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url 2018-12-28 14:56
AoL Books free Friday Amazon Spiritual fiction and nonfiction
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Chanting Mantras with Best Chords - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series of Books Printed

Happy Fridays Offer

During the month of December 2018 we have 2 happy Fridays with 24 hours download for some of the AoL Books and Courses

For all of you special Consciousness Researchers, we have a great news! If you are lucky to read this message during the offer, you will be able to download some of AoL Books and Courses for FREE.

Artof4Elements has launched the AoL - Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series of 9 fiction and non-fiction books focusing on spiritual growth, creativity and mindfulness. A series of many genres, including poetry, personal development, historical fiction which includes elements of mystery, and romance), the world of Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training explores numerous self-development themes. According to Nuit, the main theme that books and courses explore is mindfulness, alchemy, and reaching ones highest potential.

Using a variety of self-development tools from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, neuroscience, to helping people identify and achieve personal goals. Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training is a spiritual not religious endeavor that uses life-coaching tools from various philosophers, gurus and sages of our past and present.

Believing that we are all innately divine the AoL books and courses explore the alchemy of the soul: the preparation, transformation and initiation process as an underlining method of personal development and growth.

Today on the Friday 28th Dec, we share with you FREE 24 hours download on -

Novel A-Ma Alchemy of Love, Historical Fiction set in China 17th century

by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Ama Alchemy of Love book cover

A-Ma is a historical spiritual fiction book set in the 17th century Macao, China. The main protagonist is Ama, an African alchemist, Goddess, a guru, a lover, a story-teller that inspires and gathers artists, preachers, priests, philosophers from all around the world within the magic settings of her coffee house. ISBN-13: 9789995754198

Applying Wisdom Supported Pure Logic within Chaos ama alchemy evolution quote from Ama Alchemy of Love by Nataša Pantović Nuit

All the events and manuscripts mentioned within the book: the Dutch attack to Macao 24th of June 1622 Fortaleza do Monte proved crucial in successfully holding off the attempted Dutch invasion, Dutch East India Company, the Reform of the Chinese Calendar during 1630s in China, Father Schall’s Johann Adam Schall von Bell Appointment to the Chinese Board of Mathematicians (during 1650s), etc. are carefully researched historical facts. 

Ama Alchemy of Love Spiritual Historical Fiction A Glimpse into Ama 12 Chapters



Art of 4 Elements Discover Alchemy through Poetry 

Art of 4 Elements Discover Alchemy through Poetry Hand Made Book

Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training #1, Spiritual Poetry Book,  Year: 2014, by Nataša Nuit Pantović, Jason Lu, Christine Cutajar, Jeni Caruana, 266 pages. Size: 10"x10". The spiritual poetry and art book with 120 poems written by Nuit. These acted as an inspiration for the work of 3 other artists. The book explores alchemy and 4 elements, 4 stages of life, 4 magic directions ISBN: 978-9995754006

clouds spiritual couisons of elephants, Art of 4 Elements by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Mindful Eating: Exercises with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes

Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes, Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training #3, Year: 2015, by Nataša Pantović Nuit and Olivera Rosic, Publisher: Artof4elements. Paperback: 120 pages. Size: 6"x9".


Mindful Eating book is designed with the best AoL Mindful Eating Exercises and a collection of Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes. Mindful Eating Exercises help with over-eating, eating too often, eating too little, eating junk food, food allergies, etc. Vegan cooking book. ISBN: 978-9995754020

Follow the above links for FREE books downloads and enjoy this amazing time! <3 Do leave a Review or two in return!

Source: artof4elements.com/entry/196/mindfulness-training-books-promotions
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url 2018-11-16 10:06
AoL books and courses Freebie Fridays FREE TODAY
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Chanting Mantras with Best Chords - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Spiritual Symbols With their Meanings - Nataša Pantović Nuit

AoL Mindfulness training books

Free 2 download Today: AoL Mindfulness training books, Spiritual fiction and nonfiction.

Freebie Fridays, 24 hours free books downloads, Amazon Kindle deals.

AoL books and courses freebie Friday free today

For all the consciousness researchers do enjoy the AoL Mindfulness fiction and nonfiction and if we managed to inspire you do leave a review...

Books available through AMAZON https://www.amazon.com/Nataša-Nuit-Pantović/e/B00TUA1528

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/196/mindfulness-training-books-promotions
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url 2018-02-21 16:21
Just Released! Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings (Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Book #8)
Spiritual Symbols With their Meaning - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Just Released! Spiritual Symbols with Their Meanings (Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Book #8)


Spiritual Symbols with their Meaning

Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Book #8

by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Spiritual Symbols and their Meaning by Nataša Pantović Nuit Book Cover front

Spiritual Symbols Short Description

Symbols and signs are the languages of the soul.

