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review 2017-01-13 11:39
Zeit für ein Umdenken
Chicagoland Vampires: Auf den letzten Biss - Marcel Aubron-Bülles,Chloe Neill

Es ist offiziell. „Chicagoland Vampires“ endet mit Band 13, der am 25. August 2017 unter dem Titel „Ein Biss von dir“ erscheinen wird. Angesichts dieser Neuigkeiten möchte auch ich etwas verkünden: ich werde die Reihe bis zum bitteren Ende durchziehen. Ich habe lange mit mir gehadert und bin skeptisch, ob sich diese Entscheidung auszahlen wird, aber ein Teil von mir ist überzeugt, ich bin es Merit einfach schuldig, zu erfahren, wie ihre Geschichte endet, nachdem ich sie jahrelang begleitet habe. So kurz vor Schluss möchte ich nicht mehr abbrechen. Ich will wissen, wie es ausgeht. Nach „Auf den letzten Biss“ liegen noch drei Bände vor mir. Ein Leseziel für 2017 ist damit gesetzt.


Chicago ist zur Ruhe gekommen. Nach wochenlangen Ausschreitungen hat sich die Lage endlich entspannt. Doch die Beziehungen zwischen Menschen und Übernatürlichen sind noch immer schwierig, der Frieden empfindlich. Als Merit, Hüterin des Hauses Cadogan, zum Schauplatz eines brutalen Mordes gerufen wird, befürchtet sie das Schlimmste. Das Opfer wurde mit Katanas durchbohrt. Alles deutet auf einen Vampirangriff hin. Erst eine genauere Untersuchung zeigt, dass die Hinrichtung lediglich aussehen soll, als wären Vampire dafür verantwortlich. Versucht jemand, die Vampirgemeinschaft in Verruf zu bringen und so das sensible Gleichgewicht der Stadt erneut zu stören? Merit möchte den Ermittler_innen helfen, kann jedoch kaum mehr tun, als ihnen beratend zur Seite zu stehen, denn die Belange Cadogans verlangen ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Seit Ethan den Vorsitzenden des Greenwich Presidium herausforderte und sich selbst auf den Posten bewarb, wird er bedroht und erpresst. Es ist Merits Aufgabe, ihren Meister und Geliebten zu schützen, nur wird sie das Gefühl nicht los, dass er ihr etwas Bedeutsames verschweigt. Ist ihre Liebe stärker als die dunklen Geheimnisse seiner Vergangenheit?


Ich habe diese Rezension in zwei Versionen geschrieben. Diese ist die zweite Variante. Ich hatte meine ursprüngliche Besprechung von „Auf den letzten Biss“ fast fertig, nur um dann festzustellen, dass ich mit dem gesamten Text unglücklich war. Ich habe beschlossen, das Buch aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten. Während der Lektüre von „Auf den letzten Biss“ habe ich einen Funken der Begeisterung gespürt, die ich früher für die Reihe empfunden habe. Ich gebe zu, Chloe Neill und ich haben mittlerweile ein schwieriges Verhältnis, was sowohl an mir als auch an ihr liegt, aber ich finde nicht alles von Vorneherein doof, was sie im Rahmen der „Chicagoland Vampires“ schreibt. Die erste Rezension wurde diesem Gefühl nicht gerecht. In dieser habe ich mich erneut lang und breit darüber ausgelassen, wie unzufrieden ich mit der Darstellung der Beziehung zwischen Merit und Ethan bin. Wisst ihr was? Ich bin es leid, darüber zu motzen. Ihre Beziehung wird immer im Fokus stehen, ob mir das nun passt oder nicht. Ich möchte mich stärker auf die positiven Aspekte der Bücher konzentrieren, statt wiederholt einen Punkt zu kritisieren, der sich ohnehin nicht ändern wird. Ihr wisst, dass mir Merit und Ethan als Paar nicht gefallen. Ich sehe keinen Sinn darin, permanent darauf herumzureiten.
Lieber möchte ich euch erzählen, wie sehr ich mich darüber gefreut habe, dass Merit in „Auf den letzten Biss“ einerseits ihre Freundschaft zu Mallory wiederaufleben lässt und andererseits nicht einmal in die Nähe des verfluchten Whiteboards kommt. Das heißt natürlich nicht, dass Chloe Neill ihr heißgeliebtes, sich wiederholendes Handlungskonstrukt vollkommen ad acta legen würde, nein, so experimentierfreudig ist sie dann doch nicht. Aber immerhin variierte sie es so weit, dass es mir positiv auffiel. Merit ist zwar auch dieses Mal in die Ermittlung eines spannenden, interessanten Mordfalls involviert, spielt darin allerdings eine viel geringere Rolle als in den vorangegangenen Bänden. Ich fand es toll, dass sie die Polizei ausnahmsweise ihre Arbeit machen lässt und ihnen lediglich unterstützend unter die Arme greift. Endlich priorisiert sie ihre Aufgabe als Hüterin Cadogans und kümmert sich um die Angelegenheiten ihres Hauses, statt all ihre Zeit darauf zu verwenden, einen Mörder zu jagen. Die globale Vampirpolitik verlangt ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit, denn diese erfährt in diesem zehnten Band einige unerwartete Wendungen, die die Zukunft der vampirischen Gemeinschaft mächtig auf den Kopf stellen werden. Ich freue mich darauf, in dieser heißen Phase des Umbruchs dabei zu sein. Schade nur, dass Neill einen Handlungsstrang, den sie in „Auf den letzten Biss“ beginnt, mehr oder weniger verwaisen lässt: Darius West, der Vorsitzende des Greenwich Presidiums, fällt in Chicago durch reichlich seltsames Verhalten auf. Die Autorin erklärt zwar, wieso West nicht er selbst zu sein scheint, holt meines Erachtens nach jedoch zu wenig aus diesem Teil ihrer Geschichte heraus. Leider ließ sie sich diesbezüglich wieder einmal vom Merit-Ethan-Turteltauben-Drama ablenken.


Ich fand „Auf den letzten Biss“ solide. Der zehnte Band bietet einen kreativ konstruierten Mordfall und diverse Elemente, die neue Perspektiven für die übergreifende Handlung eröffnen. Er gefiel mir wesentlich besser als der Vorgänger „Teuflische Bisse“, da mir Merits Rolle außerhalb ihrer Beziehung zu Ethan weit mehr zusagte. Meine Entscheidung, das Thema ihrer Beziehung ruhen zu lassen und auszuklammern, erleichtert mich unglaublich. Ich hatte es so satt, darüber nachzudenken. Es hat Spaß gemacht, über „Auf den letzten Biss“ zu schreiben, ohne das unausgeglichene Machtverhältnis zwischen den beiden zu analysieren und einfach nur zu erläutern, was mir gefiel und was nicht. Für die verbleibenden drei Bände habe ich mir vorgenommen, diese Einstellung bereits während der Lektüre zu pflegen. Es ist Zeit für ein Umdenken, denn ich wünsche mir nichts mehr, als die letzten Episoden aus Merits unsterblichem Leben genießen zu können. Ich möchte mich im Guten von ihr verabschieden.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/13/chloe-neill-auf-den-letzten-biss
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review 2015-10-23 23:41
Darius (Starkis Family #5) - Cheryl Douglas










Darius Starkis isn’t looking for love, but when he meets sexy comedienne Chelsea King he believes he may have found it. He knows she hasn’t had it easy. A tough upbringing followed by a tragedy that would break most women has left her emotionally scarred. Determined to do whatever it takes to win her over, Darius knows he’s in for the fight of his life.

Chelsea is no stranger to heartbreak. Repeated abandonment is reason enough for any woman to swear off relationships, but when she meets a gorgeous billionaire determined to prove he would never leave her, can she take a chance on finding love with a long shot?




Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/Darius-Starkis-Family-Cheryl-Douglas-ebook/dp/B015VSFS4I/


B & N:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/darius-cheryl-douglas/1122718319?ean=2940152377316


Ibooks:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/darius-starkis-family-5/id1044913487?mt=11


Kobo:  https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/ebook/darius-starkis-family-5





Darius (Starkis Family #5)Darius by Cheryl Douglas

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A pencil and paper. These are two of the easiest tools to obtain but are the most widely taken for granted. Cheryl Douglas takes these simple tools and manages to create stories of power that uplift and inform. Through her stories she delves into areas that most people turn blind eyes to. She explores the tenacity of the human spirit and the will to overcome any tragedy. Darius is the story of a woman willing to face her fears and the man determined to help her along the way. I loved the story and am in awe of this talented writer.

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review 2015-08-06 15:18
Review: A Decade for Darius by Dorothy Callahan
A Decade for Darius - Dorothy Callahan
A Decade for Darius 
 Dorothy Callahan  
 Contemporary Romance  
 May 19th 2014  
 Review Copy  


Jessalyn Swan has never found any man who could light a candle with a flame bright enough to outshine the torch she still carries for one Darius Covington and therefore has stopped looking. Her flourishing antique business is her hard won lifeblood-- a testimony to her feelings for the man she met once and has never forgotten. One magical date as a teenager has shaped her entire life, and nothing will tear her from her path.


When it comes to business or pleasure, middle-class Jessalyn knows she cannot risk losing her heart--or her livelihood--to blue-blooded Darius all over again.


Years of control and discipline vanish the moment Aikido champion Darius comes face to face with Jessalyn, the incredibly sweet teenager he had met ten years ago, the one who had left an indelible brand on his own teenage heart. But it seems to have gone both ways, for Jess now owns an antique store, a passion she had shared with him over the hours they had once spent together. Now, though, she will control the inheritance--his beloved uncle’s priceless heirlooms--and he can’t decide if he wants to publicly crush her or simply crush her in his arms.


To make matters worse, someone else is aware of their impasse, and attempts are being made on their lives.


The inheritance must go to somebody. Survivor takes all.




**Read this as part of the Shades Of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances Box Set**


~ 3.5 A Decade for Darius Stars ~


A Decade for Darius was a very sweet and adorable romance. Don’t let the cover deter you from checking out this book (I’m not a fan of the cover). I am also not much of a contemporary romance fan, but I found this one to be oh so sweet.


Jessalyn and Darius meet as teenagers only one time, but that one time was enough to change both their lives. It was love at first site. 


I liked Jessalyn. She works hard to own her own business and to become a women of worth. Darious I also enjoyed him. He is a rich blue blood, but he does not act like it. He made something of himself and owns his own business. They worked as a couple. It’s love lost and love found. A sweet storyline. I also enjoyed the antic aspect of the story too. We also get some family secrets come to life at the end, which add intrigue as well as the plot to kill Darious.


What can I say only that A Decade for Darius was sweet and enjoyable.


*Disclaimer: Review copy provided of Shades Of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.


Was this review helpful? If so, please consider liking it on Goodreads (Angela)!


Source: angelsguiltypleasures.com/2015/08/review-a-decade-for-darius-by-dorothy-callahan
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review 2015-07-15 00:00
A Decade for Darius
A Decade for Darius - Dorothy Callahan A Decade for Darius - Dorothy Callahan **Read this as part of the [b:Shades Of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances|25330787|Shades Of Desire 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances|J. A. Coffey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1436938873s/25330787.jpg|45066112] Box Set**

~ 3.5 A Decade for Darius Stars ~

A Decade for Darius was a very sweet and adorable romance. Don’t let the cover deter you from checking out this book ( I'm not a fan of the cover). I am also not much of a contemporary romance fan, but I found this one to be oh so sweet.

Jessalyn and Darius meet as teenagers only one time, but that one time was enough to change both their lives. It was love at first site.

I liked Jessalyn. She works hard to own her own business and to become a women of worth. Darious I also enjoyed him. He is a rich blue blood, but he does not act like it. He made something of himself and owns his own business. They worked as a couple. It’s love lost and love found. A sweet storyline. I also enjoyed the antic aspect of the story too. We also get some family secrets come to life at the end, which add intrigue as well as the plot to kill Darious.

What can I say only that A Decade for Darius was sweet and enjoyable.

