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review 2020-04-16 13:24
Circus of the Damned
Circus of the Damned - Cornelia Grey

by Cornelia Grey


This is a very atmospheric story about a genuine magician who gets through life pulling cons and doing what people assume is stage magic, but is helped along by the real thing. One day he gets in trouble with his dodgy doings and is being chased by an angry mob, and in his attempts to get away, joins the Circus of the Damned.


There is an unnecessary amount of gratuitous swearing, but also a lot of action and I was pulled into the story quickly. It took me until chapter three to decide that I really didn't like the main character, Gilbert. He's arrogant and doesn't think, which is not a good recipe for a magician. You would expect him to at least be savvy enough to know what it means when he's offered a place in the circus and warned that it's forever. The word 'damned' might have tipped him off. But he proceeds to try to leave with no thought of the warnings he was given.


The circus is pretty weird and Gilbert, being bi-sexual, takes an interest in the MC who he finds attractive. There is a selection of interesting characters, though none I could identify with personally. The use of pronouns isn't always correct and it can get confusing to tell who is who, but it is imaginative and Gilbert sort of reminds me of the Artful Dodger with his street life background. There are some very funny moments, though the dialogue was flat at times.


About halfway through it begins to read like a m/m Romance novel, which would be okay, but there is some gratuitous sex in graphic detail that I felt was completely unnecessary. It crosses the line into porn and I find that inappropriate in books that are not sold as Erotica. It's suddenly inappropriate for young readers when there could have been a large audience for the book in the 12-18 range. The main characters were also inconsistent in their strength and weaknesses.


Apart from the fact that Gilbert is an idiot (to be fair, he progresses) and the intrusive porn, it's a good story with an interesting premise,  is decently written, has some very imaginative performance scenes and has some poignant elements of love and sacrifice. The strong beginning was not really followed up by the last few chapters being as strong and the author doesn't seem to realize that smoke in a fire makes people choke and die, but overall it was an enjoyable story.

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review 2017-08-15 11:07
Lieber der Teufel, den man kennt
Circus of the Damned - Laurell K. Hamilton

Die „Anita Blake“-Reihe ist der umfangreichste Mehrteiler, den ich kenne. Laurell K. Hamilton schreibt seit 24 Jahren daran. Im Schnitt erscheint jedes Jahr ein neuer Band. Mittlerweile besteht die Hauptreihe aus 25 Bänden, Nummer 26 befindet sich aktuell im Lektorat und soll 2018 erscheinen. Rechnet man die Kurzgeschichten hinzu, bewegen wir uns steil auf ein Gesamtwerk von 30 Bänden zu. Ich weiß ehrlich nicht, wie Hamilton das macht. Hat sie denn nie genug von Anita? Ich liebe Anita sehr, aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, mich ein Vierteljahrhundert lang ständig mit ihr zu beschäftigen. Glücklicherweise muss ich das auch nicht, sondern kann sie besuchen, wann immer mir danach ist.


Eine blutleere Leiche im Morgengrauen zu untersuchen, gehört nicht gerade zu Anita Blakes bevorzugten Arten, einen neuen Tag zu beginnen. Die Bissspuren am Körper des Toten deuten darauf hin, dass dieser das Opfer von fünf Vampiren wurde: ein Meister und seine Gefolgschaft. Hält sich ein neuer Meister in St. Louis auf, weiß der Meister der Stadt darüber Bescheid. Anita muss mit Jean-Claude sprechen, obwohl sie sich lieber den rechten Arm abhacken würde, als ihn aufzusuchen, seit sie von seinem Plan weiß, sie zu seiner menschlichen Dienerin zu machen. Sie ist die einzige, die Informationen aus ihm herauskitzeln kann, um weitere Morde zu verhindern. Keinesfalls darf er den Gewissenskonflikt bemerken, der in ihr tobt. Denn nur Stunden zuvor wurde sie bedrängt, Jean-Claudes Identität und Schlafplatz einer radikalen Anti-Vampir-Bewegung preiszugeben. Sie weigerte sich, doch die Zweifel nagen an ihr. Ohne Jean-Claude wäre sie frei. Kann sie es verantworten, ihn aus persönlichen Gründen ans Messer zu liefern?