Symbols and signs are the languages of the . Symbols and signs are the language of dreams. Occultists believe that signs and symbols are given a supernatural power at their creation. Words, signs and symbols, images, colors, light, are all used for eons to convey a spiritual meaning.

The Mystics, the Magi initiates, the guardians of the oracle mysteries acquired deep knowledge of the laws of the spiritual world and their interaction with the sense world. Some of them worked hard all through their lives to decipher the spiritual forces behind the forces of nature and to learn how to control the elements.

Dedicated to all  and  Explorers who see the beauty in every-day Nature & Universal sacred language of symbols and signs. We will not talk about spiritual symbols worshiped by major religions but about trees, numbers, spirals that we meet daily.
Through symbols to mindfulness meditations.

Source: www.artof4elements.com/entry/209/spiritual-symbols-nonfiction-book
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url 2017-09-27 18:40
Interview with Nataša Pantović Nuit (Author of 9 Mindfulness Books)
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Chanting Mantras with Best Chords - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Being - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

Author, Trainer, Yogi and Spiritual Researcher that lives and works in Malta.
Author of 9 Mindfulness Books called Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training.
Always fascinated with energies of: Love, Divine, Power of Mind, Creativity, Tao, Living one’s Highest Potential, I write self-development courses exploring topics of inner-development, esoteric or occult teachings, and New Consciousness. The main theme of my Mindfulness Training Books is our alchemy transformation, the alchemy of soul, our everlasting quest to find the gold within, discovering the stone that transforms metals into gold.
After helping Father George build a school in a remote area of Ethiopia, I entered the most amazing world of parenting adopting two angels from Ethiopia as a single mum. At the moment my kids are actively teaching me how to be a more loving, mindful and conscious parent.
Traveled through more than 50 countries and lived in 5: UK, New Zealand, Holland, Serbia and Malta. Worked as Head of Business Development, Trainer and Organizer of various Body Mind Spirit Festivals in Malta, I now write and lecture about variety of spiritual and self’development topics.
* ”Art of 4 Elements|Discover Alchemy through Poetry” (2015)
* ”A Guide to Mindful Eating|Conscious Eating” (2015)
* ”Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes|Mindful Eating” (2015)
* ”Mindful Being towards Mindful Living Course|Mindfulness Training” (2015)
* ”Conscious Parenting: Mindful Living Course for Parents|Conscious Parenting” (2016)
* ”Chanting Mantras with Best Chords|Chanting Mantras” (2016)
* ”Ama Alchemy of Love|17th century journey into enlightenment” (2016)
* ”Tree of Life|Spiritual Poetry Book” (2017)
* ”Conscious Creativity|Conscious Creativity” (2017)


To read the full interview check: Interview with Nataša Pantović Nuit 



Source: awesomegang.com/natasa-nuit-pantovic
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url 2017-09-27 12:44
Read Write Club Interview with Nataša Pantović Nuit (Author of 9 Minduflness Books)
Conscious Parenting Mindful Living Course for Parents - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Art of 4 Elements - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Mindful Eating with Delicious Raw Vegan Recipes - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Tree of Life - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Chanting Mantras with Best Chords - Nataša Pantović Nuit
A-Ma Alchemy of Love - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Conscious Creativity: Mindfulness Meditations - Nataša Pantović Nuit

Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to start writing.

My dear life explorers, if you are reading this interview it is likely that this amazing Holographic Universe got us together for a reason. Our thoughts have already met, it is now time for us to meet. Endless life lessons and endless questions connect our souls search towards the path of love, peace and harmony and this magic key is in our hands. While examining this supreme alchemy of soul I had to write…

Tell us about your books.

Believing that we are all innately divine the Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series of 9 books explores the alchemy of the soul: the preparation, transformation and initiation process as an underlining method of personal development and growth.

The Series is a spiritual not religious endeavor that uses life-coaching tools from various philosophers, gurus and sages of our past and present. The Series of many genres, includes; poetry, personal development, and historical fiction.


AoL (Art of eLements) Research into Mysticism Art and Ancient Worlds. Applied Psychology & Philosophy from Tao to Neo-Platonism to Jung to deeper understand Intuitive Wisdom & Pure Ratio. In search of Language of God exploring symbols & sound frequencies

Ama Alchemy of Love also published within the compilation Ama Dios (9 AoL Consciousness Books Combined)




Reed the full interview Read Write Club Interview with Nataša Pantović Nuit 

Source: www.readwriteclub.com/natasa-nuit-pantovic
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