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quote 2019-04-21 10:15
“For whatever it’s worth, I’ve missed…” He paused. “I’ve missed us being friends.”

I stood there frozen as he closed his car door and turned the ignition. “I’ve missed that too,” I said as I watched him drive away.
Chasing Chance (Gilcrest University Guys #1) - M.E. Parker
 (Gilcrest University Guys #1)
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quote 2018-10-26 09:25
“Man, this girl already has my balls in her pocket, and we haven’t even kissed.”
Pucking Parker (Face-Off Legacy #1) - Jillian Quinn

 ~~ Pucking Parker, by Jillian Quinn

 (Face-Off Legacy series, book #1)

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review 2016-09-21 00:56
We finally have the conclusion to Shaw and Cassidy's story!!!! What I did not expect was for it to be so emotional. Book 2 left off where Shaw and Cassidy and just had their baby boy, Abraham Whalen Matthew, but we get a fun recap of the baby being born. Great comedy here! I laughed so much, especially at Shaw!

Now we fast forward three years to where life isn't all roses anymore for this couple. Shaw has gone on to great things at work, now that he is a partner, while Cassidy has stayed home to raise Abe. Cassidy loves staying home with Abe, but resents how Shaw always puts work first. After one final work interference Cassidy has had enough. She's leaving and taking Abe to Stonington, Maine to live with her family. This causes Shaw to finally take notice. Shaw finally agrees to counseling.

Dr. Jeremy Sparling was a hoot. It was fun seeing Shaw and Cassidy go through counseling. It was very apparent that these two love each other but have a lot of pent up frustrations that they each have been holding in. Then when Dr. Kayta Minkov was brought into the picture things got really interesting! ;)

Throughout the story Shaw and Cassidy had to deal with their issues head on. Until then, they couldn't truly be happy. Of course, by the end, these two end up happier than they ever were!

Overall this was a fun, hot and entertaining story that takes you through many emotions. I really enjoyed the ride these two went on and loved their happy ending!
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quote 2016-08-19 19:37
Ich glaube, die Menschen wünschen sich nur deshalb Schnee an Heiligabend, weil er den ganzen Dreck unseres Daseins bedeckt und alles in eine scheinbar unschuldige Decke einhüllt, unter der in Wahrheit das Schlechte und Böse versteckt liegt.
Lilith Parker 02 und der Kuss des Todes - Janine Wilk

Lilith Parker 02 - Und der Kuss des Todes von Janine Wilk

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review 2016-08-16 16:02
Beraubte es das Leben nicht seines Sinns und seiner Wichtigkeit, wenn man die eigene Lebenszeit nach Gutdünken verlängern konnte?
Lilith Parker: Insel der Schatten - Janine Wilk

Lilith Parker 01 - Insel der Schatten von Janine Wilk, S. 192

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