Viele Leser_innen waren von „Circus of the Damned“ enttäuscht. Das wird deutlich, liest man die Rezensionen auf Goodreads. Ich kann die Kritik verstehen, bin allerdings anderer Meinung. Ich halte diesen dritten Band für extrem wichtig hinsichtlich der Etablierung und Ausarbeitung des Universums. Nachdem Laurell K. Hamilton im letzten Band „The Laughing Corpse“ einen Ausflug in Anitas Fachgebiet, die Totenerweckung, wagte, stehen in „Circus of the Damned“ nun wieder die Vampire im Vordergrund. Ein unbekannter Meister mordet sich munter durch St. Louis‘ Straßen. Die Blutspur, die er hinterlässt, ist eine direkte Beleidigung und Herausforderung für den Meister der Stadt. Es obliegt Jean-Claude, ihn zu stoppen und seine Position zu verteidigen. Laurell K. Hamilton nutzt das Eindringen des neuen Meisters in Jean-Claudes Revier demzufolge geschickt, um die Hierarchie und Strukturen der Vampirgemeinschaft zu verdeutlichen. An Anitas Seite lernen die Leser_innen, dass unter den Blutsaugern ein permanenter Machtkampf wütet und Jean-Claude noch ein vergleichsweise kleines Übel ist. Oh, es könnte viel, viel schlimmer sein. Leider ist er weder der älteste, noch der mächtigste Vampir, der unter dem Nachthimmel dahinschreitet, weshalb sein Status ständig in Frage gestellt wird. Er kann sich nur aus einem einzigen Grund an der Spitze halten: er ist ein verdammt cleverer Mistkerl. Er weiß, wie er sich vorteilhaft in Szene setzt, was die gewiefte, medienwirksame Vermarktung der Übernatürlichen in St. Louis beweist und wählt seine Allianzen sorgsam. Deshalb will er Anita als menschliche Dienerin. Natürlich verhält er sich unerträglich aufdringlich, bevormundend und besitzergreifend, aber ich muss zugeben, dass ich mich hin und wieder bei dem Gedanken erwischte, dass eine Verbindung zu ihm vielleicht nicht das Schlechteste für Anita wäre. Selbst sie erkennt die Verlockung dieses Angebots. Ihr Geplänkel ist meines Erachtens nach eher darin begründet als in der sexuellen Anziehungskraft, die zwischen ihnen herrscht. Als menschliche Dienerin wäre sie sehr schwer zu töten und einem normalen Menschen in allen Belangen überlegen. Gar nicht so übel, muss man zum Beispiel gegen eine unsterbliche Lamia und ihren Meister, einen Millionen Jahre alten Vampir, antreten. Ich fand nicht, dass dieser unvorstellbar alte Vampir nicht beängstigend genug ist, was von einigen Leser_innen bemängelt wurde. Meiner Ansicht nach sind seine scheinbare Passivität und seine indirekten Manipulationen vollkommen plausibel. Er ist ein Puppenspieler, kein Frontsoldat und dadurch umso bedrohlicher.
Anita begegnet in „Circus of the Damned“ jedoch nicht nur neuen Bösewichten, sondern auch neuen Gefährten. Außer ihrem neuen Kollegen Larry, den sie mehr schlecht als recht ausbildet, trifft sie eine der wichtigsten Figuren der ganzen Reihe: Richard Zeeman. Ich hatte fast vergessen, was für ein interessanter, witziger, schlagfertiger und charmanter Mann Richard anfangs war. Es knisterte herrlich zwischen ihnen. Unglücklicherweise weiß ich, dass es so nicht bleiben wird. Aber das ist eine Geschichte für einen anderen Tag.