*Disclaimer: Review copy provided of [b:Shades Of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances|25330787|Shades Of Desire 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances|J. A. Coffey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1436938873s/25330787.jpg|45066112] with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

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review 2015-06-01 17:52
Darius - Grace Burrowes (Sourcebooks Casablanca - Apr 2013)
Darius: Lord of Pleasures - Grace Burrowes

Series: Lonely Lords (Book 1)

A story that breaks all the rules...


With his beloved sister tainted by scandal, his widowed brother shattered by grief , and his funds cut off, Darius Lindsey sees no option but to sell himself -- body and soul. Until the day he encounters lovely, beguiling Lady Vivian Longstreet, whose tenderness and understanding wrap his soul in a grace he knows he'll never deserve...


Excellent book with a very different premise. Darius is the second son of an earl, one whose father has cut him off financially. He has a small manor house and some land, and people he cares for and feels responsible for. The only way he can make any money is to make himself available to bored society women.


Vivian is the young second wife to elderly Lord William Longstreet. He married her after the death of his first wife, in order to protect her from her nasty stepfather. William is still in love with his first wife, and realizes that he's nearing the end of his life. If he dies without an heir, his lands and wealth will revert to the Crown, something he cannot accept. So he goes to Darius and offers him a large sum of money to get Vivian pregnant. 


Though not entirely comfortable with the idea, Darius is desperate to escape the clutches of the two women he is currently employed by. Vivian is also uncomfortable, but she cares for William and understands what he is trying to do. The initial meeting between Darius and Vivian is awkward, but they agree to terms and make their arrangements.


I really liked Darius. He hates what he does, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to provide for his family. When Vivian arrives at his home in Kent, he is quite sensitive to her fears and discomfort. I loved seeing the way he worked to show her that it could be a pleasurable interlude for both of them. Normally he is able to keep his emotions out of his encounters, but with Vivian he isn't able to do that. I loved the way that he was determined that she feel all the pleasure that is possible, and also to show her that she is an intelligent and capable woman who can do anything. He can see that she will need the skills to stand up for herself and protect her child once her husband is gone. He doesn't expect to fall for her, and the thought of having to give her up at the end of the month is tearing him up.


I also liked Vivian. She starts out as very shy and self-effacing. She is wary of the things that Darius makes her feel. They spend the first few days just getting to know each other, and she discovers that there is much more to Darius than she expected. Seeing the way he cares for the people who inhabit his home makes her realize that he is a man she can trust. That trust makes it a little easier for her to accept what they must do, and she soon learns much about her own feelings and responses. The "baby-making" scenes are both incredibly sexy and really sweet. I loved the way that she saw the good in Darius and tried to show him that he is better than what he has been forced to do. Leaving him at the end of the month is hard, and the reality of not seeing him anymore is hard for her to take.


Once they are back in London, they are not supposed to see each other again. Vivian doesn't want to accept that and manages to find ways to encounter Darius. But seeing him return to the two society women hurts terribly, and she is torn about how to handle it. Darius wants to escape them, but their threats against his family have his hands tied for awhile. I loved seeing him finally muster up the determination to escape, and how he did it was extremely satisfying. Though they do have several meetings, both Darius and Vivian are honorable people, and they are very careful to stick to friendship. 


I loved Lord William. He has never loved anyone but his first wife and misses her desperately. What he has with Vivian is actually a beautiful friendship, but he knows without an heir she will be in dire straits when he dies. Even though what he was doing was basically dishonest, his reasons were good. I really liked his treatment of Darius, and as the book went on it became obvious that he also had a secondary motive for his actions. I loved the way that he mentored Darius through some financial waters, and how he made sure to keep Darius involved in Vivian's life. It became obvious that he had a secondary motive to his actions, and one that he had great confidence in.


Darius's protective nature comes fully to the surface once Vivian has the baby. I loved seeing him with the child and the obvious adoration he has for it. It only serves to make Vivian love him more. And when William dies, it is up to Darius to keep Vivian and the baby safe. I loved seeing how he did it, and the confrontation with Vivian's nasty stepfather was so very satisfying.

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