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review 2017-11-02 15:36
Welcome to the Body Farm – Flesh and Bone by Jefferson Bass #JeffersonBass
Flesh and Bone - Jefferson Bass

I love reading forensic novels and Flesh and Bone by Jefferson Bass is a great one.


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The body farm is easy to imagine because I watch Bones, the TV show.


I love Jessamine Carter, the ME for Chattanooga, currently filling in for Knoxville as well. She drives a red Carrera, that fits her personality and allows her to cut travel time off her commute.


“Do men really believe that’s what six inches looks like? Try three and a half.”


Humor and death do go hand  in hand, don’t they?


Dr. Brockton, is a forensic anthropologist and professor at the University of Tennessee and stages bodies at the body farm for research. I found myself chuckling at the writing even though the scenes were gruesome.


Jess and the doc are an item. She takes charge of that too. The banter between them is is humorous, snarky and fun, the teasing laced with sexual innuendo. They are complex characters and Jefferson Bass does a great job of bringing them to life. I must warn you though, he isn’t afraid to kill off his characters, so be careful who you become attached to.


Oops…didn’t see that coming. Now the real investigation begins. The details of deciphering clues, step by step, are stories I love to read about.


The writing is not as heavy and dark as some of the thrillers I have read, but it does raise a serious question for me. Why do we feel that by refusing to talk to the police, without a lawyer present, automatically makes us guilty. Just because you’re innocent, doesn’t mean the justice system will find that. Sometimes, instead of using clues to find the answer, they assume the answer and look for clues to make the pieces fit. I watch enough True Crime, and the crime TV shows to know this. That makes it easy for me to relate to what is coming down and it truly pisses me off.


Tragedy, love, sacrifice, revenge, anger and rage. Complex and fully developed characters allow me to sympathize and empathize with them, hoping they will find the answers they are looking for.


I didn’t see the ending happening the way it did, but I loved the dramatic flourish. Full of all the details for a great murder mystery with some thrills and suspense thrown in, along with characters to die for.


Talk about being close to your work, be sure and check out the bio of this fantastic writing duo.


I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Flesh and Bone by Jefferson Bass.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 5 Stars


Read more here.


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Source: www.fundinmental.com/welcome-to-the-body-farm-flesh-and-bone-by-jefferson-bass-jeffersonbass
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review 2016-09-13 10:00
Ein Leben unter Zombies ist kein Leben
Flesh & Bone - Jonathan Maberry

Jonathan Maberrys Zombiepostapokalypse „Rot & Ruin“ ist nicht nur meiner Meinung nach großartig. Sie wurde mit zahlreichen Preisen und Nominierungen ausgezeichnet, darunter der populäre Bram Stoker Award, den Maberry gleich dreimal gewann. Damit befindet er sich in Gesellschaft namhafter Autor_innen wie Neil Gaiman, Stephen King und Joanne K. Rowling. Sein Beitrag zur modernen Horrorliteratur wurde sozusagen offiziell bestätigt. Der dritte Band „Flesh & Bone“ ist einer der Preisträger. 2012 erhielt das Buch den Bram Stoker Award in der Kategorie bester Young Adult – Roman. Für mich spielen diese Auszeichnungen keine Rolle. Ich bin von der Reihe überzeugt und freute mich im August 2016 auf meinen dritten Ausflug in die Zombie-bevölkerte Einöde des Rot and Ruin.


Benny und seine Freunde trauern. Die Ereignisse im wiedererrichteten Gameland hinterließen tiefe Wunden. Umso entschlossener sind sie, endlich den Jet zu finden, den sie vor Monaten am Himmel sahen – für eine bessere Zukunft, für ein Leben, das diese Bezeichnung auch verdient. Es muss draußen im Rot and Ruin Menschen geben, die gegen die Zombieplage ankämpfen, besonders jetzt, da die Zombies zu mutieren scheinen. Doch ihre Reise führt sie vorerst nicht in die Arme von Wissenschaftlern und Militärs, sondern lässt sie die Bekanntschaft eines gefährlichen Todeskults machen. Die Mitglieder der Night Church glauben, dass die Zombies die rechtmäßigen Erben der Erde sind und ihre Aufgabe darin besteht, sie ihnen zu übergeben. Sie wollen der Blasphemie, dem Leben selbst, Einhalt gebieten und sind bereit, für ihren Glauben zu morden. Mitten im Kampf gegen die Night Church erfahren Benny, Nix, Lilah und Chong von Sanctuary, einer geheimen Forschungsbasis im Herzen der Wüste. Sind sie dem Ziel ihrer Reise näher als sie dachten?