All die Kritikpunkte, die andere Leser_innen an „Circus of the Damned“ stören, empfinde ich als Stärken dieses dritten Bandes. Das Tauziehen zwischen Anita und Jean-Claude ist wichtig für die Entwicklung ihrer Beziehung und die Vorstellung eines Feindes, der so mächtig ist, dass er Anita zum Narren hält und nicht einmal mehr selbst in Erscheinung treten muss, um seine Pläne zu verwirklichen, hebt die Geschichte auf ein neues Level. Er ist älter, kultivierter und anpassungsfähiger, ein Vampir 2.0 und eine Vision dessen, was Jean-Claude eines Tages werden könnte. Ich finde das wahnsinnig aufregend und bewundere Laurell K. Hamilton für die weitsichtigen Perspektiven, die sie in „Circus of the Damned“ beleuchtet. Natürlich eröffnet mir der Reread andere Betrachtungsweisen und vielleicht weiß ich deshalb zu schätzen, was andere verteufeln. Woran auch immer es liegt, ich hatte viel Spaß mit diesem actionreichen, rasanten dritten Band und ich freue mich auf die Fortsetzung „The Lunatic Cafe“. Schließlich weiß ich, dass es jetzt erst so richtig interessant wird.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2017/08/15/laurell-k-hamilton-circus-of-the-damned
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review 2016-04-18 00:00
Circus of the Damned
Circus of the Damned - Cornelia Grey 2.5

I love everything about the circus: that it was damned, it freaks (the octopus, the clown, the dwarf, the strong woman, etc), the only performance we are able to read... I love Gilbert and his magic, Jesse and his ability with fire. When they have a battle against Reuben's men it was awesome. I fell in love a tiny bit with the idea of ringmaster Jesse, a beautiful guy with fire! I liked the devil Farfarello and the deal he has with Jesse and the members of the circus, it was a bit creepy and dark but overall the devil wasn't bad. I would have preferred more battles maybe, and more interaction with the members of the circus that weren't Constance and the octopus and Hugo... I had a hard time remembering who was this girl and that other one.

The book would have been a lot better if it wasn't for the "romance", which really isn't (reason why I can't shelf this in my mm romance shelf). Gilbert falls more or less in love with Jesse and they begin an affair. It was almost impossible NOT to like Jesse, with the ability he has and his looks (his personality, meh). Truth is, there is a love triangle in this story, which is something that I hate. Although it isn't really a triangle, since the balance is tipping in favor of the devil. You can't really compete against a 200-year-old story, which is what Jesse and the devil have. I can't understand why they aren't together, or why didn't Jesse chose the devil at the end. The devil still loves him, Jesse still loves him... they were in pain because they weren't together. Yes, Jesse starts to be Gilbert's lover and he cares for him, but not in the romantic way. Till the end, I don't feel like there is a closure between Jesse and the devil, and I hoped that Gilbert and Jesse remained friends only by the end, but then Gilbert has to go and be the hero. For a guy that never showed a love interest for him (and I am not talking about lust, which was fine. But actual care). MEH.

So I would recommend this for the action and the urban fantasy/steampunk side, but for the romance (which there isn't) I don't.
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review 2015-11-05 00:00
Circus of the Damned
Circus of the Damned - Cornelia Grey

Spoiler free!

So do you ever get to the end of a book and want so badly to give it 5 stars and just can't??  Well...it's a damn shame.  I really enjoyed this one...to the point that I think I mentally wrote this review 5 times in my head while reading it.  Now granted the ratings and the review fluctuated throughout...but still.  

The premise, the freaks, the magic, the creepiness, the circus, the writing, our MC's...it's all so brilliantly done.

Now...if I could only...

*insert gif of Robin Williams from Dead Poets Society saying "rip, gentleman, rip"

I know...I know...if you've followed my updates I am clearly...

But damn.  The scene midway through this book for me was rushed and not in keeping with the rest of the book at all...who even were these two guys???  but I digress...

*reinsert gif of Robin Williams from Dead Poets Society saying "rip, gentleman, rip" 

And so while of late, I have harped upon the lengths of books pushing the 600 page mark as clearly needing an editor...this one could also have taken some advise.  IT NEEDED MORE!  At roughly 250 pages, this is one I would have easily wanted another 100 pages.  So what's missing??

