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review 2021-07-22 04:22
Relay (Changing Lanes Book 1) - Layla Reyne

 Dane is afraid to be himself.  It's costing him everything he wants, and, its killing him slowly.  Can he reach out and grab the stars?  Alex is the one that got away. What would happen if he held on tight?


Alex will do what it takes for his team to grab the gold.  The pain is second nature at this point. Then he has to work with Dane again, and the sparks between them ignite.  The plan is to stay away. But his heart is whispering to move closer......


This story caught me by surprise.  There is so much actual story for both characters.  I was sucked in so fast.  Then I could not put it down until it was over.  Each page was so good, and I could not help myself.  I give this a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This copy was provided for a review with honest feedback.

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url 2020-02-21 17:00
Sayani - The Naiad | Teaser release

SAYANI | জলপরী - The Naiad | #Teaser RELEASE
Subscribe #snfilms channel to stay tuned with us. Coming up soon with her #struggle#journey and the inside story!

Directed by Sanjib Nath, Featuring Sayani Das Sayani Das - The Open Water Swimmer, Production support Debasmita Chatterjee, Radhashyam Das, Sandip Ghosh

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review 2020-01-17 07:10
Blog Tour w/Review - Tweet Cute




Jacket Copy:

Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming — mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger’s massive Twitter account. 
Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in Pepper’s side. When he isn’t trying to duck out of his obscenely popular twin’s shadow, he’s busy working in his family’s deli. His relationship with the business that holds his future might be love/hate, but when Big League Burger steals his grandma’s iconic grilled cheese recipe, he’ll do whatever it takes to take them down, one tweet at a time. 
All’s fair in love and cheese — that is, until Pepper and Jack’s spat turns into a viral Twitter war. Little do they know, while they’re publicly duking it out with snarky memes and retweet battles, they’re also falling for each other in real life — on an anonymous chat app Jack built. 
As their relationship deepens and their online shenanigans escalate — people on the internet are shipping them?? — their battle gets more and more personal, until even these two rivals can’t ignore they were destined for the most unexpected, awkward, all-the-feels romance that neither of them expected.


Early Praise:

"Tweet Cute delivers in every possible way: a perfect enemies-to-lovers romance, a whip-smart plotline, and endearingly real characters. I devoured it.” - Francesca Zappia, author of Eliza and Her Monsters

"Sweet and fun! An adorable debut that updates a classic romantic trope with a buzzy twist." - Jenn Bennett, author of Alex, Approximately and Serious Moonlight

“A witty rom-com reinvention for the Twitter age, Tweet Cute pairs delicious online rivalry with deeply relatable insights on family pressure and growing up. This fresh, funny read had us hitting ‘favorite’ from page one.” - Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka, authors of Always Never Yours and If I’m Being Honest 


Buy Link: https://read.macmillan.com/lp/tweet-cute








“Look.” I glance into the classroom, where Ethan is thoroughly distracted by Stephen and no longer keeping an eye on us. “I may have . . . overreacted.”


Pepper shakes her head. “I told you. I get it. It’s your family.”


“Yeah. But it’s also—well, to be honest, this has been kind of good for business.”


Pepper’s brow furrows, that one little crease returning. “What, the tweets?”


“Yeah.” I scratch the back of my neck, sheepish. “Actually, we had a line out the door yesterday. It was kind of intense.”


“That’s . . . that’s good, right?”


The tone of my voice is clearly not matching up with the words I’m saying, but if I’m being honest, I’m still wary of this whole overnight business boom. And if I’m being honest, I’m even more wary of Pepper. If this really is as much of a family business as she claims it is—to the point where she’s helping run the Twitter handle, when even I know enough about corporate Twitter accounts to know entire teams of experienced people get paid to do that—then she might have had more of a hand in this whole recipe theft thing than she’s letting on.


The fact of the matter is, I can’t trust her. To the point of not knowing whether I can even trust her knowing how our business is doing, or just how badly we need it.


“Yeah, um, I guess.” I try to make it sound noncommittal. My acting skills, much like my breakfast-packing skills, leave much to be desired.


“So . . .”




Pepper presses her lips into a thin line, a question in her eyes.


“So, I guess—if your mom really wants you to keep tweeting . . .”


“Wait. Yesterday you were pissed. Two minutes ago you were pissed.”


“I am pissed. You stole from us,” I reiterate. “You stole from an eighty-five-year-old woman.”


“I didn’t—”


“Yeah, yeah, but still. You’re them, and I’m . . . her. It’s like a choose your fighter situation, and we just happen to be the ones up to bat.”


