Goddess Bastet and Ancient Egyptian Bel Ba of Sha or Soul of Isis Education, Symbols and Signs, Spirituality, Power of Mind, default Goddess Bastet (in Slavic BeŠTija) and the Egyptian Sacred City of Cats The Temple of Bastet was built in 2950 BC at Sakkara, Alexandria, at Bubastis. A goddess that had a cat as a symbol, represented by the sounds “Ba” and “Sha” was worshiped for thousands of years in ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptian: bꜣstjt, in Slavic BeŠTija, in Coptic: Ⲟⲩⲃⲁⲥⲧⲉ/ubastə/ was an angry Goddess. The three papyri of the 200 BC tell us of a story of the daughter of Ra, living as a mighty lioness at south of Egypt in the glowing desert heat. She is a beast, not a benevolent Goddess, an angry lioness. To please her, the worshipers use the form of a baboon (unpolite and rude humans) and music, dance and alcohol. Bastet Around 600 BC from Saqqara Egypt The British Museum London A bronze statue the cat wears golden earrings and nose-ring and a silver wedjat (Eye of Horus). Around 600 BC from Saqqara, Egypt in The British Museum, London
“A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, um livro cuja acção se passa na Macau do século XVII. Agora, em entrevista ao jornal Times of Malta, a autora, Nataša Pantović, explica que o romance “é sobre a busca pela verdade”. A história tem como protagonista Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana.
Nataša Pantović escolheu como cenário para “A-Ma: Alchemy of Love” a Macau do século XVII e colocou como protagonistas Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana a morar na região, Ruben, um padre jesuíta português e Benedito, um cristão ortodoxo. Ama reunia artistas, pregadores, padres e filósofos de todo o mundo, dentro dos cenários mágicos do seu café. O livro explora o crescimento rápido de Macau, quer nos horizontes das cidades, quer nas mudanças socioeconómicas.
Retratando a vida na Europa e em Macau no século XVII, a obra é vista como uma fábula histórica e dos hábitos e costumes dos chineses e dos portugueses que viviam em Macau. O livro tem 12 capítulos e Nataša Pantović coloca Deus e outros espíritos a narrar a acção.
A autora do livro, que foi publicado originalmente em 2016, deu agora uma entrevista ao jornal maltês Times of Malta, onde explicou que o romance foi escrito “do ponto de vista da personagem principal, Ama”.
“Todas as minhas personagens têm fortes compromissos políticos, ideológicos e morais, as suas ideias são inovadoras, é uma ciência contra a Igreja, homem contra mulher, uma conversa do Oriente com o Ocidente”, explicou a escritora com ascendência maltesa e sérvia. Neste caso, o tema central é “a busca pela verdade”.
A filosofia da Grécia antiga também é abordada neste livro. Questionada sobre as influências filosóficas, a autora respondeu apenas: “As mudanças que presenciei durante a minha vida foram enormes. Emocionalmente, mentalmente e fisicamente, temos de adoptar diferentes padrões de comportamento, não apenas sobreviver, mas prosperar sem abusar dos outros grupos sociais ou animais ou colocar o planeta Terra em perigo”.
“O facto de haver uma percentagem da população que não vê televisão, não lê jornais e que ainda é capaz de pensar, de apreciar arte ou dançar e cantar, e é capaz de pensar de forma criativa, faz parte do fascínio pela minha investigação”, atirou a autora.
A autora vê Hermann Hesse e Leo Tolstoy como os seus primeiros “guias espirituais”: “Através das suas percepções profundas e mensagens emocionantes, pela primeira vez experimentei o mundo do crescimento espiritual e contemplação profunda”. A escritora diz ter sido influenciada por outros artistas, e destaca Leonardo da Vinci, Lao Tzu e Giordano Bruno.
TITLE: Eratosthenes & Hyginus - Constellation Myths: with Aratus's Phaenomena
AUTHORS: Eratosthenes, Hyginus, Aratus
PUBLICATION DATE: 2015 (originally +/- 194 B.C)
EDITION: Oxford World's Classics
FORMAT: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9780198716983
" The constellations we recognize today were first mapped by the ancient Greeks, who arranged the stars into patterns for that purpose. In the third century BC Eratosthenes compiled a handbook of astral mythology in which the constellations were associated with figures from legend, and myths were provided to explain how each person, creature, or object came to be placed in the sky. Thus we can see Heracles killing the Dragon, and Perseus slaying the sea-monster to save Andromeda; Orion chases the seven maidens transformed by Zeus into the Pleiades, and Aries, the golden ram, is identified flying up to the heavens.
This translation brings together the later summaries from Eratosthenes's lost handbook with a guide to astronomy compiled by Hyginus, librarian to Augustus. Together with Aratus's astronomical poem the Phaenomena, these texts provide a complete collection of Greek astral myths; imaginative and picturesque, they also offer an intriguing insight into ancient science and culture. "
This book translates four texts: (i) the Epitome and (ii) the Fragmenta Vaticana, which are versions of the Catasterisms of Eratosthenes, (iii) the Astronomica of Hyginus, and (iv) the Phaenomena of Aratus.
The translations and commentary about the mythological origins of the constellations are interesting, though somewhat repetitive. Under each of the book's 50 constellations are set out the sections of Eratosthenes and Hygenius, followed by a short commentary. The layout of this book does not follow the layout of the originals and is concerned primarily with the mythology of the constellations and not any additional material. This book lacks sufficient diagrams - there are only two fuzzy diagrams at the beginning of the book which are inadequate. Additional diagrams of each constellation should have been included, especially in light of the modern reader's presumed lack of star gazing knowledge. The prose translation of Aratus's Phaenomena consists of: (i) The Constellations, (ii) Measuring of Time through Observation of the Heavens, and (iii) Weather Signs, followed by extracts from Geminos' Introduction to the 'Phaenomena' included as an appendix.
This is a nice introduction to stellar mythology, but I suggest having a star atlas or constellation map on hand while reading it.
Art, Education, Symbols and Signs, Spirituality, Power of Mind, default
Metamorphoses. Transformation. A journey of a soul passing through Gaia, but also an epic poem in fifteen books written 2,000 years ago, by the Roman poet Ovid, completed in 8 AC inspired by the Ancient Greek Theogony Θεογονία “Birth of the Gods” attributed to Hesiod 700 BC, and the Derveni 500 BC.
The poet's writings are based on already fully established Ancient Greek manuscript tradition. Re-writing myths, the creation story, Ovid begins by describing how the elements emerge out of chaos, and how mankind degenerates from the Gold Age to the Silver Age to the Age of Iron. This is followed by an attempt by the giants (Titans) to seize the heavens, at which the God Jove sends a great flood which destroys all living things except one couple, Deucalion and Pyrrha.