Homemaking Valentines today with my son. =) We're both pretty excited there will be another Alice in Wonderland movie releasing this year.
Homemaking Valentines today with my son. =) We're both pretty excited there will be another Alice in Wonderland movie releasing this year.
I absolutely love my new Alice in Wonderland-themed jewellery from Fallen Saint!
Bibliobules is an online and Live Event book community created by authors for authors, bloggers and readers. Our first event, Bookish Wonderland 2015 will take place Saturday, Dec. 12th in Pasdena, CA from 1pm to 6pm.
Meet the Authors
NY Times & USA Today Best Selling Author Melanie Shawn
Best Selling Author Jan Moran
Amazon Best Selling Author Martha Sweeney
Amazon Best Selling Author Elisa Marie Hopkins
Author Thomas Sweeney
$20 general admission early bird special ($30 at the door) - includes food/drinks/music/gifts/prizes and more
$75 Bibliobules Supporter admission (reg. $100) see website for details of special perks
Get YOUR Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bibliobules-bookish-wonderland-2015-tickets-19137305195
Book Signings + Food + Drinks + Gifts + Music + Photo Book + Giveaways + so much more
Hosted by:
Martha Sweeney
Elisa Marie Hopkins
Thomas Sweeney
The event will be streamed live via Periscope - be sure to connect and some readers who aren't at the event just might WIN an eBook, swag, paperback copies or other goodies!
Connect with Bibliobules: