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review 2019-07-02 11:26
Der einzigartige Geschmack von Schießpulver, Magie und Heldenmut
Wrath of Empire - Brian McClellan

Nicht nur Leser_innen fällt es am Ende einer Reihe manchmal schwer, sich zu verabschieden, sondern auch Autor_innen. Brian McClellan gestand in einem Interview, dass ihm der Übergang von der „Powder Mage“-Trilogie zu seinem neuen Dreiteiler „Gods of Blood and Powder“ Probleme bereitete, weil er keine Ahnung hatte, wohin die Geschichte führen sollte. Er schrieb eine komplette erste Variante des Auftakts „Sins of Empire“, die überhaupt nicht funktionierte. Er begann noch einmal von vorn, kürzte diesen ersten Entwurf auf ein einziges Kapitel zusammen, überarbeitete den grundlegenden Konflikt – und plötzlich klickte es. Er hatte seinen Groove gefunden. Mich würde ja interessieren, um welches Kapitel es sich handelt und ob einige seiner ursprünglichen Ideen ihren Weg vielleicht in den zweiten Band „Wrath of Empire“ fanden.


Die Invasion der Dynize traf das gespaltene Fatrasta vollkommen unvorbereitet. Lady Vlora Flint und ihre Riflejacks verteidigten die Hauptstadt Landfall solange wie möglich, wurden jedoch von der überlegenen Truppenstärke der Dynize überrannt. Nun begleiten sie tausende Flüchtlinge, die alles verloren. Vlora fühlt sich für sie verantwortlich, obwohl ihrer Söldnerkompanie eine prekäre Mission bevorsteht: sie müssen die verschollenen Göttersteine aufspüren und zerstören, bevor die Dynize ihren verstorbenen Gott wiederauferstehen lassen können. Schweren Herzens überlässt Vlora die Flüchtlinge der Obhut von Fatrastas Militär und teilt ihre Truppen auf. Ben Styke wird die Kavallerie an die Westküste führen, wo sich einer der Steine befinden soll. Der andere liegt angeblich in den Bergen – diesen wird Vlora selbst suchen. Ein mörderisches Wettrennen beginnt.
Währenddessen soll Michel Brevis in Landfall einen riskanten Auftrag erfüllen: er soll eine Kontaktperson aus der Stadt schmuggeln. Umgeben von Feinden wird er tief in die komplexe Politik der Dynize hineingezogen. Kann er die Invasoren von innen sabotieren, ohne seine Tarnung zu gefährden?


In der Rezension zu „Sins of Empire“ schrieb ich, dass die Trilogie „Gods of Blood and Powder“ einem Topf gleicht, der kurz vorm Überkochen steht. Nun ist es passiert. Mit dem zweiten Band „Wrath of Empire“ eskaliert die Lage in der jungen Nation Fatrasta – und was bin ich froh darüber! Diese Fortsetzung ist spannend, intelligent und nervenaufreibend bis zur letzten Seite, denn der Autor Brian McClellan spitzt die Konflikte, die er im ersten Band etablierte, dramatisch zu und inszeniert ein vielschichtiges Kräftemessen zwischen Invasoren und Besetzten. Übermenschliche Attentäter_innen, unheimliche Blutmagie, Spionage, militärische Hinterhalte und klassische Schlachtszenen verbinden sich zu einem explosiven Gemisch, das mir schier den Atem raubte und mich an die Lektüre fesselte. Ich freute mich bereits in „Sins of Empire“ über McClellans kreatives Worldbuilding, aber erst jetzt weiß ich Fatrasta richtig zu schätzen. Das Land wirkt selbst beinahe wie eine Hauptfigur, denn die Geschichte ist so eng mit dessen komplexer Historie verbunden, die so essenziell für die inhaltlichen Entwicklungen ist, dass ich Fatrasta nicht nur als rahmengebendes Setting wahrnehme. Es ist ein äußerst lebendiger Schauplatz mit echter Persönlichkeit und steht den menschlichen Protagonst_innen somit in nichts nach. McClellan behält seine perspektivische Dreiteilung bei und schildert die Ereignisse abwechselnd aus der Sicht von Vlora, Styke und Michel. Letzterer konnte mich endlich für sich gewinnen. Es tut mir leid, wie gewaltig ich ihn sowohl als Individuum als auch hinsichtlich der Bedeutsamkeit seiner Rolle unterschätzte. Mittlerweile glaube ich, der Doppelagent ist die Schlüsselfigur der Trilogie. Ich bewundere, wie mutig er allein größten Gefahren trotzt. In „Wrath of Empire“ begibt er sich mitten in die Höhle des Löwen und kann sich lediglich auf die Schärfe seines Verstandes verlassen. Er hat keine Freunde, keine Kampfgefährten, niemanden, dem er vertrauen kann und muss in den riskanten Gewässern der Politik der Dynize navigieren, ohne sich einen Fehltritt erlauben zu können. Daher sind seine Erlebnisse nicht nur aufregend, sondern auch eine elegante Methode, Leser_innen die Gesellschaft und Kultur der Invasoren näherzubringen. Ich erhielt eine Ahnung davon, wie die Magie der Dynize funktioniert, erfuhr schockierende Neuigkeiten über eine wohlbekannte Figur, deren Wurzeln in der „Powder Mage“-Trilogie im Dunkeln lagen und begriff, wie gravierend die Bedrohung ist, die von den Göttersteinen ausgeht, die besonders die ehemaligen Soldat_innen Adros das Fürchten lehrt. Obwohl sie eine würdige Erbin ist, vermisste ich in Vloras Nähe Feldmarschall Tamas. Nicht, weil „Wrath of Empire“ etwas fehlen würde, einfach als Freund. Umso mehr berührt es mich, dass McClellan sein Andenken in „Gods of Blood and Powder“ bewahrt. Ich glaube, es hätte ihn stolz gemacht, wie selbstlos und aufopferungsvoll Vlora, Styke und Michel für ein unterdrücktes Volk kämpfen.


Brian McClellan hat es wirklich drauf. „Wrath of Empire“ ist eine hervorragende Fortsetzung, die die Handlung der „Gods of Blood and Powder“-Trilogie beschleunigt, verschärft und dennoch ausreichend inhaltlichen Spielraum für das große Finale „Blood of Empire“ lässt, das im Dezember 2019 erscheinen soll. Ich habe es vorbestellt, denn nach der Lektüre des zweiten Bandes kann ich es kaum erwarten, dass es weitergeht. „Wrath of Empire“ fachte meinen Appetit auf weitere Abenteuer in Fatrasta gehörig an. Auf meiner Zunge liegt noch immer dieser einzigartige Geschmack von Schießpulver, Magie und Heldenmut, der so charakteristisch für das „Powder Mage“-Universum ist und niemals Langeweile aufkommen lässt. Ich möchte an Vloras Seite Musketenfeuer lauschen, mit Ben Styke im gestreckten Galopp reiten und Michel unterstützen, politische Intrigen auszuhecken. Auf geht’s meine Freunde, jagen wir die Dynize zum Teufel!

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2019/07/02/brian-mcclellan-wrath-of-empire
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review 2017-03-14 07:59
The Dragon Engine
The Dragon Engine (The Blood Dragon Empire) - Andy Remic

The Dragon Engine was my first book by Andy Remic, so I was completely unfamiliar with the world presented in The Blood Dragon Empire. However, since it had a nice old fantasy feel to it, it didn't feel like it was a great loss, or that you should have read the previous series (as I also understood that it features other characters).

Here, we are introduced to a band of war veterans, coming together one final time to steal that one final, huge, treasure. What they don't know is that the Dwarves who said treasure belongs to are not quite as extinct as expected, and they are headed by the main villain Skalg, Cardinal of the Church of Hate.

Indeed, it has been done before, and most certainly, there were some cringe worthy, eye-rolling scenes for sure, but still I mostly enjoyed reading The Dragon Engine. The dynamics between the heroes of the stories was nice, as they felt like old friends. The story was very raw, very dark, which is why I think it will not appeal to everyone. But I for one, am looking forward to reading the sequel.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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review 2016-02-22 14:00
Audio Book Review: His Dark Empire
His Dark Empire: Tears of Blood, Book 1 - M.R. Forbes,Jeff Hays,Quirky Algorithms

*I requested to review a copy of this audiobook for an honest review from the author.

The Cursed are hunted by "His" soldiers. People turn in Cursed to "His" soldiers for a hefty reward. The Cursed are removed from their loved ones. If they run, they are killed.

Silas has flashes of a past he doesn't remember. He physically reacts in ways he doesn't understand how he body knows to do it. When he finally sobers and remembers pieces of what he's forgotten, a wife that left him and that he's a murder, Silas becomes determined to avenge the lives he took as that man acting on orders of another. Silas will learn what he can of "Him" and put an end to the cruel reign, even if it's killing the ruler of their land.

Eryn is fourteen and is Cursed. She doesn't see it as a curse but something that could help people. But now she's hunted for what she can do. She's promised her mother she would survive, and that's what she's determined to do. She's determined, more than ever after losing her family to "His" soldiers, to stop "Him", to take everything from "Him".

I had the great pleasure of listening to this book. First, Jeff is such an amazing talent in voices. I could listen to this story to hear his work even if I didn't like the story, which I did enjoy it. At the beginning, I loved the lead in with reading of the title page in the lilt of the character. There was music that set the stage for the story, making me all the more excited to get going with the story. Jeff is talented with his voice variation and putting it all together seamless as to create a piece of work that's fun to listen to. He adds the echo of calls, voices around the character, or laughter of many. I do love these small extras added to the story. The best part, we get the story in the Irish lilt of the setting and characters accents. It's clear to understand the words and gives a feel to the world they are in.

The descriptions Forbes uses as he tells the story are like I'm listening to the sounds and seeing the world through the eyes of the characters. The writing didn't feel boring to me as we come to trouble after trouble with Silas and Eryn. There is something new at each turn, growing the world as we go.

Forbes has created an enticing story that we learn about the characters along side them through their battles, internal and external. Silas is a drunk who can't remember his past, and is good with that. Until he sobers up by accident. His body reacts to a threat in a way he never thought he knew how to. Their are accusations made of him. And he starts to remember as his body fights through withdrawal. As he travels and remembers more, we learn the pieces with him. Eryn is cursed and has no idea what that means for her. Eryn learns about the cursed as she travels with a growing determination to end the deaths of the Cursed and their loved ones, for her lost loved ones. These two pair up in a team that feels like a father/daughter relationship, and accept each other for their faults.

We learn about the Cursed as Silas and Eryn do in the book. It's catching when you learn how it all fits together. In the end we get the full explanation of the Cursed and what it is. It's a sort of magic that the people can do. But there is so much more to it and what "He" is hiding.

This book has a conclusion for the journey of Silas and Eryn to learn of the Curse, it does not end on a major cliffhanger. There is still fighting to be done and I'm looking forward to the series as they fight "His" armies. I'm curious about "Him" and what will come of the Cursed.

Yes! I will be looking for the rest of the series!

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review 2015-09-04 22:01
A Grimdark Series That Slaps You Right in the Face!!!
The Dragon Engine (The Blood Dragon Empire) - Andy Remic

If J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R. Martin had gotten together to write a grimdark interpretation of The Hobbit, The Dragon Engine would have been what they came up with. Centered upon a quest to dwarven halls filled with mounds of gold and once inhabited by mighty dragons, it is a tale filled with pulse pounding combat, explicit sex, cringe worthy torture, and plenty of vulgar language. Literally, it is a story that gets your attention the simple, old-fashioned way.



