So I was über excited to receive a few other books within the Kevin J. Anderson series Dan Shambles, Zombie PI. I have been a fan of Kevin's other works including his work with Dune. So since I have books further ahead in the series that are,ARC and review gained by Netgalley I thought I would get a head start. It just seems lately that I keep get pulled back into the paranormal genre. I'm not complaining. I just think that it's funnyy how eclectic my reading choices range from. Probably by the end of the month I'll be returning to classics, Angie Fox's demon slayer series, and my signed, gifted, book from a friend by Christopher Moore The Serpent of Venice.......not to mention the work I need to return to for Danielle Paige and Dorothy Must Die.

And then the though part. To write all my reviews. Make all my posts. Update all my sites. Respond to all the discussions. Contact and follow through with the authors and publishers. And keep Amity away from blocking my Kindle. Oh yea and make some new tee combinations. The life of a professional book reader is though. Now let me fluff my pillow and get to work with a snoring cat sleeping right by my head sharing the pillow as usual.