Ich war gezwungen, bei der Bewertung des dritten Bandes der Reihe „Rot & Ruin“ einen Stern abzuziehen. „Rot & Ruin“ und „Dust & Decay“ erhielten vier Sterne von mir, „Flesh & Bone“ hingegen nur noch drei. Dafür gibt es einen simplen Grund, obwohl mich das Buch hervorragend unterhielt. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass sich die zugrundeliegende Struktur der Handlung trotz vieler inhaltlicher Alternationen bisher in allen Bänden stark ähnelt. An einem bestimmten Punkt wird die Gruppe getrennt und in den folgenden Ereignissen geht es primär darum, wieder zueinander zu finden. Prinzipiell fände ich diesen Ablauf nicht problematisch, würde er nicht meist die Rettung von Chong beinhalten. Dadurch betont Jonathan Maberry, dass Chong dem Rot and Ruin nicht gewachsen und auf die Hilfe der anderen angewiesen ist. Er ist der nerdige Sidekick, der zwar intellektuell überlegen, in der Wildnis allerdings völlig unbeholfen ist. Ich finde, ihm wird diese Rolle nicht gerecht. Er ist ein toller Freund, aufmerksam, sensibel und scharfsichtig; meiner Meinung nach verdient er es, sein Leben selbstständig wirkungsvoll verteidigen zu können. Chongs Hilflosigkeit entwickelt sich langsam zu einem makabren Running-Gag, wodurch er nicht gleichberechtigt erscheint. Ich bezweifle, dass sich diese Rollenverteilung im finalen Band „Fire & Ash“ ändert, da sich die Gefahr der Zombies durch ihre Mutation potenziert. Die wandelnden Toten sind nun nicht mehr ausschließlich langsam und sie sind auch nicht mehr ausschließlich dumm. Einige zeigen ein beängstigendes Maß an Intelligenz. Die Bedrohung, die von dieser Entwicklung ausgeht, liegt auf der Hand; was die Veränderung bewirkt, warum einige Menschen nach ihrer Verwandlung gewisse niedere Fähigkeiten beibehalten und andere nicht, bleibt jedoch vorerst ein Geheimnis. Ich vertraue Maberry, dass er dieses im nächsten Band aufklären wird, denn in „Flesh & Bone“ verrät er endlich erste Hinweise zum Auslöser und zur Natur der Zombieplage. Offenbar ist Nix doch nicht die einzige, die sich mit der Thematik auseinandersetzt. Diese Erkenntnis war für mich ebenso wichtig wie für die Figuren. Unsere Held_innen brauchten dringend ein Erfolgserlebnis, weil die Trauer drohte, sie zu überwältigen. Es war herzzerreißend, ihren Schmerz zu beobachten. Nichtsdestotrotz ist ihre Gefühlslage für die Geschichte bedeutsam, da sie Kontext schafft und den Leser_innen den Erfolg des Todeskults Night Church erklärt. Ich finde die Idee der Night Church beeindruckend originell und naheliegend. Es ist nachvollziehbar, dass die Menschen langsam die Hoffnung verlieren, resignieren und daran glauben wollen, dass zumindest ihr Tod einen höheren Zweck erfüllt. Vielleicht hätte gar nicht viel gefehlt, damit Benny, Nix, Chong und Lilah sich ebenfalls der Night Church angeschlossen hätten. Der Anführer des Kults, ein gewisser Saint John of the Knives, ist meiner Meinung nach übrigens der furchteinflößendste Gegenspieler, mit dem die Gruppe es bisher zu tun bekam, weil er ein unberechenbarer Fanatiker ist. Typisch, dass so jemand die Apokalypse überlebte.