For lovers of Andy Remic’s The Iron Wolves and The White Towers, this is a continuation of that series in that The Dragon Engine takes place in the same world several years after those stories. The mad King Yoon is still in control, swimming in absolute depravity and allowing the whole Kingdom of Vagandrak to go to hell. Meanwhile, a group of war heroes from the time of Orlana the Changer have grow bored of their fame and riches and determine to set out on one last, grand adventure together. Their destination the frigid, nearly inaccessible Karamakkos, where legends hold that the ancient Dwarven Lords ruled the Five Havens under the mountains, hoarding untold wealth as well as the three Dragon Heads — jewels claimed to grant everlasting life and great power to those who wield them!


Immediately upon starting this one, a long time reader will see that the main characters here are a bit different than those from the Rage of Kings series. Where Kiki and her friends were some of the most despicable pieces of human filth to ever grace the pages of a grimdark, Remic’s latest group isn’t quite so repugnant. Sure, they are still disgruntled war veterans, even though they are wealthy heroes, and they each have their own issues, but not one of them rivals the drug addicted, serial killer excesses of their predecessors. Rather Beetrax the Axe-Man and his friends struggle with more ordinary issues like growing old, loved one dying, relationships ending, and losing the zest for life.


Since this is begins as a classic quest tale, each of the Beetrax’s group seems designed to fill typical dungeon crawler roles. Beetrax is the damage dealer; Lillith is the healer; Talon is an archer; Dake and Jonti experts with the blade . . . You get the point. But it really isn’t the roles they play that makes Beetrax’s gang so fun to read about. Nope, unlike the Iron Wolves, these guys actually seem like old friends. There is plenty of playful banter. Occasionally their conversations will sparkle with feelings, revealing their past history together and the fragile sides of their nature. Old sorrows from romantic splits or new problems from being together will arise and be explored. Each interaction slowly revealing how close, how devoted these old friends are to one another, no matter the danger to themselves.


Every hero needs a villain however. And in today’s literature, it isn’t satisfactory to have nameless enemies or the shadowy of a dragon lying over the horizon. Nope, readers want to get to know their heroes’ nemesis, experience their evilness, and decide for themselves whether they love or hate this person. And so Andy Remic quickly splits the narrative into Beetrax and his friends quest and the life of one Cardinal Skalg of the Church of Hate, religious leader of the Harborym dwarves.


As you’d expect, the dwarves here are fairly standard fantasy versions: strong, stoic, and prejudiced against outsiders. (Beetrax’s group also believes they are long-extinct, which is why they are on their way to collect their long used and forgotten treasures.) Skalg, however, is an especially vile avatar of his race. Maybe, his maiming, torturing, and killing doesn’t reach Orlana the Changer levels, but he is still a fairly disgusting dwarf, no way around it, willing to rape innocent girls or do anything else to get what he wants. And his bad qualities only grow as the political struggle between himself and King Irlax of the dwarves grow. For, you see, in this kingdom under the mountains, king and cardinal are equal; each tasked with different things, but fated to eternally clash about everything. Skalg and Irlax’s constant bickering and machinations quickly growing into a societal revolution that will see either the crown or the church consumed in its flames.


Once our heroes arrive under the mountains and encounter Skalg’s dwarves is where the grimdark really shows up in our grimdark story, for the initial encounters are graphic, brutal affairs. Cruel, painful, cringe worthy even. In fact, many readers might believe Remic has gone too far in some cases, that these episodes are merely for shock value alone. I can understand why some would feel that way (even if I saw the horrible events fitting into the narrative), and I felt I should, at least, warn prospective readers about this section.


Thereafter follows a deluge of death, destruction, and betrayal as Remic concludes this opening chapter of The Blood Dragon Empire in classic grimdark style. Climatic clashes occur. Combat rages. Characters and civilizations end. And the real meaning of the dragon engine comes into focus, ending this first installment with a cliffhanger that will make grimdark lovers begin clamoring for the next book.