“So you’re saying—you don’t not want me to keep this up?”


“The way I see it, you don’t have to make your mom mad, and we get a few more customers in the door too.”


Pepper takes a breath like she’s going to say something, like she’s going to correct me, but after a moment, she lets it go. Her face can’t quite settle on an expression, toeing the line between dread and relief.


“You’re sure?”


I answer by opening the container she handed me. The smell that immediately wafts out of it should honestly be illegal; it stops kids I’ve never even spoken to in their tracks.


“Are you a witch?” I ask, reaching in and taking a bite of one. It’s like Monster Cake, the Sequel—freaking Christmas in my mouth. I already want more before I’ve even managed to chew. My eyes close as if I’m experiencing an actual drug high—and maybe I am, because I forget myself entirely and say, “This might even be better than our Kitchen Sink Macaroons.”


“Kitchen Sink Macaroons?”


Eyes open again. Yikes. Note to self: dessert is the greatest weapon in Pepper’s arsenal. I swallow my bite so I can answer her.


“It’s kind of well-known, at least in the East Village. It even got in some Hub Seed roundup once. I’d tell you to try some, but you might steal the recipe, so.”


Pepper smiles, then—actually smiles, instead of the little smirk she usually does. It’s not startling, but what it does to me in that moment kind of is.


Before I can examine the unfamiliar lurch in my stomach, the bell rings and knocks the smile right off her face. I follow just behind her, wondering why it suddenly seems too hot in here, like they cranked the air up for December instead of October. I dismiss it by the time I get to my desk—probably just all the Twitter drama and the glory of So Sorry Blondies getting to my head.


“One rule,” she says, as we sit in the last two desks in the back of the room.


I raise my eyebrows at her.


“We don’t take any of it personally.” She leans forward on her desk, leveling with me, her bangs falling into her face. “No more getting mad at each other. Cheese and state.”


“What happens on Twitter stays on Twitter,” I say with a nod of agreement. “Okay, then, second rule: no kid gloves.”


Mrs. Fairchild is giving that stern look over the room that never quite successfully quiets anyone down. Pepper frowns, waiting for me to elaborate.


“I mean—no going easy on each other. If we’re going to play at this, we’re both going to give it our A game, okay? No holding back because we’re . . .”


Friends, I almost say. No, I’m going to say. But then—


“I’d appreciate it if even one of you acknowledged the bell with your silence,” Mrs. Fairchild grumbles.


I turn to Pepper, expecting to find her snapping to attention the way she always does when an adult comes within a hundred feet of disciplining her. But her eyes are still intent on me, like she is sizing something up—like she’s looking forward to something I haven’t anticipated yet.


“All right. No taking it personally. And no holding back.”


She holds her hand out for me to shake again, under the desk so Mrs. Fairchild won’t see it. I smile and shake my head, wondering how someone can be so aggressively seventeen and seventy-five at the same time, and then I take it. Her hand is warm and small in mine, but her grip is surprisingly firm, with a pressure that almost feels like she’s still got her fingers wrapped around mine even after we let go.


I turn back to the whiteboard, a ghost of a smirk on my face. “Let the games begin.”



Tweet CuteTweet Cute by Emma Lord
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pepper is trying not to be crushed by all the demands in her life. As swim team captain, a completely straight A student, and her parents demands of her input into their company. She is just a high school student who should have just been a girl, meeting a boy, hoping he likes her. If only.

Jack is a total pretender. He pretends to be ok with the whole school assuming he is his brother. He pretends not to know all the goings on through an app he runs. He pretends to be a normal teenager, like all the others. What he really is well, is a boy. Just a boy, hoping to meet a girl who will like him for just being himself, and not his popular brother.

The characters have the sparks right from the start! Already like oil and water, there are many secrets to high school, and even more between the main MC's. That is before all the public hype too. Is it love, is it war? Is it just high school? I laughed and found myself turning each page wanting to get to the end fast.

***This ARC copy was given by Netgalley & its publishers, in exchange for an honest review only.

View all my reviews




Author Q&A with Emma Lord &Kitty's Book Spot!

Do you write to music?


I do! It tends to be slower, more acoustic music while I’m doing the actual writing, and more bops when I’m plotting. These days it’s a lot easier to find good music to write to, with other writers sharing playlists on Tumblr all the time.

Do you make music playlists for your works?