Grundsätzlich gefiel mir „Flesh & Bone“ genauso gut wie die beiden Vorgänger der Reihe. Der dritte Band treibt die Geschichte in eine interessante Richtung und lässt auf ein explosives Finale hoffen, das sicher noch die eine oder andere Überraschung bereithält. Ich fühle mich mit den Figuren eng verbunden und wünsche ihnen ein Happy End – wie auch immer dieses aussehen mag. Ich bin gespannt, ob die Menschen einen Weg finden, die Erde von den Zombies zurückzuerobern, denn eine friedliche Koexistenz erscheint mir nach aktuellem Stand unmöglich. Außerdem hoffe ich, dass Jonathan Maberry die Struktur seiner Handlung im finalen Band so weit abändert, dass ich nicht mehr das Gefühl habe, stetig mit dem gleichen Muster konfrontiert zu sein. Gelingt ihm das, bin ich gern bereit, „Flesh & Bone“ als Ausreißer zu betrachten und für „Fire & Ash“ erneut vier oder sogar fünf Sterne zu vergeben. Ich glaube an die Geschichte und möchte die starke emotionale Zugkraft der Reihe „Rot & Ruin“ mit einer entsprechenden Bewertung belohnen.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2016/09/13/jonathan-maberry-flesh-bone
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review 2016-06-24 21:33
Flesh and Bone - Jonathan Maberry

Definitely my least favorite so far in the series, but in no way a bad book.

The thing I didn't like about this book was the repetitiveness of it. One thing that is nice about the Rot and Ruin series is that it is easy for new readers to pick up, because each book recaps what has happened in the previous books. This is nice if a person reads the third book without having read the first two, because they can follow what is happening; however, it makes reading very tedious for those of us who are loyal fans of the series and have read everything up to this point. I read the first two books. I know what happened. There shouldn't be that many pages dedicated to recap.

The other way this book is repetitive is that, while there are new adventures and different enemies in this book, similar things happen. A new set of villains take the stage. The group gets split up and meets new foes and allies, then comes together for a big final fight. A main character comes close to dying. The storyline follows a similar path as the first two books.

However, the book is still awesome and there are a lot of new things happening as well. The readers are introduced to the Night Church, which seems to be building up to a massive war for the last two books. A new development occurs regarding the zombies and their abilities. And we find out part of what caused the plague in the first place.

So overall, a good filler for a five-book series, but often repetitive and just felt like it was meant to take up some space and set up the final books.

Of course, I will continue reading the books and look forward to what happens next. This book might not have been as good as the first two, but it is still an interesting read for those of us who love YA zombie books.

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review 2015-12-24 00:00
Flesh and Bone
Flesh and Bone - Jonathan Maberry And now we have crazies who want to save everyone suffering by killing them.

I can kind of see it.
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text 2015-07-08 16:52
Romance Novels Set in Germany and Austria
Song of Seduction - Carrie Lofty
Flesh & Bone - Lee Strauss,Elle Strauss
Follow My Lead - Kate Noble
Dangerous Allies (WWII Series, #1) - Renee Ryan
Just Breathe (Random Heroes Collection) - Dee Davis
Castle of the Wolf - Sandra Schwab
Awaiting the Moon - Donna Lea Simpson
A Bed of Spices - Barbara Samuel
Falconer - Jennifer Greene
The Accidental Prince - Michelle Willingham

Time to do a little traveling! 


Romance Novels Set in Germany and Austria. Click to see the whole list on Goodreads).


Enjoy the Black Forest, Neuschwanstein Castle, The Berlin Wall, Mount Zugspitze, Dresden,  Sanssouci Palace, Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg Christmas market, Maulbronn Monastery, Mittenwald, The Rhine Valley, Königssee (King's Lake), the Flower Island of Lake Constance and  Cologne Cathedral via this wonderful Romance Novels. 


My lists are never in any particular order. 


1. Song of Seduction Carrie Lofty 


Austria, 1804


Eight years ago, composer Arie De Voss claimed his late mentor's final symphony as his own and became an icon. But fame has a price: fear of discovery now poisons his attempts to compose a redemptive masterpiece. Until a new muse appears, intoxicating and inspiring him...


Mathilda Heidel renounced her own musical gift to marry, seeking a quiet life to escape the shame surrounding her birth. Sudden widowhood finds her tempted by song once more. An unexpected introduction to her idol, Arie De Voss, renews Mathilda's passion for the violin—and ignites a passion for the man himself.


But when lust and lies reach a crescendo, Arie will be forced to choose: love or truth?


 2. Flesh & Bone by Lee Strauss


Singer songwriter Eva Baumann has a celebrity crush on Sebastian Weiss. He's perfect to love because there was no way they could ever be a thing. She's a nobody. He's a heartthrob. Hiding an infatuation is easy for her because, since her accident, hiding is what she did best.