  • Firstly...Character development of our freaks for one.  I would love more back story on these characters, especially our MC, Jesse.  
  • Secondly...Relationship building.  I felt I missed out on some key scenes between our two MCs and desperately want to search the cutting room floor for more.  This book lacked in sexual tension and buildup...which had this held out until later in the book...wow...I clearly think my kindle would have burst into flames from the heat on the screen, as it was already smoking hot.  *stares off in distance longingly*


Oh yeah...where was I???

Biggest surprise of the book for me...the Devil...

I see there is a shortie by Cornelia that includes our infamous devil...so this just got bumped up on the list. *rubs hands together*

Overall...this one is definitely worth the price of admission!

Release day BR with Momo, Marco and Marte

Oh and if ole Magic Marco can make these gifs appear that I can't seem to find, that would be oh so lovely.  ;)

And yes...ole Magic Marco came through.  

Status Updates:

1% done with Circus of the Damned: Please be good!

7% done with Circus of the Damned: So far so good. I think I'm gonna like this magician.

13% done with Circus of the Damned: He wasn’t sure what he expected from a circus, but it wasn’t this silent parade of ruined, faded wagons. He’d expected color, lights, music, and dancing performers. This was eerie.

19% done with Circus of the Damned: “From Hell, are you now?” Gilbert snorted. “So you’re telling me, what, that you’re the devil?”
“A devil. Hell is pretty big and with a thriving population, I should add,” the man specified.

21% done with Circus of the Damned: Quick little pinpricks began running up Gilbert’s leg, and he lowered his gaze to see that the silver spider from the silver cane knob was now crawling over him, sticking its metallic legs into the fabric of his clothes hard enough to bite into his flesh.

30% done with Circus of the Damned: Wow...that "clause" regarding the replacement of a circus member is quite the motivation.

34% done with Circus of the Damned: Maybe it wasn't shield at all, but a cage.

37% done with Circus of the Damned: “Trust me. Soon you’ll be grateful to be in a place where you don’t need to hide who you are. And at the end of the day, other freaks are the only ones who will ever look out for you. Don’t you forget that.”

40% done with Circus of the Damned: two centuries????

41% done with Circus of the Damned: “A silver dancing spider. The devil wants something that you want. You want something that belongs to the devil. You want what the devil owns, and he will come, soon, to try to take it away. The devil in love. And you— Are you willing to fight for what your own heart desires?”
This certainly complicates matters.

42% done with Circus of the Damned: “Beware the purple cloud,” she said. “It’s close. And it’s coming for you.”

44% done with Circus of the Damned: So yes...Clowns are creepy...but dolls and puppets are right up there. GAAWH!

55% done with Circus of the Damned: So I am approaching 57% and really feel nothing for these two. Kinda sad about that. I expected some sexual tension or something...I sure hope I get excited over these two. ;/

60% done with Circus of the Damned: Is this not a magician and a flame thrower??? WTF? This could have been any two random guys, as hot as that scene (was not). *pouts*

75% done with Circus of the Damned: So torn over how I am feeling about these two...hmmmm

76% done with Circus of the Damned: Then, the birds came.

83% done with Circus of the Damned: Holy Hell...can we just forget that the scene at 58% even happened...this was HAWT!!!

93% done with Circus of the Damned: The desperate screams of Reuben’s men were quickly cut off as the roaches devoured the flesh off their bodies.

Damn! I want so badly to give this 5 stars but that damn stumbling block at 58% will prevent it. :(
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review 2015-08-13 00:00
Circus of the Damned
Circus of the Damned - Laurell K. Hamilton Book: Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #3)
Author: Laurell K. Hamilton
Publication Date: 1/2/2007
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

Anita is in between a war between two very powerful supernatural’s. Jean Claude has marked her but not enough. Can he save her from another master? Anita also meets Richard a very sexy man who is lying in the bed of Jean Claude. Anita has no idea what is going on but she intends to find out.

Another great read in this series

I got this book from my local library.
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