in their scope. The down-side is that one is rarely surprised while reading this 500+ novel: no betrayal is shocking, no revelation is too evil, and everyone sticks to their pre-determined roles with ease. But that’s not to say the book isn’t enjoyable – in fact, it’s predictability means you have to pay extra attention to the characters, what they see and do and touch, because it all plays a part in the greater narrative.The plot of The Red Wolf Conspiracy is engaging and thrilling – who doesn’t love a ripping good yarn set primarily on a ship? In fact, the grandest ship still in existence. There are thrills and spills, and with Pazel Pathkindle, the magic-cursed deck hand, in tow, if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, which is hilarious as well as exciting. I thought the ship and its surrounding easy to imagine, especially the docksides and wharves, and various areas of the ship itself. The author has brought his world to life admirably, each race he describes has a rich history, social structure and religious background. Although the people of the Mzithrin Empire remain largely unknown, the other cultures in the book, all conquered at some point by Arqual, are fleshed out and dimensional.The one detrimental element of the book is the author’s inexplicable decision to sometimes include the most tedious details of his character’s lives, and sometimes exclude their most dangerous adventures, only informing readers of them through mundane conversations. While at first it wasn’t so bad, it became jarring and disappointing when it became a common place. The book, being quite long, probably benefits from this in terms of its length, but I think my reading experience definitely suffered.A wonderful sea-faring adventure, The Red Wolf Conspiracy combines the usual elements of epic fantasy into fun, exciting read. It’s a book that will be enjoyed by fans of Scott Lynch and the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and I’m glad that Del Ray gave me the whole series to read, because I don’t think I can stay away!A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for review.You can read more of my reviews at Speculating on SpecFic.
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