Sebastian Weiss's band climbed the charts, seemingly overnight, and he's finally living the dream. All he has to do is write enough songs to produce a second album. The bad news is he hasn't written a new song in over a year.

Sebastian stumbles into the Blue Note Pub in time to hear Eva Baumann perform a hauntingly beautiful song. Could this girl be the answer to defeating his writer's block?

Eva and Sebastian begin a complicated writing relationship that leads to more. But Sebastian has a secret that will devastate them both.


3. Follow My Lead by Kate Noble


Being the most sought-after bachelor in London can be trying. Jason Cummings, Duke of Rayne, should know. But when he winds up an unwilling escort to the headstrong Winnifred Crane on a trip across Europe, he realizes he'll do anything to keep this independent beauty safe-even if it means marrying her.


4. Dangerous Allies by Renee Ryan


In Nazi Germany, British agent Jack Anderson risks his life working undercover as an SS officer. And his latest mission—to uncover intelligence about a secret Nazi weapon—is his most perilous yet. Especially since he'll have to work with Katarina Kerensky. The famous actress is too dangerous to trust—and too beautiful to ignore.

Desperate to save her mother from the Gestapo, Katia reluctantly agrees to work with the coolly handsome Jack. But can she trust a man whose sense of honor is tangled in a web of lies? In a race against time, Jack and Katia forge an alliance to take down the enemy…and learn whether love can survive in a world gone wrong.


5. Just Breathe by Dee Davis


Former CIA agent Matthew Broussard came to Vienna to catch a killer. But when his only lead is shot dead, he is left without answers and with an injured witness in his arms. The enticing young woman may be his last chance to resolve the tragedy that still haunts his past. He cannot let her out of his sight, even if it means getting close to someone again. 

For aspiring travel writer Chloe Nichols, escorting a tour group of wealthy old ladies through Europe was supposed to be anything but thrilling. Then she is rescued from an assassin's bullet by a stranger on the train—a perfectly handsome, charming stranger who saves her life with a kiss and asks her to pose as his fiancée. Chloe believes Matthew is trying to protect her, until the seductive charade becomes part of a lethal international conspiracy in which no one is what they seem—including her captivating hero…


6. Castle of the Wolf by Sandra Schwab


Celia Fussell's father is dead, and she reduced to the status of a poor relation in the house of her brother, the new baron, and his shrewish wife. A life of misery looms ahead. But, no. There is hope. Deep in the Black Forest, in the Great Duchy of Baden, stands Celia's inheritance. Among fir trees so dark they almost look black The Castle of Wolfenbach rises. It is a fortress of solitude, of secrets, of old wounds and older mysteries. But it is hers. And only one thing stands in her way: its former master, the hermit, the enigma -- the man she is obliged to marry.


7. Awaiting the Moon by Donna Lee Simpson


It is said that werewolves roam the woods around Wolfram Castle--but Elizabeth Stanwycke, newly arrived tutor to the Count's niece, is not a child to be frightened by bedtime stories. Of more pressing concern is her attraction to the mysterious Count.


8. A Bed of Spices by Barbara Samuel


The exquisite Frederica der Esslingen fled from her father's castle to the herbalist's cottage, vowing she could never give in to her father's wishes and marry the man her twin sister loved. Another man, a stranger forbidden to her, touched her very soul. A man who listened when she spoke...a man with a tumble of black curls and clever lips...He understood her bold, searching heart. Yet he was denied her forever.


9. Falconer by Jennifer Greene


Birthday blues triggered Leigh Merrick into making major changes in her life, so she slimmed down, changed her hair and makeup, and took a trip to romantic Austria. There she met Rand Krieger—a man who made her feel like a princess and awakened the emotional, sexual side of Leigh. But Rand was torn between two countries: America, the land of his birth, and Austria, where family obligations tied him to the castle he now called home. He knew his American beauty would soon leave him, but until she did, he was determined to be with the only woman who’d ever stolen his heart. 


10. The Accidental Prince by Michelle Willingham


Princess Serena of Badenstein intends to flee—from her violent father and from the man to whom she's been pledged in a political marriage of convenience.

Karl von Lohenberg is without a country, a title—and a bride if he lets Serena get away. A ruthless man, he takes her to a secluded island, hell-bent on seduction. Only, he discovers a broken woman behind the prim princess facade. The time they spend together mends her spirit and touches his soul, but how will she react when she finds out how he's deceived her?


Did I miss your favorite Germany or Austria Set Romance? Let me know!




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