Since beginning to read Andy Remic, I’ve come to appreciate two things about his writing. One, he has a raw, visceral style that slaps you right in the face. No sugar coating the vulgar nature of humanity and the horrors of combat and war. No, they are vividly portrayed upon the pages, daring you to look away. Curse words abound. Buckets of blood and gore are tossed around indiscriminately. And, two, he creates vivid characters that never bore. I don’t always like these guys. Many times I actually despise them and want to personally decapitate them, but they definitely evoke a deep emotional cord with me, which means it is never a chore to flip to the next page.


I’d love to be able to sum The Dragon Engine up into a nice paragraph, but I really can’t. (Hey, I did try at the beginning, right?) This book dug its claws into me on so many levels it is hard to isolate what exactly made it a 4 star novel. Perhaps it was the complex but flawed heroes. Maybe the familiar Hobbit-esque quest morphing into a grimdark nightmare did it. The wonderfully paced story and realistic action definitely entertained. No matter the ingredients though, Remic casted a spell with this one, and if you haven’t experienced his take on grimdark, you really should give this one a try.


Angry Robot and Netgalley provided this book to me for free in return for an honest review. The review above was not paid for or influenced in any way by any person, entity or organization, but is my own personal opinions.

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review 2015-08-25 20:18
Fantasy Review: The Dragon Engine by Andy Remic
The Dragon Engine (The Blood Dragon Empire) - Andy Remic

Although it shares the same world as The Iron Wolves and The White Towers, Andy Remic's first book in The Blood Dragon Empire is an entirely different. While those books were very much high-stakes epic fantasies, complete with massive battles and bloodshed, The Dragon Engine is more of a traditional quest tale - albeit one that subverts the usual tropes.

For starters, our heroes seem to be the typical gang of adventurers - complete with barbarian, archer, cleric, assassin, and more - but they're actually retired war veterans whose quest days are comfortably behind them. As it turns out, one of them is dying of cancer, one is drinking his sorrows away, and several are nursing broken hearts. While all but one would have turned down an adventure based solely on greed, they find a common purpose in seeking out a magical cure for their dying companion.

While you don't need any prior knowledge of the two Rage of Kings novels to enjoy this, fans will be pleased to discover that King Yoon is still in control, and as debauched as ever. He has serious competition for the most over-the-top, scene-chewing villain however, in the form of First Cardinal Skalg, High Priest of the Church of Hate. While the Dwarves here are hearty and stoic, as you'd expect, they're also sadistically prejudiced against the surface, exceptionally cruel, and on the brink of civil war. They're also presumed long-extinct, which poses a challenge for our heroes, who intend to help themselves to their forgotten treasures.

Where the story takes a sharp left turn in terms of both plot and tone is in the second half of the novel, following the heroes arrival beneath the mountain. What began a fun adventures becomes very dark, very quickly, as our heroes are taken captive. Without saying too much, the torture they endure at the hands of the Dwarves is not for the squeamish - it's cruel, it's painful, and it crosses lines that will make some readers very uncomfortable. What's important is that it's not done merely for shock value. Remic has established his heroes, exposed their faults and their flaws, and also pointed out their all-too-human weaknesses. It's important that they be tested, if not broken, if they're to shake off the complacency of retirement and become the heroes that the world needs once again.

The final chapters are some of the most powerful Remic has ever written, with the core conflicts coming together in a climactic clash. It is here that the true significance of the The Dragon Engine comes clear, leaving us with a cliffhanger that poses a dire threat for the world above. It is a very different story arc than the Rage of Kings, but readers who appreciate a more mature, more adult, no-hold-barred kind of fantasy that rivals any big screen R-rated action flick will once again find a lot to enjoy here.

Bring on Twilight of the Dragons!

ebook, 267 pages
Expected publication: September 1st 2015 by Angry Robot

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC of this title from the publisher in exchange for review consideration.This does not in any way affect the honesty or sincerity of my honest review.


Source: beauty-in-ruins.blogspot.ca/2015/08/fantasy-review-dragon-engine-by-andy.html
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