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review 2016-06-18 12:06
A House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan by J.P. Barnaby
A House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan - J.P. Barnaby
I enjoyed this second book far more than the first. Ethan begins writing a journal to try and overcome his troubled past.

'I was the boy on the milk carton.
I was the tortured soul.
I was the doctor.
I was the Master.
I am Ethan Richard Hughes Bryant.
Now I am all of them.'
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review 2014-09-24 00:00
Deconstructing Lila
Deconstructing Lila - Shannon Leigh I was expecting an amazing entangled contemporary romance but I got a mystery as well. This book was full of surprises, a lot more fun than I hoped for. I loved Lila's character and how she coped with hardships in life and get over her disappointment- with her therapist's help of course. She was willing to get her life back and strong enough for fight for the things she believed in.
Jake is her ex-husband, although they weren't really divorced but it had been a long time since Lila was back in town. Now she was and Jake was confused. The attraction between them was still there but was it wise to give it another try?
Prudence's character and diary put an interesting spin to the whole plot and the mystery behind its sender was a nice touch too. I enjoyed reading.
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text 2014-08-17 08:07
Finally reading Death Warmed Over
Death Warmed Over - Kevin J. Anderson
Last of the Demon Slayers - Angie Fox
The Serpent of Venice - Christopher Moore
Dorothy Must Die - Danielle Paige
The Lost Princess of Oz - L. Frank Baum,John R. Neill

So I  was über excited to receive a few other books within the Kevin J. Anderson series Dan Shambles, Zombie PI. I have been a fan of Kevin's other works including his work with Dune. So since I have books further ahead in the series that are,ARC and review gained by Netgalley I thought I would get a head start. It just seems lately that I keep get pulled back into the paranormal genre. I'm not complaining. I just think that it's funnyy how eclectic my reading choices range from. Probably by the end of the month I'll be returning to classics, Angie Fox's demon slayer series, and my signed, gifted, book from a friend by Christopher Moore The Serpent of Venice.......not to mention the work I need to return to for Danielle Paige and Dorothy Must Die.



And then the though part. To write all my reviews. Make all my posts. Update all my sites. Respond to all the discussions. Contact and follow through with the authors and publishers. And keep Amity away from blocking my Kindle. Oh yea and make some new tee combinations. The life of a professional book reader is though. Now let me fluff my pillow and get to work with a snoring cat sleeping right by my head sharing the pillow as usual.


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text 2014-05-25 03:34
Reading progress update: I've read 15%. Deconstructing Oz
The Marvelous Land of Oz - L. Frank Baum
No Place Like Oz - Danielle Paige
Dorothy Must Die - Danielle Paige



This story of Jack the Pumpkinhead man constructed by Tip brings back so many memories of the movie  Return to Oz  . It was a different sort of movie but made for my generation at that time, effects, actors, and all. I have to go out and watch that movie again if I'm going to deconstruct Oz in preparation of reading Danielle Paige's series Dorothy Must Die . 







Since the chapters are short and the reading is light in this book , The Marvelous Land of Oz , it has been easy to take little breaks from my other readings (mostly zombie books). Discovering little and BIG things that were never revealed or what we thought we knew of Oz is such a journey within itself. Plus like many other novels written at that time, it's filled with hidden politics and ideals that still remain today, like transgenderism. But that's for when digging really deep into the book. I'm wondering how deep to dig and how much dissolving of the story I will do. Too bad I wasn't back in college to write up essays and articles requiring a thesis and much research......but then again there are always BookLikes and my blog (coming soon) to do these kind of posting, without having to spend thousands of dollars in tuition and time in classes. Perhaps all of this will help fulfill me as a disabled person from my Multiple Sclerosis, providing a new meaning, greater causes, and a purpose that is not focused on my health issues.



Now I just need to churn up an audience and work on my writing skills especially when my eyes are whacked out with neurologist and my spasms have my typing seem like a handless person trying to pick up dropped M&MS......or like Jack the Pumpkinhead Man in this book.


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review 2012-11-26 00:00
Deconstructing Tolkien: A Fundamental Analysis of the Lord of the Rings - Edward J. McFadden,Jane Yolen,Tom Piccirilli If laughter is therapeutic, I'm a vastly healthier person than I was when I began this book.
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