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text 2019-06-04 03:44
BEA 2019, Pt 3- The Loot

Got some good stuff at this year's BEA.  My summer is fully booked. 


A Heart so Fierce & Broken 
American Dirt
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine...
How to be an AntiRacist
Imaginary Friend
Information Wars
Lalani of the Distant Sea
Little Weirds
Me & White Supremacy
Motherhood so White
Moving Forward
Oblivion or Glory
Princess of the Hither Isles
Secret Service
Serpent & Dove
Sophia, Princess among Beasts
The Dreaming Tree
The Flight Girls
The Nanny
The Passengers
The Science of Game of Thrones
The Storm Crow
The Water Dancer
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky
A ASWanderers
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review 2019-04-10 16:27
Rezension | Feuer und Blut - Erstes Buch von George R. R. Martin
Feuer und Blut - Erstes Buch: Aufstieg u... Feuer und Blut - Erstes Buch: Aufstieg und Fall des Hauses Targaryen von Westeros - George R.R. Martin,Andreas Helweg

Bereits Ende November 2018 erschien mit George R. R. Martins “Feuer und Blut” das erste Buch zu der Vorgeschichte des Hauses Targaryen und der Eroberung des Eisernen Thrones durch Aegon Targaryen. Die Fangemeinschaft der erfolgreichen “Game of Thrones” Reihe (dt. “Das Lied von Eis und Feuer”) erwartet sehnlichst die Fortsetzung des eigentlichen Epos und nun liefert der Autor eine fast 900 Seiten mächtige geschichtliche Abhandlung.


Mein Einstieg in die Welt von Westeros erfolgte vor dem heimischen Fernseher durch die erfolgreiche Serienadaption von HBO. Die zu Grunde liegenden Romane von George R. R. Martin dazu habe ich bisher nicht gelesen (möchte dies aber definitiv noch nachholen). Eigentlich dachte ich die Vorgeschichte über das Haus der Targaryen wäre für mich der perfekte Einstieg in die literarische Welt George R. R. Martins. Allerdings habe ich mich mit der Zeit etwas schwer mit diesem dicken Schinken getan und fühlte mich irgendwann schlichtweg erschlagen von zuviel Input.

Mir war von Anfang an bewusst, dass ich es bei “Feuer und Blut” nicht mit einem handelsüblichen Roman zu tun habe, sondern mit einer Chronik die mit der nüchternen Abhandlung der Ereignisse eher an ein Geschichtsbuch erinnert. Soweit so gut – immerhin bin ich ein großer Fan von J. R. R. Tolkien und mit vielen seiner Werke (so auch mit dem Silmarillion) bereits vertraut. Während mir der Einstieg in das Buch noch recht leicht fiel und ich vollkommen begeistert von Martins Aufbau der umfangreichen Familiendynastie war, umso schwerer wurde es für mich mit dem zunehmenden Voranschreiten in der Geschichte die unzähligen Namen (von denen zu meiner Verzweiflung einige auch gleich mehrfach vergeben wurden) nicht durcheinander zu bringen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich auch eine recht lange Zeit benötigt um mich durch diese Geschichte zu lesen, und dennoch habe ich das Gefühl nicht im Ansatz alle Zusammenhänge zu begreifen.


Die Eroberung des eisernen Throns durch Aegon war für mich tatsächlich sehr spannend und interessant, auch die ersten Nachfolger auf den Thron die sich alleine durch ihr Naturell sehr unterschieden, fesselten meine Aufmerksamkeit, jedoch spätestens beim Tanz der Drachen wurde es für mich als Einsteiger zu komplex. “Feuer und Blut” wird durch seine unglaublich hochwertige Aufmachung und den schönen schwarz-weiß Illustrationen von Doug Wheatley einen besonderen Platz in meinem Buchregal erhalten. Bestimmt werde ich das Buch in der Zukunft als Nachschlagewerk nutzen, denn diesen Sinn scheint es in meinen Augen eher zu entsprechen als dem eines Romans den man sich zum Zwecke der Unterhaltung widmet.




Ein faszinierendes Werk, dass sich jedoch eher für die eingefleischte Game of Thrones Fan-Gemeinschaft eignet als für einen Einsteiger.

Source: www.bellaswonderworld.de/rezensionen/rezension-feuer-und-blut-erstes-buch-von-george-r-r-martin
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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-03-07 17:30
Review: The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon



A world divided.
A queendom without an heir.
An ancient enemy awakens.

The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction—but assassins are getting closer to her door.

Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic.

Across the dark sea, Tané has trained all her life to be a dragonrider, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel.

Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.

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review 2018-10-18 00:00
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest

#1 A Game of Thrones - ★★★★★

This book will shake and break your heart! This book will make you realise that life is anything but gentle. But this book will also bring you the greatest adventure you have yet to see.

I have bought my whole book collection back in 2014. I have been procrastinating with this series for four years. And today, while writing this review, I thank the old gods and the new, for convincing me to read the first book.

I am probably one of the last people that have reviewed this book, and I assume you all already know a lot about the Game of Thrones series.

It is a book about one Iron Throne, and all the wars, fights, betrayals are about who will be sitting on that throne, and who will be in charge of all kingdoms.


Now, starting off, I am still not sure why people would send armies and armies of soldiers in order to win the throne, when it seems that no matter who becomes a king, that person gets instantly killed. And no kingdom respects each other, and kings and lords keep fighting off and wasting resources for a lost purpose, so there’s that as well.

We have many houses, Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tully, Arryn, Targaryen, Tyrell, Greyjoy, Martell, etc - and they all feature with something unique to their house. Most importantly, they all either want the throne, want revenge or want them both.

But just to clarify - I loved the book!

George R.R. Martin is a genius! He has created this amazing world, and characters that are so alive that make you either hate them or love them, but with all your heart. He has created relationships so tangled and stories so well written, that he puts other authors to shame.

The book is written from a third person perspective, and each chapter features a character. And with each chapter, George moves the time gradually, so we are not stuck in a loop of time pause. I enjoyed this method quite a lot! It kept the story line going very smoothly.

‘’Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.’’

There were so many characters I admired. But my connection with these characters in this book is unlike any other connection I have made. I usually either love or hate a character. But here, I judged actions, and relationships, and things people said and did!

I liked Eddard Stark’s bravery, and his manliness, but I didn’t like the fact that he was too honest for his own good.

‘’Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?
‘’That’s the only time a man an be brave’’.

I loved Arya’s fierceness, but I didn’t like her stubbornness.

‘’For the second time today Arya reflected that life was not fair.’’

I liked Sansa’s politeness, and girlishness. She had all the perfect manners, but she also would betray family for love.

I loved Jon Snow’s story, and how he overcame his past, and learned to live with it.

‘’Let me give you some counsel, bastard.‘’ Lannister said. ‘’Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.’’

I loved many other characters for things they did, and hated many others, but I cherished the difference in each and every character, and that was the beauty in it - that even though an author can create so many characters, he can make them so different from each other.

In this book, you will encounter everything: mostly mean people, ready to kill everyone and anyone standing in the way of their plans. You will read about a story of a family that falls apart, a kingdom that vanishes, a fight between kings, how a little girl will learn life in one day, how a mother will watch her children disappear, one by one...

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review 2018-09-07 10:48
Lobstered Steel: "A Game of Thrones" by George R. R. Martin
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin

In the time that's elapsed since the first book was released Shakespeare managed:

Henry VI, Part 2 (1590–1591)

Henry VI, Part 3 (1590–1591)

Henry VI, Part 1 (1591–1592)

Richard III (1592–1593)

The Comedy of Errors (1592–1593)

Titus Andronicus (1593–1594)

The Taming of the Shrew (1593–1594)

The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594–1595)

Love's Labour's Lost (1594–1595)

Romeo and Juliet (1594–1595)

Richard II (1595–1596)

A Midsummer Night's Dream (1595–1596)

King John (1596–1597)

The Merchant of Venice (1596–1597)

Henry IV, Part 1 (1597–1598)

Henry IV, Part 2 (1597–1598)

Much Ado About Nothing (1598–1599)

Henry V (1598–1599)

Julius Caesar (1599–1600)

As You Like It (1599–1600)

Twelfth Night (1599–1600)

Hamlet (1600–1601)

The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600–1601)

Troilus and Cressida (1601–1602)

All's Well That Ends Well (1602–1603)

Measure for Measure (1604–1605)

Othello (1604–1605)

King Lear (1605–1606)

Macbeth (1605–1606)

Antony and Cleopatra (1606–1607)

Coriolanus (1607–1608)

Timon of Athens (1607–1608)

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608–1609)

Cymbeline (1609–1610)

The Winter's Tale (1610–1611)

PS. There was no Netflix in those days. Or even an EU which people worked out their inadequacies with, by pretending to hate while not understanding it.


If you're into stuff like this, you can read the full review.

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