I’ve recently gotten into making character playlists for works, at the suggestion of other writer friends. I tend to listen to those when I’m walking around and daydreaming about the plots, though, since I find that the music I think my characters would listen to isn’t often the kind of music that helps me focus on actual writing. I’m have a WIP right now that has six different character playlists and is probably about to get more, my poor Spotify account is just a big mess of character names!

What would you tell us about yourself that no one knows?

I saw the Star Trek 2009 reboot in theaters seven times. (My friends thought it was six. I lied.)





Author bio:

Emma Lord is a digital media editor and writer living in New York City, where she spends whatever time she isn’t writing either running or belting show tunes in community theater. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a major in psychology and a minor in how to tilt your computer screen so nobody will notice you updating your fan fiction from the back row. She was raised on glitter, grilled cheese, and a whole lot of love. Her sun sign is Hufflepuff, but she is a Gryffindor rising. TWEET CUTE is her debut novel. You can find her geeking out online at @dilemmalord on Twitter or Instagram.



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review 2020-01-16 03:56
Tweet Cute - Alice Emma Sauerwein Lord

Pepper is trying not to be crushed by all the demands in her life.  As swim team captain, a completely straight A student, and her parents demands of her input into their company.  She is just a high school student who should have just been a girl, meeting a boy, hoping he likes her.  If only.


Jack is a total pretender.  He pretends to be ok with the whole school assuming he is his brother.  He pretends not to know all the goings on through an app he runs.  He pretends to be a normal teenager, like all the others.  What he really is well, is a boy.  Just a boy, hoping to meet a girl who will like him for just being himself, and not his popular brother.


The characters have the sparks right from the start!  Already like oil and water, there are many secrets to high school, and even more between the main MC's.  That is before all the public hype too.  Is it love, is it war?  Is it just high school?  I laughed and found myself turning each page wanting to get to the end fast.  I give this a 3/5 Kitty's Paws UP!



***This ARC copy was given by Netgalley & its publishers, in exchange for an honest review only. 

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review 2019-06-16 22:43
Unrelenting Tension Reels the Reader In
The Swimmer - Joakim Zander

Excellent novels coming out of Scandinavia continue to enjoy international popularity at the moment and this terrific debut by Joakim Zander (2013) is further testament as to why. An unashamed spy thriller, “The Swimmer” exploits for the reader a dynamic plot, which links strong characters across a complex web of time and place, grappling with circumstances typically not of their making. Certainly there are echoes of the ‘Nordic noir’, particularly when a key character (Klara Walldéen) heads home to St. Anna’s Outer Archipelago in Northern Sweden, but the tale spins effortlessly between contemporary Europe and the USA, taking in historical, interlinked events in Afghanistan, Syria and Kurdistan along the way. Clearly the author has utilised his experience as a former lawyer working in the European Union to create vividly convincing scenes within the corridors of power in Brussels, where the reader finds Klara employed as assistant to an ambitious MEP. However, the involvement of a lobbyist and unidentified security services develops a wonderfully clandestine backdrop where ‘the truth’ is continuously manipulated to maintain a plausible public narrative. Indeed it is the grinding of tectonic political forces, which threaten to engulf relatively powerless individuals and discard them as tolerable collateral damage.

Unknown to her, Klara’s childhood spent in happy, obscure isolation with her grandparents was intended to shield her from the loss of her Swedish mother and the absence of her anonymous American father. Moreover, it was calculated to put her beyond the reach of those with a vested interest in silencing witnesses to war-time atrocities. But, after completing her studies abroad at the LSE, as Klara starts out on a promising career, new and present dangers begin to surface and an unseen guardian begins to stir. Aside from the thrilling action and the growing body count, the book offers an interesting take on Klara’s past and present relationships, some apparently disposable, others intense and enduring and the testing of those ties amid life-threatening chaos.

The swimmer has lapsed into an uneasy retirement and sought to protect his daughter’s life chances from the taint of his secretive past. The fervent desire of forces wanting to shine a light on the barbarous activities committed in war must overcome those equally intent on burying the past, to maintain the current fragile peace, albeit perpetrators walk free. For those caught up in the ongoing aftermath, is it better to occupy the moral high ground, or to fashion a means to survive?

Joakim Zander has created a compelling book, threaded with tough female characters, hardened by life in the far north and an unexpected challenge for the macho professional groundlings. The author also poses subtle moral dilemmas, which permeate the book. However, though the twisting plot deliberately frays the nerves, it also delivers a satisfying denouement and a thoughtful afterburn, which is so often the hallmark of an exceptional read.

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